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App iOS & Android Notices

Alex Stout edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 2 revisions



5/13/2021 – iOS 14 "Allow Local Network"

In iOS 14, Apple introduced a security feature to let users know when an app is trying to access other devices on the network. Goal Zero App needs to be allowed local network traffic in order to find your Yeti over Wifi and to be able to send the necessary requests to the Goal Zero App Cloud. If you see the following prompt, be sure to select "OK".

If you are still having trouble and you're not seeing the prompt. It's possible you selected "Don't Allow" when prompted before. You can go to your Phone Settings, scroll to the bottom where all the installed apps are listed and find the Goal Zero app. Ensure "Local Network" is allowed.

12/14/2018 – iOS 12.1.1 incompatibility

iOS 12.1.1 was released 12/5 and was incompatible with Yeti App 2.1. The fix was released 12/14/18 in Yeti App 2.1.1.