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Meaning which functions check prices in both commodities for the rate
with the other.
  • Loading branch information
jralls committed Oct 28, 2015
1 parent 4644f28 commit 6525db7
Showing 1 changed file with 205 additions and 66 deletions.
271 changes: 205 additions & 66 deletions src/engine/gnc-pricedb.h
Expand Up @@ -310,142 +310,281 @@ gboolean gnc_price_list_equal(PriceList *prices1, PriceList *prices2);
/** Data type */
typedef struct gnc_price_db_s GNCPriceDB;

/** return the pricedb associated with the book */
/*@ dependent @*/
/** @brief Return the pricedb associated with the book
* @param book The QofBook holding the pricedb
* @return The GNCPriceDB associated with the book.
GNCPriceDB * gnc_pricedb_get_db(QofBook *book);
/** @brief Return the pricedb via the Book's collection.
* @param col The QofCollection holding the pricedb
* @return The GNCPriceDB in the QofCollection
GNCPriceDB * gnc_collection_get_pricedb(QofCollection *col);

/** gnc_pricedb_destroy - destroy the given pricedb and unref all of
the prices it contains. This may not deallocate all of those
prices. Other code may still be holding references to them. */
/** @brief Destroy the given pricedb and unref all of the prices it contains.
* This may not deallocate all of those prices. Other code may still be holding
* references to them.
* @param db The pricedb to destroy.
void gnc_pricedb_destroy(GNCPriceDB *db);

/** Used for editing the pricedb en-mass */
/** @brief Begin an edit. */
void gnc_pricedb_begin_edit (GNCPriceDB *);
/** @brief Commit an edit. */
void gnc_pricedb_commit_edit (GNCPriceDB *);

/** Indicate whether or not the database is in the middle of a bulk
* update. Setting this flag will disable checks for duplicate
* entries. */
/** @brief Set flag to indicate whether duplication checks should be performed.
* Normally used at load time to speed up loading the pricedb.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param bulk_update TRUE to disable duplication checks, FALSE to enable them.
void gnc_pricedb_set_bulk_update(GNCPriceDB *db, gboolean bulk_update);

/** gnc_pricedb_add_price - add a price to the pricedb, you may drop
your reference to the price (i.e. call unref) after this
succeeds, whenever you're finished with the price. */
/** @brief Add a price to the pricedb.
* You may drop your reference to the price (i.e. call unref) after this
* succeeds, whenever you're finished with the price.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param p The GNCPrice to add.
* @return TRUE if the price was added, FALSE otherwise.
gboolean gnc_pricedb_add_price(GNCPriceDB *db, GNCPrice *p);

/** gnc_pricedb_remove_price - removes the given price, p, from the
pricedb. Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. */
/** @brief Remove a price from the pricedb and unref the price.
* @param db The Pricedb
* @param p The price to remove.
gboolean gnc_pricedb_remove_price(GNCPriceDB *db, GNCPrice *p);

/** @brief Remove and unref prices older than a certain time.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param cutoff The time before which prices should be deleted.
* @param delete_user Whether user-created (i.e. not Finance::Quote) prices
* should be deleted.
* @param delete_last Whether a price should be deleted if it's the only
* remaining price for its commodity.
gboolean gnc_pricedb_remove_old_prices(GNCPriceDB *db, Timespec cutoff,
const gboolean delete_user, gboolean delete_last);
const gboolean delete_user,
gboolean delete_last);

/** gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest - find the most recent price for the
given commodity in the given currency. Returns NULL on
failure. */
/** @brief Find the most recent price between the two commodities.
* The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its
* value is correctly applied.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param commodity The first commodity
* @param currency The second commodity
* @return A GNCPrice or NULL if no price exists.
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest(GNCPriceDB *db,
const gnc_commodity *commodity,
const gnc_commodity *currency);

/** gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_any_currency - find the most recent prices
for the given commodity in any available currency. Prices will be
returned as a GNCPrice list (see above). */
/** @brief Find the most recent price between a commodity and all other
* commodities
* The returned GNCPrices may be in either direction so check to ensure that
* their values are correctly applied.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param commodity The commodity for which to obtain prices
* @return A PriceList of prices found, or NULL if none found.
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_any_currency(GNCPriceDB *db,
const gnc_commodity *commodity);

