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Generator For Funtional Options

Opinionated Code Generators For Functional Options In Golang


whittle options -type TypeToGenerateOptionsFor


generate functional options for the current directories package

e.g. given package

package worker

//go:generate whittle options -type Worker

type Worker struct {
	times     int    `opts`
	namespace string `opts:"SetNamespace"`

func New() *Worker { &Worker }

go generate

will produce:

package worker

type Option func(*Worker)

type Options []Option

func (o Options) Apply(w *Worker) {
	for _, opt := range o {

func WithTimes(times int) Option {
	return func(w *Worker) {
		w.times = times

func SetNamespace(namespace string) Option {
	return func(w *Worker) {
		w.namespace = namespace

Now to wire in the new options, all you have to do is:

func New(opts ...Option) *Worker {
    worker := &Worker{
        times: 5, // some sensible default
        namespace: "default_namespace" // another sensible default


    return worker


  • lib/options: initial simple implementation of generating source for functional options
  • lib/parse: initial implementation of source code -> fun internals parsing
  • cmd/fun: initial implemenation of the executable
  • lib/parse: support parsing field tags on target structs
  • lib/options: support generation of provided options e.g. generate func WithSomeFieldName(value string) Option
  • cmd/fun: update binary to support wiring new options together
  • cmd/opt: rename fun to opt as it will now live as a sub-command of whittle
  • cmd/whittle/options: renamed (again) to options for clarity