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File metadata and controls

86 lines (70 loc) · 7.41 KB

Command line arguments

We provide 2 main scripts to run m6A prediction as the following.


  • Input

Output files from nanopolish eventalign

Argument name Required Default value Description
--eventalign=FILE Yes NA Eventalign filepath, the output from nanopolish.
--out_dir=DIR Yes NA Output directory.
--n_processes=NUM No 1 Number of processes to run.
--chunk_size=NUM No 1000000 chunksize argument for pandas read csv function on the eventalign input
--readcount_max=NUM No 1000 Maximum read counts per gene.
--readcount_min=NUM No 1 Minimum read counts per gene.
--index No True To skip indexing the eventalign nanopolish output, can only be used if the index has been created before
--n_neighbors=NUM No 1 The number of flanking positions to process
--min_segment_count=NUM No 1 Minimum read counts over each candidate m6A segment
  • Output
File name File type Description
eventalign.index csv File index indicating the position in the eventalign.txt file (the output of nanopolish eventalign) where the segmentation information of each read index is stored, allowing a random access.
data.json json Intensity level mean for each position.
data.index csv File index indicating the position in the data.json file where the intensity level means across positions of each gene is stored, allowing a random access.
data.readcount csv Summary of readcounts per gene.


  • Input

Output files from m6anet-dataprep.

Argument name Required Default value Description
--input_dir=DIR Yes NA Input directory that contains data.json, data.index, and data.readcount from m6anet-dataprep
--out_dir=DIR Yes NA Output directory for the inference results from m6anet
--model_config=FILE No prod_pooling.toml Model architecture specifications. Please see examples in m6anet/model/configs/model_configs/prod_pooling.toml
--model_state_dict=FILE No Model weights to be used for inference. Please see examples in m6anet/model/model_states/
--batch_size=NUM No 64 Number of sites to be loaded each time for inference
--n_processes=NUM No 1 Number of processes to run.
--num_iterations=NUM No 5 Number of times m6anet iterates through each potential m6a sites.
--infer_mod_rate No False Whether to output m6A modification stoichiometry for each candidate site
--read_proba_threshold=NUM No 0.033379376 Threshold for each individual read to be considered modified during stoichiometry calculation
  • Output
File name File type Description
data.result.csv.gz csv.gz Result table in compressed form


Argument name Required Default value Description
--model_config=FILE Yes NA Model architecture specifications. Please see examples in m6anet/model/configs/model_configs/prod_pooling.toml
--train_config=FILE Yes NA Config file for training the model. Please see examples in m6anet/model/configs/training_configs/oversampled.toml
--save_dir=DIR Yes NA Save directory to save the training results
--device=STR No cpu Device to use for training the model. Set to cuda:cuda_id if using GPU
--lr=NUM No 4e-4 Learning rate for the ADAM optimizer
--seed=NUM No 25 Random seed for model training
--epochs=NUM No 50 Number of epochs to train the model.
--num_workers=NUM No 1 Number of processes to run.
--save_per_epoch=NUM No 10 Number of recurring epoch to save the model
--weight_decay=NUM No 0 Weight decay parameteter for the ADAM optimizer
--num_iterations=NUM No 5 Number of times m6anet iterates through each potential m6a sites.