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Read Stack of GeoSpatial Rasters


  • Reprojection and Resampling
  • Band Separated Rasters
  • Projection Mixing
  • Turbo-Charging Reprojection
  • Web Workers
  • Simple SRS (inspired by CRS.Simple)
  • Various Resampling Methods

Known Limitations

  • Currently only works in the Browser


npm install georaster-stack

basic usage

import { GeoExtent } from "geo-extent";
import { GeoRasterStack } from "georaster-stack/web";

const stack = await GeoRasterStack.init({
  // multiple sources
  // they can even be in different projections!
  sources: [

const result = await{
  // instance of GeoExtent (
  // an extent is a bbox with a spatial reference system
  extent: new GeoExtent([-122.49755859375, 38.8520508, -120.06958007812499, 40.697299008636755], { srs: 4326 }),
  size: [width, height]

// result is the following object
  // multi-dimensional numberical arrays separated by source, then band, then row, then column
  data: [
        [6453, 7692, 12722, 7274, 6302, 6234, 6147, 6276, ...], // first row of first band
        [5997, 9353, 12493, 6389, 10166, 6285, 10634, 7954, ...] // second row of second band
      [ ... ] // second band
      [ ... ] // third band
    [ [ [...] ... ] ... ] // second georaster
    [ [ [...] ... ] ... ] // third georaster
  size: [ result_data_width, result_data_height ]

advanced usage

optional properties

const stack = await GeoRasterStack.init({
  sources: [...],

  // optional properties
  debug_level: 2,
  flat: true, // flatten all the georaster results when reading by one level, so they appear as if they came from the same source
  method: "near-vectorize", // resampling method via
  turbo: true // apply experimential projection turbo charging via

simple projection

If you want to read using pixel coordinates, pass in an extent with srs set to "simple". Inspired by Leaflet's Simple CRS, "simple" srs is when the bottom left corner of the image is [0, 0] and the top-right of the image is [image_width, image_height].

  extent: new GeoExtent([512, 256, 768, 512], { srs: "simple" }),
  size: [512, 512]