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240 lines (200 loc) · 5.41 KB

Basic Structure

Main elements of gameplay

    class Examinable {
    class Taggable {

    class TaggedExaminable {

    Taggable <|-- TaggedExaminable
    Examinable <|-- TaggedExaminable

    note for TaggedExaminable "Not all things inherit from this,\n which is why Examinable and Tagged \nare still separate"

    class ItemContainer {
    class CreatureContainer {

    TaggedExaminable <|-- CreatureContainer
    TaggedExaminable <|-- ItemContainer

    namespace Creatures {
        class ICreature {
        class INonPlayerCharacter {
        class IMonster {
        class Creature {
        class NonPlayerCharacter
        class Monster
        class DungeonMaster
        class Player
        class Inventory

    TaggedExaminable <|-- ICreature
    ICreature <|-- INonPlayerCharacter
    INonPlayerCharacter <|-- IMonster
    ICreature <|.. Creature
    CreatureContainer o-- ICreature
    Creature <|.. Player
    INonPlayerCharacter <|.. NonPlayerCharacter
    Creature <|.. NonPlayerCharacter
    IMonster <|.. Monster
    NonPlayerCharacter <|-- Monster
    NonPlayerCharacter <|-- DungeonMaster
    Inventory --* Creature
    ItemContainer <|.. Inventory

    namespace Map {
        class Land {
        class Dungeon
        class Area {
        class Room
        class DMRoom
    CreatureContainer <|-- Land
    Land <|.. Dungeon
    Area <|.. Room
    Room <|-- DMRoom
    Land o-- Area
    CreatureContainer <|-- Area
    ItemContainer <|-- Area

    namespace Items {
        class Item {
        class Takeable
        class Usable
        class Equipable
        class Stackable
        class InteractObject
        class Weapon

    ItemContainer o-- Item
    TaggedExaminable <|-- Item
    Item <|.. Takeable
    Item <|.. InteractObject
    Takeable <|-- Usable
    Usable <|-- Equipable
    Usable <|-- Stackable
    Equipable <|-- Weapon


More information

  • Dice - one example of something Taggable but NOT Examinable

Server Design

Chain of Command

    class CommandChainHandler
    <<interface>> CommandChainHandler
    CommandChainHandler: +handleMessage(context, Command)
    class Main
    class Server
    class UserManager
    class User
    class ClientManager
    class Client
    class Game
    class ThirdPower
    class Dungeon
    class Room
    class Player
    class BattleManager

    Main *-- Server
    Server *-- ClientManager
    Server *-- UserManager
    Server *-- Game

    UserManager o-- User
    ClientManager o-- Client

    Game *-- ThirdPower

    Game *-- Dungeon

    Dungeon o-- Room

    Room o-- Player

    User <-- Client
    Player <-- User
    Room <-- Player
    Room <-- BattleManager
    BattleManager <-- Player: If Player in Battle
    Dungeon <-- Room
    ThirdPower <-- Dungeon
    Game <-- ThirdPower
    Server <-- Game

    Room o-- BattleManager
    CommandChainHandler <|-- BattleManager
    CommandChainHandler <|-- Player
    CommandChainHandler <|-- Room
    CommandChainHandler <|-- Dungeon
    CommandChainHandler <|-- ThirdPower
    CommandChainHandler <|-- Game
    CommandChainHandler <|-- Server
    CommandChainHandler <|-- User
    CommandChainHandler <|-- Client


Chain of command - More information

  • Magic - what the ThirdPower is all about
  • AI - The NonPlayerCharacters artificial intelligence

Sequence Diagram of Commands

    Main ->> Server: Start
    Main ->> Game: Start
    Game --> Dungeon: initialize()
    loop every room
        Dungeon --> Room: initialize()
        Dungeon ->> Room: setSuccessor()
    Game ->> Dungeon: setSuccessor()
    Server --> ClientManager: initialize()
    actor enduser
    enduser --> Server: connect
    activate Server
    Server ->> ClientManager: addClient()
    activate ClientManager
    participant Client
    ClientManager --> Client: initialize
    activate Client
    Client --> Client: handleCommand
    Client ->> enduser: reply
    deactivate ClientManager
    deactivate Server
    deactivate Client

    enduser ->> Client: createCommand
    activate Client
        Client ->> Server: createUser()
        activate Server
            Server ->> Game: newPlayer
            activate Game
                Game --> Player: newPlayer
                Game ->> Dungeon: addPlayer()
                activate Dungeon
                    Dungeon ->> Room: addPlayer()
                    activate Room
                        Room ->> Player: setSuccessor()
                        Player --> Room: done
                    deactivate Room
                    Room --> Dungeon: done
                deactivate Dungeon
                Dungeon --> Game: done
            deactivate Game
            Game --> Server: done
        deactivate Server
        Server --> Client: done
    deactivate Client
    Client --> enduser: done


Messages - More Information