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The Router is a contract that computes optimal paths to enter, exit and convert positions. Given an input token, output token and the amount, the Router will return the expected output amount, and a path (array of MultiCall structs) with a slippage check included. The path can then be passed to any multicall-compatible function to execute it.

All Router functions return the RouterResult struct:

struct RouterResult {
    uint256 amount;
    uint256 minAmount;
    uint256 gasUsage;
    MultiCall[] calls;

| Parameter | Description | | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | amount | Expected amount of output asset. | | minAmount | Expected amount of output asset minus slippage. | | gasUsage | Expected gas usage of the call. | | calls | Calls to execute (including the slippage check). |

Router functions


Returns a path that converts the expected balances after account opening into a single output asset.

function findOpenStrategyPath(
    address creditManager,
    Balance[] calldata balances,
    Balance[] calldata leftoverBalances,
    address target,
    address[] calldata connectors,
    uint256 slippage
) external override returns (Balance[] memory, RouterResult memory)

| Parameter | Description | | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | creditManager | Address of the Credit Manager the Credit Account will be opened in. | | balances | The array of expected balances after all account opening calls. E.g., if one intends to add 1 WETH of collateral and borrow 5 WETH, then the expected balance for WETH will be 6, while other balances are 0. The balances array must have a balance struct for each collateral token in the Credit Manager, even if they will not be present on the Credit Account after opening. | | leftoverBalances | The balances that should not be swapped into the output token. E.g., if there is 6 WETH on account after opening and its leftover balance is 5 WETH, only 1 WETH will be swapped to the output token. The balances array must have a balance struct for each collateral token in the Credit Manager. We also recommend to set all balances to 1 or more, for future gas savings. | | target | The token to swap assets into. | | connectors | Array of connector tokens for swaps. A connector token is a token that will be in the middle of multi-hop swaps. The recommended input is [USDC, WETH, USDT, FRAX]. | slippage | The maximal difference between the expected and actual amount of output token, in basis points. |

The Router will return an array of balances expected to be on the Credit Account after all operations, as well as RouterResult.


Returns a path that converts all assets on the account into underlying. Can be used for Credit Account closures and liquidations.

function findBestClosePath(
    address creditAccount,
    Balance[] calldata expectedBalances,
    Balance[] calldata leftoverBalances,
    address[] calldata connectors,
    uint256 slippage,
    PathOption[] memory pathOptions,
    uint256 loops,
    bool force
) external returns (RouterResult memory result, uint256 gasPriceTargetRAY);

| Parameter | Description | | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | creditAccount | Address of Credit Account to find the path for. | | expectedBalances | The array of expected balances after all account opening calls. E.g., if one intends to add 1 WETH of collateral and borrow 5 WETH, then the expected balance for WETH will be 6, while other balances are 0. The balances array must have a balance struct for each collateral token in the Credit Manager, or be zero length (in this case, the current balances are computed and used by the Router itself). | | leftoverBalances | The balances that should not be swapped into the underlying. E.g., if there is 6 WETH on account after opening and its leftover balance is 5 WETH, only 1 WETH will be swapped to the output token. The balances array must have a balance struct for each collateral token in the Credit Manager. We also recommend to set all balances to 1 or more, for future gas savings. | | connectors | Array of connector tokens for swaps. A connector token is a token that will be in the middle of multi-hop swaps. The recommended input is [USDC, WETH, USDT, FRAX]. | slippage | The maximal difference between the expected and actual amount of output token, in basis points. | | pathOptions | The array of objects used for path enumeration. See details below. | | loops | Maximal number of pathfinding loops. Recommended to set this to type(uint256).max | | force | Whether to force converting everything into underlying. If set to false, the Router will leave the asset as-is if it cannot find a path, instead of reverting. |

pathOptions is an array of PathOption objects:

struct PathOption {
    address target;
    uint8 option;
    uint8 totalOptions;

These structs are defined for each pool that can have several underlying assets to withdraw (examples are Curve and Balancer). target is the pool's LP token, while totalOptions is the number of withdrawal paths (this is usually equal to the number of assets in the pool). E.g., for 3Crv this would be:

pathOptions[0] = PathOption({
    target: 0x6c3F90f043a72FA612cbac8115EE7e52BDe6E490,
    option: 0,
    totalOptions: 3

`option` must always be set to 0.


Returns a path that converts a given amount of one token to another token.

Note that the Router can swap any DEX-tradable token to another DEX-tradable token, and a DEX-tradable token to any farm. However, conversions between farms are generally not possible, unless the input token is in the direct deposit path of the output token (e.g., converting a Curve token to a corresponding Convex token).

function findOneTokenPath(
    address tokenIn,
    uint256 amount,
    address tokenOut,
    address creditAccount,
    address[] calldata connectors,
    uint256 slippage
) external override returns (RouterResult memory);

| Parameter | Description | | -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | tokenIn | The address of the input token. | | amount | Amount of input tokens to swap. | | tokenOut | The address of the output token. | | creditAccount | The address of the Credit Account. | | connectors | Array of connector tokens for swaps. A connector token is a token that will be in the middle of multi-hop swaps. The recommended input is [USDC, WETH, USDT, FRAX]. | | slippage | The maximal difference between the expected and actual amount of output token, in basis points. |