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Gerald Lechner edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 2 revisions

Create a color palette.

Palette page

To add a new color, chose an unique name and select a color. You can enter values for red, green and blue or click on the color box. With the "Save" button the new color will be added to the palette. If the name for the color already exists, the color with this name will be replaced. If you click on an entry of the color palette, values and name will be prefilled with the values from the selected color. With the "Delete" button, the selected color will be removed from the palette.

The button "Load palette" imports a color palette from a header file which defines colors. The button "Save palette" creates a header file with the definitions of the color palette. If you include this header file, you can use the color names as constants in your program.

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