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Lab5: Trimming fastQ

> Step 1: Launch and AMI. For this exercise, we will use a c4.2xlarge instance. IMPORTANT DETAIL!!!!!!!!! We need to have more hard drive space for this exercise. So when you select the machine type, don't click Review and Launch like you normally do. Instead, go to near the top of teh page and click 4. Add Storage. You'll see a column labelled Size (GiB) with a 8 under that.. Change that 8 to 100. Now click Review and Launch like normal. You now have a computer with a hard drive of size 100Gb.

ssh -i ~/Downloads/?????.pem ubuntu@ec2-???-???-???-???

> Update Software

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade

> Install other software

sudo apt-get -y install tmux git curl gcc make g++ python-dev unzip default-jre libboost1.55-all python-pip gfortran libreadline-dev

> Download data, and uncompress them.. Let's put this in a tmux window so we can get to doing other things.. remember you need paste the tmux relevant commands one at a time.

tmux new -s download
cd $HOME && mkdir reads && cd reads
curl -LO
curl -L > kidney.1.fq.gz &
curl -L > kidney.2.fq.gz

#then this to get out of tmux

ctl-b d

> Install khmer, a Python package for working with kmers. Again, make sure you know what each of these commands does, rather than just copying and pasting..

cd $HOME
sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools
git clone
cd khmer
make -j4
sudo make all install

> Install Skewer, a trimming tool

cd $HOME
git clone
cd skewer

>Install seqtk

cd $HOME
git clone
cd seqtk
make -j4

> now go back to the download tmux window to see if//wait for the download

tmux at -t download

#IMPORTANT - when it is done downloading, kill the window


> Run khmer. Make sure to look at the manual.

tmux new -s khmer
cd $HOME && mkdir khmer_analysis && cd khmer_analysis

#IMPORTANT DETAIL: usually pasting things in 1 at a time is fine - except here... When you see ``\`` at the end of lines, this means copy the 2 (or 3 or 4) lines together. 

#Important detail #2: Dont do the trimming for trim=2, only to the trimming at trim=30. You can download the trim=2 histogram here:

#do trimming at P2

seqtk mergepe ~/reads/kidney.1.fq.gz ~/reads/kidney.2.fq.gz \
| skewer -l 25 -m pe --mean-quality $trim --end-quality $trim -t 8 -x $HOME/reads/TruSeq3-PE.fa - -o P$trim.kidney --threads 8 -M 6e9 -k 25 P$trim.kidney-trimmed.fastq P$trim.reads.hist

#do trimming at P30

seqtk mergepe ~/reads/kidney.1.fq.gz ~/reads/kidney.2.fq.gz \
| skewer -l 25 -m pe --mean-quality $trim --end-quality $trim -t 8 -x $HOME/reads/TruSeq3-PE.fa - -o P$trim.kidney --threads 8 -M 6e9 -k 25 P$trim.kidney-trimmed.fastq P$trim.reads.hist

# to exit out of the tmux window, if you want to. 

ctl-b d

> Wait for these things to be done.. Use top -c to do this.. Remember q gets you outta top.

> Open up a new terminal (tab) or window using the buttons command-t. You're going to download the files you created on teh AWS machine to the MAC your using in the lab.

scp -i ~/Downloads/????.pem ubuntu@ec2-??-???-???-??*hist ~/Downloads/

#also, download the Phred2 trimmed histogram here:

curl -L > ~/Downloads/P2.reads.hist

> Now, on your MAC, find the PDF files you just downloaded.. Open them up and see what they look like. Can you figure out what they mean?

> Now look at the .quality and .hist file. which is the plot of quality containing both the mean quality as well as that for each tile. I want you to plot the distribution using R and RStudio.

> OPEN RSTUDIO - this should be instaled on your Mac. These commands you'll type into RStudio, NOT the terminal.

#Import Data
p2 <- read.csv("~/Downloads/P2.reads.hist", quote="\"")
p30 <- read.csv("~/Downloads/P30.reads.hist", quote="\"")


plot(p2$count[2:10] ~ p2$count[2:10], type='p', lwd=5,
        col='blue', frame.plot=F, xlab='25-mer frequency', ylab='kmer count',
        main='Kmer distribution in sample with different trimming thresholds')

lines(p30$count[2:10] ~ p30$count[2:10], type='p', lwd=5,

plot(p2$count[2:30] - p30$count[2:30], type='p',
    xlim=c(2,20), xaxs="i", yaxs="i", frame.plot=F,
    ylim=c(0,1500000), col='red', xlab='kmer frequency',
    lwd=4, ylab='count',
    main='Diff in 25mer counts of freq 2 to 20 \n Phred2 vs. Phred30')