/** gnc_pricedb_has_prices - return an indication of whether or not
there are any prices for a given commodity in the given currency.
Returns TRUE if there are prices, FALSE otherwise. */
/** @brief Report wether the pricedb contains prices for one commodity in
* another.
* Does *not* check the reverse direction.
* @param db The pricedb to check
* @param commodity The commodity to check for the existence of prices
* @param currency The commodity in which prices are sought. If NULL reports all
* commodities.
* @return TRUE if matching prices are found, FALSE otherwise.
gboolean gnc_pricedb_has_prices(GNCPriceDB *db,
const gnc_commodity *commodity,
const gnc_commodity *currency);

/** gnc_pricedb_get_prices - return all the prices for a given
commodity in the given currency. Returns NULL on failure. The
result is a GNCPrice list (see above). */
/** @brief Return all the prices for a given commodity in another.
* Does *not* retrieve reverse prices, i.e. prices of the second commodity in
* the first.
* @param db The pricedb from which to retrieve prices.
* @param commodity The commodity for which prices should be retrieved.
* @param currency The commodity in which prices should be quoted. If NULL, all
* prices in any commodity are included.
* @return A PriceList of matching prices or NULL if none were found.
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_get_prices(GNCPriceDB *db,
const gnc_commodity *commodity,
const gnc_commodity *currency);

/** gnc_pricedb_lookup_at_time - return all prices that match the given
commodity, currency, and timespec. Prices will be returned as a
GNCPrice list (see above). */
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_lookup_at_time(GNCPriceDB *db,
/** @brief Find the price between two commodities at a timespec.
* The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its
* value is correctly applied.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param commodity The first commodity
* @param currency The second commodity
* @param t The timespec at which to retrieve the price.
* @return A GNCPrice or NULL if none matches.
/* NOT USED */
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_at_time(GNCPriceDB *db,
const gnc_commodity *commodity,
const gnc_commodity *currency,
Timespec t);

/** gnc_pricedb_lookup_day - return the price that matchex the given
commodity, currency, and timespec which is on the same day.
If no prices are on that day, returns a null value. */
/** @brief Return the price between the two commodities on the indicated
* day. Note that the notion of day might be distorted by changes in timezone.
* The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its
* value is correctly applied.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param commodity The first commodity
* @param currency The second commodity
* @param t A time. The price returned will be in the same day as this time
* according to the local timezone.
* @return A GNCPrice or NULL on failure.
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_day(GNCPriceDB *db,
const gnc_commodity *commodity,
const gnc_commodity *currency,
Timespec t);

/** gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time - return the price for the given
commodity in the given currency nearest to the given time t. */
/** @brief Return the price between the two commoditiesz nearest to the given
* time.
* The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its
* value is correctly applied.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param c The first commodity
* @param currency The second commodity
* @param t The time nearest to which the returned price should be.
* @return A GNCPrice or NULL if no prices exist between the two commodities.
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time(GNCPriceDB *db,
const gnc_commodity *c,
const gnc_commodity *currency,
Timespec t);

/** gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time_any_currency - return all prices that
match the given commodity and timespec in any available currency. Prices
will be returned as a GNCPrice list (see above). */
/** @brief Return the price nearest in time to that given between the given
* commodity and every other.
* The returned GNCPrices may be in either direction so check to ensure that
* their values are correctly applied.
* @param db, The pricedb
* @param c, The commodity for which prices should be obtained.
* @param t, The time nearest to which the prices should be obtained.
* @return A PriceList of prices for each commodity pair found or NULL if none
* are.
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_lookup_nearest_in_time_any_currency(GNCPriceDB *db,
const gnc_commodity *c,
Timespec t);
/** gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_before - return the latest price for the given commodity
in the given currency up to and including time t. */

