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Overview of the Automated Data Scraping Pipeline and Data Wrangling Files

This project contains two automated data scraping pipelines powered by the GitHub Actions features:

  • Air-Quality-Data-Scraping: This pipeline is scheduled to run everyday at 7 am central time (12 pm UTC) to automatically scrape the most recent air quality index and PM2.5 data from the AirNow API maintained by EPA. This pipleline is controlled by the script Air-Quality-Data-Scraping.yml in .github/workflows and uses the script Air_Quality_Scraping.R in the folder Data_Wrangling. For each variable of interest, the R data wrangling script creates in the folder Data/PM25_Weekly a wide dataset of daily values (aqi.csv or pm25.csv) and a dataset of aggregated weekly values across all sites (aqi_means.csv or pm25_means.csv).

  • Covid-Data-Scraping: This pipeline is scheduled to run every Monday at 7 am central time (12 pm UTC) to automatically scrape the most recent data of zipcode-level Covid cases from the data portal of City of Chicago. This pipleline is controlled by the script Covid-Data-Scraping.yml in .github/workflows and uses the script Covid_Scraping.R in the folder Data_Wrangling. The R data wrangling script creates in the folder Data/COVID a wide dataset of weekly Covid cases at different zipcodes (CovidWeekly.csv), a dataset of aggregated mean weekly cases across all localities (covid_means.csv) and an updated geojson file (covid.geojson).

In addition to the two scripts used in the automated pipeline, there is another script Cleaning_Existing_Data.R in the folder Data_Wrangling that processes and merges the historical data in the folder Data/PM25_Weekly/Historical. This file only ran once locally and is not part of the pipeline once we have finished processed and merged historical data into new datasests that are periodically updated by the two pipelines above.
