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Mapflow Web easily processes imagery and extracts vector objects that can be downloaded in GeoJSON format. We recommend using GeoJSON since it is a de-facto standard in web mapping. It is natively supported by web mapping frameworks (e.g. Leaflet or Mapbox) and GIS software like QGIS or the ArcGIS Suite.
GeoJSON is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes. It is based on the JSON format. The features include points, linestrings (Mapflow roads), polygons (Mapflow buildings footprints, forest and field masks), or multi-part collections of these types. Mapflow allows different options for actions with processing results stored in GeoJSON. You are able to download or “Open with geojson.io”.
Geojson.io allows you to view and save the results in a different format (CSV, KML, TopoJSON, WKT, Shapefile). Click “Save” and select the format in the menu bar.
Using GeoJSON allows you to use only drag&drop to visualize Mapflow output results in numerous Web-GIS without converting data formats. See this video about how to upload and style a building classification results with ArcGIS online, Carto, and Evergis online.