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2021 Seismic Inversion Challenge

Please visit the website for competition details:

Scoreboard - April 26 - 11:59 PM

Team Name Score Type Date Score (R2)
3ctsu Final02 4/26/2021 0.8219
Cowboy Final 4/26/2021 0.781131
Team KT Final 4/26/2021 0.737037
ChevronQI Final02 4/26/2021 0.71626
GeoCloud Final 4/26/2021 0.71469
Tongseng Final01 4/26/2021 0.706852
7seas Final 4/26/2021 0.704548
SLBIF Final 4/26/2021 0.691443
NeverStop Final 4/26/2021 0.678878
TAMUSEG Final01 4/26/2021 0.647979
Pythoneers Final01 4/26/2021 0.45166
CREWES Final 4/26/2021 0.185875
GeoGeeks Final 4/26/2021 0.084128

Installation Guide

This is the installation guide for the serverless data available through the GSH Geophysics on the cloud challenge. SEGY, rss and OpenVDS data is available:


SEGY can be read directly using boto3 or s3fs, rss and OpenVDS+ require additional python libraries to access.

Well and horizon data are located here:



RSS - Python Installation

Windows, OSX, Ubuntu, .... Python 3.6, 3.8, 3.9

pip install real-simple-seismic

OpenVDS - Python Installation


Windows - Working Conda + Python 3.8

Download the Windows OpenVDS+ wheel file and unzip it.

From the power shell (inside VsCode for example) run: pip install .\openvds+-2.0.2\openvds-2.0.2-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl

This has been tested by multiple users and appears to work.

Redhat/Centos 7 - Untested Requires Python 3.6

Ubuntu - Issues Conda + Python 3.8

Download the Ubuntu OpenVDS+ wheel file and untar it

tar -zxvf openvds+-2.0.2-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz
pip install openvds+-2.0.2/openvds-2.0.2-cp38-cp38-linux-x86_64.whl


import openvds
throws some errors around missing libraries, which can be fixed by installing the libraries with apt or conda, for the apt examples:

sudo apt upgrade apt
sudo apt-get install -y libgomp1
sudo apt-get install -y libboost1.71-all-dev

conda install -c anaconda libgomp
conda install -c conda-forge boost

The final issues comes from the version of libssl.

Warning this may screw up your conda install

import openvds undefined symbol EVP_idea_cba, version OPENSSL_1_1_0

A work around here is to copy system libssl.a,, libssl.1.1 into:
Assuming conda is installed in the default location.

This seems to work, but it's unclear how stable this solution is going to be.