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Releases: Ghawken/Indigo-iRobotRoomba


24 Feb 06:56
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New version down below that restores cloud mapping data, and add favorites mapping data download from cloud AWS.

Other libraries haven't figured this out yet, but a bit of reverse proxy/man-in-middle enabled discovery of changes to cloud location.
Updated , also found favorites data - and have added this as a separate action group!
Favorites is far more useful in my mind, and at each request re-check the favourite based on ID. Essentially meaning you can update favourite and this new update will be applied when run.


Fix AWS Server authorization for access to mapping data once again. Redo end-points.

Download and parse Favorites per Robot via cloud connection, saving to file for future use.
(.10.0.02 - update, loads file after creation so immediately available for use)
eg. Same as Room data - can download once and then disable internet if preference.
Add Action Group for 'Favourites'. Enables to select a Favourite set of rooms, cleaning aspects for each iRoomba

Add refill Tank messaging (missing)

With Latest iRobot App / Android APK App as source - update all messaging relating to error and not ready states.

Update Logging to Log and File as seperate instances. (my usual log approach)

Fix for Json notification messaging load error. (created by updates to 10.01.01)

Update logging - try to clearly state that device connected without to much messaging.


14 Feb 06:01
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Fix paho-mqtt 1.6.1 until breaking changes in new >2 version can be managed
New release number because of earlier quick fix


17 Jan 06:12
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Indigo 2023.2. API 3.4 version onwards

Let Indigo install library dependency (paho-mqtt)

Some minor changes:Better- Catch bad Json message - without exception


15 Oct 01:17
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Update password getting for local use

Recommend using irobot account details for inital password getting. Overcomes timing of button presses


14 Aug 02:04
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Move configuration files and mapping data to Indigo Preferences directory
Moves existing Documents files over if exists and should just update without issue
Should remove any folder Access needed for plugin


14 Aug 01:35
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Fix for python3 update and get icloud password.


11 May 09:45
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Python 3 Bug Fixes.. more widespread than imagined.. Sorry
SSL issue, byte socket issues, get password issues
Obviously slipped through the high level of quality control
(Least updated in record time)
Hopefully no more...


10 Dec 22:38
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Shortened the included iroomba english data
Add parsing of messages - should immediately update status on all events (not just every 60 seconds)

Decompiled the iroomba android app and added all NotReady and all Error codes; including it would seem for mower!
Read the json file completely and use this to create a new errorNotReady state:
This is a error/Not Ready sentence specifically using the error code and what the iroomba app says.
Strings.xml file included (not used) from android app
Changed statement when battery 100% to Fully Charged.

Remove allRoomba check on start of every device. Was a bit overkill.
Format all Lifetime numbers as readable number = eg. 3,200 & make string.
Add Not Ready states as reported = States 39 & 68 (welcome to report more and can add)
Add State lastMission - reports the last Mission time Mission run, uses same datetime formatting as plugin Config
Reorder NotReady and Error messages; Error Message will outrank Not Ready for summary CurrentState display

Some change to currentState_Statment shorten mission time add battery percent

Change connection & reconnection to threaded events to avoid hang if one device unavailable/unstable as I recent found
Modifications to currentState_statement - more information
Add Datetime modification to Plugin Config. Change this to change the Mission/Recharge datetimes format to
Sun 2:04PM to 02/2/2021 02:23:22 see examples or webpage link

Add currentState_statement state:
Aiming to describe what is happening in sentence for control pages
eg. Charging, restarting Mission in 48 minutes
Error etc.
Ideally replacing status in control pages...