/** @brief Return the latest price between the given commodities before the
* given time.
* The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its
* value is correctly applied.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param c The first commodity
* @param currency The second commodity
* @param t The time before which to find the price
* @return A GNCPrice or NULL if no prices are found before t.
/* NOT USED, but see bug 743753 */
GNCPrice * gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_before(GNCPriceDB *db,
gnc_commodity *c,
gnc_commodity *currency,
Timespec t);

/** gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_before_any_currency - return recent prices that
match the given commodity up to and including time t in any available currency. Prices
will be returned as a GNCPrice list (see above). */
/** @brief Return the latest price between the given commodity and any other
* before the given time.
* The returned GNCPrice may be in either direction so check to ensure that its
* value is correctly applied.
* @param db The pricedb
* @param c The commodity
* @param t The time before which to find prices
* @return A PriceList of prices for each commodity found or NULL if none are.
/* NOT USED, but see bug 743753 */
PriceList * gnc_pricedb_lookup_latest_before_any_currency(GNCPriceDB *db,
gnc_commodity *c,
Timespec t);

/** gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_latest_price - Convert a balance
from one currency to another. */
/** @brief Convert a balance from one currency to another using the most recent
* price between the two.
* @param pdb The pricedb
* @param balance The balance to be converted
* @param balance_currency The commodity in which the balance is currently
* expressed
* @param new_currency The commodity to which the balance should be converted
* @return A new balance or gnc_numeric_zero if no price is available.
gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_latest_price(GNCPriceDB *pdb,
gnc_numeric balance,
const gnc_commodity *balance_currency,
const gnc_commodity *new_currency);

/** gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_nearest_price - Convert a balance
from one currency to another. */
gnc_numeric balance,
const gnc_commodity *balance_currency,
const gnc_commodity *new_currency);

/** @brief Convert a balance from one currency to another using the price
* nearest to the given time.
* @param pdb The pricedb
* @param balance The balance to be converted
* @param balance_currency The commodity in which the balance is currently
* expressed
* @param new_currency The commodity to which the balance should be converted
* @param t The time nearest to which price should be used.
* @return A new balance or gnc_numeric_zero if no price is available.
gnc_pricedb_convert_balance_nearest_price(GNCPriceDB *pdb,
gnc_numeric balance,
const gnc_commodity *balance_currency,
const gnc_commodity *new_currency,
Timespec t);
gnc_numeric balance,
const gnc_commodity *balance_currency,
const gnc_commodity *new_currency,
Timespec t);

typedef gboolean (*f)(GNCPrice *p, gpointer user_data) GncPriceForeachFunction;

/** gnc_pricedb_foreach_price - call f once for each price in db, until
and unless f returns FALSE. If stable_order is not FALSE, make
sure the ordering of the traversal is stable (i.e. the same order
every time given the same db contents -- stable traversals may be
less efficient). */
/** @brief Call a GncPriceForeachFunction once for each price in db, until the
* function returns FALSE.
* If stable_order is not FALSE, make sure the ordering of the traversal is
* stable (i.e. the same order every time given the same db contents -- stable
* traversals may be less efficient).
* @param db The pricedb
* @param f The function to call
* @param user_data A data to pass to each invocation of f
* @param stable_order Ensure that the traversal is performed in the same order
* each time.
* @return TRUE if all calls to f succeeded (unstable) or if the order of
* processing was the same as the previous invocation (stable), FALSE otherwise.
gboolean gnc_pricedb_foreach_price(GNCPriceDB *db,
gboolean (*f)(GNCPrice *p,
gpointer user_data),
GncPriceForeachFunction *f,
gpointer user_data,
gboolean stable_order);

/* The following two convenience functions are used to test the xml backend */
/** gnc_pricedb_get_num_prices - return the number of prices
in the database. */
/** @brief Return the number of prices in the database.
* For XML Backend Testing
guint gnc_pricedb_get_num_prices(GNCPriceDB *db);
/** gnc_pricedb_equal - test equality of two pricedbs */

/** @brief Test equality of two pricedbs
* For XML Backend Testing */
gboolean gnc_pricedb_equal (GNCPriceDB *db1, GNCPriceDB *db2);

/** @name Internal/Debugging
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