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This program is composed of two parts, The Administrator and Customers. This program allows the Administrator of the program to Add and Manage seats which allows the customer to reserve seats.

The Administrator's capabilities in this program are the following:

  • ADD / EDIT / REMOVE planes for active duty
  • SET / EDIT plane's origin and destination place.
  • SET / ADD seat classes and set an appropriate prices.

The Customer is able to:

  • RESERVE seats for flights posted by the Administrator
  • VIEW past transactions in the Profile Menu
  • RECEIVE receipts based on the information filled in.

We hope that this program lays a foundation for future work to stand upon. But if we were given more time to work on this project, the following features below are a recommendation.

  • FINISH the carousel feature (remnants of the carousel feature can be seen in the HomepageController and Homepage.fxml)
  • Add Customer Support integration
  • Enable resizing
  • Transfer the whole customer features into a Web App

This program is in compliance for our OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (2nd year - 1st Semester) subject in University of Caloocan City.

How to run this application

  • Download Java JDK (1.8)
  • Download SceneBuilder Java 8 (Optional)
  • Include the JAR files in the Libraries folder to your classpath AND import 'lib' contents in Scenebuilder.
  • We recommend that you use XAMPP and import the .db file in the Database folder of this project. But in theory even MySQL Workbench and other similar applications should work.
  • Make sure that your project SDK is running in Java 1.8

Proceed if you are running this project on IntelliJ IDEA

  • Clone the project by logging in through GitHub

  • Press F4 or Open up Module settings image

  • Go Click the plus icon to install locally or download Amazon Coretto 1.8 image

  • Edit Configurations when trying to run this system.

image image

  • Add Main.Main (for customer page) and Main.Dashboard (for Admin page)
  • Run the program with Java Coretto 1.8
