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update the combinators list guide
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Geal committed May 9, 2019
1 parent 172eebc commit 7f28d1b
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25 changes: 5 additions & 20 deletions doc/
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# List of parsers and combinators
# List of macros parsers and combinators

**note**: this list is meant to provide a nicer way to find a nom macros than reading through the
documentation on, since rustdoc puts all the macros at the top level. Function combinators
are organized in module so they are a bit easier to find.

## Basic elements

Expand All @@ -17,10 +21,6 @@ Those are used to recognize the lowest level elements of your grammar, like, "he
| [take_while]( |`take_while!(is_alphabetic)` | `"abc123"` | `Ok(("123", "abc"))`| returns the longest list of bytes for which the provided function returns true. `take_while1` does the same, but must return at least one character|
| [take_till]( |`take_till!(is_alphabetic)` | `"123abc"` | `Ok(("abc", "123))`|returns the longest list of bytes or characters until the provided function returns true. `take_till1` does the same, but must return at least one character. This is the reverse behaviour from `take_while`: `take_till!(f)` is equivalent to `take_while!(|c| !f(c))`|
| [take_until]( | `take_until!("world")` | `"Hello world"` | `Ok(("world", "Hello "))`|returns the longest list of bytes or characters until the provided tag is found. `take_until1` does the same, but must return at least one character|
| [take_until_ and_consume]( | `take_until_and_consume!("world")` | `"Hello world!"` | `Ok(("!", "Hello "))`| same as `take_until` but consumes the tag. `take_until_and_consume1` does the same, but must return at least one character|
| [take_until_either]( |`take_until_either!` | `` | ``|DEPRECATED? returns the longest list of bytes until any of the provided characters are found|
| [take_until_ either_and_consume]( |`take_until_either_and_consume` | `` | ``|DEPRECATED? same as take_until_either!, but consumes the terminating character|
| [value]( | `value!(42, tag!("abcd"))` |`"abcdef"` | `Ok(("ef", 42))`|replaces the result of the child parser with the provided value. Can also be used without a child parser. `value!(42)` would return the `42` value without consuming the input|

## Choice combinators
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,22 +72,14 @@ Parsing integers from binary formats can be done in two ways: with parser functi

- `eof!`: returns its input if it is at the end of input data
- `complete!`: replaces an `Incomplete` returned by the child parser with an `Error`
- `alt_complete!`: is equivalent to the `alt!` combinator, except that it will not return `Incomplete` when one of the constituting parsers returns `Incomplete`. Instead, it will try the next alternative in the chain.
- `separated_list_complete!`: This is equivalent to the `separated_list!` combinator, except that it will return `Error` when either the separator or element subparser returns `Incomplete`.
- `separated_nonempty_list_complete!`: This is equivalent to the `separated_nonempty_list!` combinator, except that it will return `Error` when either the separator or element subparser returns `Incomplete`.

## Modifiers

- `cond!`: conditional combinator. Wraps another parser and calls it if the condition is met.
- `cond_reduce!`: conditional combinator with error. Returns an Error if the condition is false.
- `cond_with_error!`:
- `expr_opt!`: evaluates an expression that returns a `Option` and returns a `Ok((I,T))` if the return value is `Some`
- `expr_res!`: evaluates an expression that returns a `Result` and returns a `Ok((I,T))` if the return value is `Ok`
- `flat_map!`:
- `map!`: maps a function on the result of a parser
- `map_opt!`: maps a function returning an `Option` on the output of a parser
- `map_res!`: maps a function returning a `Result` on the output of a parser
- `map_res_err!`: maps a function returning a `Result` on the output of a parser, preserving the returned error
- `not!`: returns a result only if the embedded parser returns `Error` or `Incomplete`. Does not consume the input.
- `opt!`: make the underlying parser optional
- `opt_res!`: make the underlying parser optional
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,10 +128,7 @@ Whitespace delimited formats parsing
## Remaining combinators

- `apply!`: emulate function currying: `apply!(my_function, arg1, arg2, ...)` becomes `my_function(input, arg1, arg2, ...)`
- `apply_m!`: emulate function currying for method calls on structs: `apply_m!(self.my_function, arg1, arg2, ...)` becomes `self.my_function(input, arg1, arg2, ...)`
- `call!`: Used to wrap common expressions and function as macros
- `call_m!`: Used to called methods then move self back into self
- `closure!`: Wraps a parser in a closure
- `method!`: Makes a method from a parser combination
- `named!`: Makes a function from a parser combination
- `named_args!`: Makes a function from a parser combination with arguments.
Expand All @@ -163,10 +152,8 @@ Use these functions with a combinator like `take_while!`:
- `crlf`:
- `digit`: Recognizes one or more numerical characters: `[0-9]`
- `double`: Recognizes floating point number in a byte string and returns a `f64`
- `double_s`: Recognizes floating point number in a string and returns a `f64`
- `eol`:
- `float`: Recognizes floating point number in a byte string and returns a `f32`
- `float_s`: Recognizes floating point number in a string and returns a `f32`
- `hex_digit`: Recognizes one or more hexadecimal numerical characters: `[0-9A-Fa-f]`
- `hex_u32`: Recognizes a hex-encoded integer
- `line_ending`: Recognizes an end of line (both `\n` and `\r\n`)
Expand All @@ -176,9 +163,7 @@ Use these functions with a combinator like `take_while!`:
- `not_line_ending`:
- `oct_digit`: Recognizes one or more octal characters: `[0-7]`
- `rest`: Return the remaining input.
- `rest_s`: Return the remaining input, for strings.
- `shift`:
- `sized_buffer`:
- `space`: Recognizes one or more spaces and tabs
- `tab`: Matches a tab character `\t`
- `tag_cl`:
43 changes: 0 additions & 43 deletions src/combinator/
Expand Up @@ -1211,47 +1211,4 @@ mod tests {
//assert_eq!(ErrorKind::convert(ErrorKind::ParseTo), ErrorKind::ParseTo::<u64>);

fn map_res_err() {
use be_u8;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum ParseError {
impl From<u32> for ParseError {
fn from(_: u32) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum ValidValue {
fn validate(value: u8) -> Result<ValidValue, ParseError> {
match value {
b'1' => Ok(ValidValue::One),
b'2' => Ok(ValidValue::Two),
_ => Err(ParseError::InvalidValue(value))
named!(test<&[u8], ValidValue, ParseError>,
map_res_err!(fix_error!(ParseError, be_u8), validate)
assert_eq!(test(&b"1"[..]), Ok((&b""[..], ValidValue::One)));
assert_eq!(test(&b"2"[..]), Ok((&b""[..], ValidValue::Two)));
assert_eq!(test(&b"3"[..]), Err(Err::Error(::error::make_error(&b"3"[..], ErrorKind::MapRes))));

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