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File metadata and controls

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SamlSP - A Python SAML Service Provider for Flask

This Blueprint allows the addition of SAML2 Service Provider functionality (authentication/authorization) into a Flask application.


  • HTTP-Redirect binding for AuthenRequests, with optional Request signing
  • HTTP-Post binding for AuthnResponse with signing verification
    • /acs
  • Response assertions attributes are stored in the session variable
  • A metadata endpoint providing XML configuration for IdP's
    • /metadata
  • Loads IdP metadata from file or URL
  • Single Log Out (SLO) is not supported


# pip install SamlSP

or pull from github for sample and configuration file.

# git clone


Refer to the sample configuration file []

The Service Provider Entity Id is a URN (and generally a URL) familiar to the IdP that identifies this Service Provider. This is set with the sp_id configuration key.

If requests will be signed then sp_key and sp_cert configuration settings will need to be specified. If these are not set, the SAMLRequests will not be signed. sp_key specifies the PEM formated private key associated with sp_cert - the X509 Public Certificate that is then included in the metadata for use by IdPs to verify the request authenticity.

The XML metadata file from the IdP can be used to simplify configuring IdP details. This is set with the idp_metadata config key.

Alternatively an IdP with an accessible metadata URL can be directly used, with the idp_meta_url config key.

The url_prefix key is url_prefix of the Flask Blueprint and is '/' by default. This impacts the prefix for the /acs (assertions consumer service) and /metadata URLs.

The assertions config key is a list of strings - the names of assertions from the IdP that will be included in the users session['attributes'] data - if they are present in the IdPs SAMLResponse.

These assertions can be URN's with a full namespace or simple names, depending on the IdP being used and how it's configured. Names are matched caseless, but the IdPs case is reflected in the session attributes.

If no assertions are specified than only the nameId is saved and stored as the session['username']

The optional user_attr config key is the assertion attribute that is used specify the session['username'] value. By default this is the NameId of the SAMLResponse, but it is not uncommon to use email or uid as the username.

Using SamlSP for Authentication

You can initate a login by protecting a Flask route with a decorator

from SamlSP import SamlSP
from my_config import sp_config
# see example on setup details
auth = SamlSP(sp_config)

def index_view():
    return f'Hello World!'

Alternativly you can explictly call login:

def login():
    return auth.initiate_login(next='/index')

On authentication the Flask session is updated to include the keys username, nameid, and attributes. The session['username'] value is set to the value of configured user_attr from the SAML assertions. session['nameid'] is set to SAML nameId assertions regardless of the NameID format of the IdP. The session['attributes'] value is a dict containing any assertions from the SAMLResponse that matched the config file attributes list.

Attributes can be accessed via the session['attributes'] key.

def index_view():
    return f"Hello {session['attributes']['givenName']}!"

To log out you can use session.clear() - which clears the entire session. If you only want to clear the SAML data, you can use auth.unauthenticate() - which will clear the attributes, username, and nameID from the users session.


This has been tested with SimpleSamlPhp and Azure AD as well as my SamlIdp.