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Deployment Configurations

Setting Up Your Repository

In the deployment-configurations repository you can centrally manage configurations for deployments on the GlueOps Platform. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up your repository, providing a detailed explanation of its structure and how to customize it to suit your organization's needs.

:::info Here is the deployment-configurations template you use to ease setup overhead. :::

Directory Structure

The deployment-configurations repository is organized into three core directories:

├── apps
├── common
├── env-overlays
  • apps: Contains configurations for each application deployed on the GlueOps Platform.
  • common: Holds configurations shared across all deployments on the platform. It allows you to avoid repetition of configuration files for more efficient setups.
  • env-overlays: Contains configurations applied to groups of environments, like "prod" and "nonprod."

apps Directory

The apps directory is where you define the applications deployed on the GlueOps Platform and the environments for each application. Here's is how it's structured:

├── front-end-antonios-tacos
│   ├── base
│   │   └── base-values.yaml
│   └── envs
│       ├── previews
│       ├── prod
│       ├── stage
│       └── uat
└── back-end-antonios-tacos
    ├── base
    │   └── base-values.yaml
    └── envs
        ├── previews
        ├── prod
        ├── stage
        └── uat

In the directory, we have two applications deployed on the platform: front-end-antonios-tacos and back-end-antonios-tacos.

  • The base-values.yaml file in the base directory contains configurations shared among all environments, such as the image repository and image pull policy.
  • The values.yaml file is placed under each specific environment directory (prod, uat, stage) within the envs directory this contains environment-specific configurations like image tags, secrets, and ports.
  • The previews file within the envs directory allows you to configure ephemeral deployments based on open pull requests.
├── front-end-antonios-tacos
│   ├── base
│   │   └── base-values.yaml
│   └── envs
│       ├── previews
│       ├── prod
│       ├── stage
│       └── uat
└── back-end-antonios-tacos
    ├── base
    │   └── base-values.yaml
    └── envs
        ├── previews
        ├── prod
        ├── stage
        └── uat

env-overlays Directory

The env-overlays directory contains directories representing groups of environments. Here, you can configure settings common to specific environments. Here's the structure:

├── nonprod
│   └── env-values.yaml
└── prod
    └── env-values.yaml

Each directory contains an env-values.yaml file with these configurations.

  • The nonprod directory contains configurations applied to all non-production environments, like stage and uat.
  • The prod directory contains configurations that apply to the production environment.

Creating Your deployment-configurations Repository

To set up your deployment-configurations repository:

  1. Create a new repository using the provided template in your GitHub organization.

  2. In the app directory, duplicate one of the example demo apps and rename it to your repository name. For example, if you repository name is neptune then replace your application name to neptune.

├── neptune
│   ├── base
│   │   └── base-values.yaml
│   └── envs
│       ├── previews
│       ├── prod
│       ├── stage
│      └── uat

:::tip You can add new directories for each additional application you want to deploy. :::

  1. In the base-values.yaml file inside the base directory, update the information to fit your application.

  2. Update the values.yaml file in the enviroments (e.g., stage, prod, uat) you want to deploy. Change the image tag, hostnames, and other necessary details to match your application and GlueOps configuration.

:::info There is no maximum number of directories per environment. You can choose to have environments like stage, prod, and uat, or just stage and prod based on your needs. :::

  1. Repeat the above steps for each application and environment you want to manage in your repository.

For example, if you want to deploy the applications data-api in stage and prod environments and commerce-front-end in uat and prod environments, the resulting directory structure would look like this:

├── apps
│   ├── data-api
│   │   ├── base
│   │   │   └── base-values.yaml
│   │   └── envs
│   │       ├── previews
│   │       │   ├── common
│   │       │   │   └── values.yaml
│   │       │   └── pull-request-number
│   │       │       └── 1
│   │       │           └── values.yaml
│   │       ├── prod
│   │       │   └── values.yaml
│   │       ├── stage
│   │       │   └── values.yaml
│   └── commerce-front-end
│       ├── base
│       │   └── base-values.yaml
│       └── envs
│           ├── previews
│           │   ├── common
│           │   │   └── values.yaml
│           │   └── pull-request-number
│           │       └── 1
│           │           └── values.yaml
│           ├── prod
│           │   └── values.yaml
│           └── uat
│               └── values.yaml
├── common
│   └── common-values.yaml
├── env-overlays
│   ├── nonprod
│   │   └── env-values.yaml
│   └── prod
│       └── env-values.yaml

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and organize your deployment configurations on the GlueOps Platform, providing better control and consistency across your applications and environments.