Change Lifetime Runtime to English string weeks,days,minutes etc
Add Mission Duration state in minutes
Add LifeTimeCleaningJobs run state
Add LifeTime Area Cleaned in M2 and Sqft
Slight changes to status info; update midMsn state

Add Lifetime Runtime state Hours, Minutes
Add Mission Started Date time state
Fix RechargeMinutes remaining for later models - had to calculate. Change to a number to allow triggering with greater than/equal to etc.
Add Recharge Finish Date stamp as a stamp


17 Jun 08:49
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remove openSSL import unneeded statement


Creates Variable with Current Status of Each iRoomba Device for use in Virtual Devices Status
eg. Virtual Device for Clean Kitchen - set ON for Action Group Clean Kitchen, OFF - Dock
Status updates - select the variable for that device from variable
== "Alexa, Turn on Clean the Kitchen"
Converts each iRoomba to a Relay device with ON/OFF/Toggles - means more compatible with HomeKit/Alexa

THIS VERSION REMOVES OpenSSL libraries; this removes support for OSX versions lower than High Sierra
(TLS old version problem)
This removal is needed to support ongoing functions moving forward, if you are running an old version of OSX
stick with 0.7.5 below

(0.8.1 Bug Fix, 0.8.3 Change variable to True/False)

Few Logging changes
Couple of rare bug fixes

Save Last Command from Roomba (as Action Group)
Enables you to copy the last run command from the App and save it as a Action Group
Enables Room, selective cleaning support for those iRoombas that allow this
From App Start cleaning on one or more rooms
Go to Indigo, Create New Action Group, iRoomba Actions, Save Last Command
Select iRoomba Device, press button and save.
This command is now saved and accessible now and into the future
(if you change maps etc may need to be redone)


Move to IP Address to differentiate iRoombas
Few bug fixes for connect/disconnect - hopefully starting up with needing restart
Add IP address as Device State as well for CP use
Default to forceSSL checkbox True - think needed for all versions now
Add Debug Log Menu Item for troubleshooting down the track

0.6.0 -0 .7.2

Summary of few updates summarised below:
Prior 0.6.0 - Adds SSL libraries to the plugin to bypass any issues with older versions of IOS

& 0.6.0 onwards

  • Updates code base to continuous connection for 1-100 iRoombas
  • Should fully support multiple iRoomba devices; almost continuous updates and immediate actions
  • Rewrite of Get Password code - moves to threaded; avoids UI Timeout errors
    • seems to be much less of a pain to get password
    • if iRoomba correctly makes noise and password fails for whatever reason, just press Get Password button again. Doesn't appear to need to press iRoomba button combo again.
  • Adds IP Address of iRoomba to Device State
  • Add MAC Address of iRoomba to Device Custom State
  • Add Menu Item - Debug Log Output for issues for posting.
  • Adds ability to update Roombas name from within Device Edit Box (only if name changed). Can rerun Get Password if needed but this update box obviously much easier.
  • Adds Further Debug Log check box
  • Updates to Plugin Config Menu - remove most options as all continuously connected

Occasionally after updating from github find get security alert from Big Sur and need to then run
Terminal Command below: (change for version of Indigo - this example 7.5)

sudo xattr -rd /Library/Application\ Support/Perceptive\ Automation/Indigo\ 7.5/Plugins


25 Apr 04:31
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0.6.0 -0 .7.2

Summary of few updates summarised below:
Prior 0.6.0 - Adds SSL libraries to the plugin to bypass any issues with older versions of IOS

& 0.6.0 onwards

  • Updates code base to continuous connection for 1-100 iRoombas
  • Should fully support multiple iRoomba devices; almost continuous updates and immediate actions
  • Rewrite of Get Password code - moves to threaded; avoids UI Timeout errors
    • seems to be much less of a pain to get password
    • if iRoomba correctly makes noise and password fails for whatever reason, just press Get Password button again. Doesn't appear to need to press iRoomba button combo again.
  • Adds IP Address of iRoomba to Device State
  • Add MAC Address of iRoomba to Device Custom State
  • Add Menu Item - Debug Log Output for issues for posting.
  • Adds ability to update Roombas name from within Device Edit Box (only if name changed). Can rerun Get Password if needed but this update box obviously much easier.
  • Adds Further Debug Log check box
  • Updates to Plugin Config Menu - remove most options as all continuously connected

Occasionally after updating from github find get security alert from Big Sur and need to then run
Terminal Command below: (change for version of Indigo - this example 7.5)

sudo xattr -rd /Library/Application\ Support/Perceptive\ Automation/Indigo\ 7.5/Plugins

Plus: Soon to have 2 iRoombas to test more thoroughly on... Until then will leave this release here
But please report any issues...