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Display an elegant loader for your TALL Stack application.


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Good Loader

Display an elegant loader for your TALL Stack application.


When you load the site, and the page is already loaded, the package's loader view beautifully fades out in a specified transition time...

Otherwise, a customizable sentence loads along the view, as soon as your specified font is loaded; and until the page is ready; before everything fading all out in the end.

The result is something like this:



This package is built for the TALL stack. You must account for its requirements at first.



  1. Install the package via Composer:

    composer require goodm4ven/good-loader
  2. Publish the package configuration and view files:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GoodM4ven\GoodLoader\GoodLoaderServiceProvider"
    • If you're updating the package, please add --force option to override the old assets.
  3. Open the published config/good-loader.php file and specify your font name.

    • Here are the default configurations of the file.
       | Loading Font
       | Provide the name of the font you're using, so that the sentence won't
       | load until that font is loaded at least.
      'font' => env('GOOD_LOADER_FONT', 'Mulish'),
       | Loading Sentence
       | Customize the sentence which shows up at the center of the screen before
       | the page is completely loaded.
      'sentence' => env('GOOD_LOADER_SENTENCE', 'Loading...'),
       | Loading Transitions
       | The time it takes to transition (fade) the `background` and the `sentence`.
      'transitions' => [
          'background' => env('GOOD_LOADER_TRANSITIONS_BACKGROUND', 1000),
          'sentence' => env('GOOD_LOADER_TRANSITIONS_SENTENCE', 300),
       | Loading Durations
       | The time it takes for the `sentence` to start `animating`, as things are
       | still not loaded...
      'durations' => [
          'sentence-animating' => env('GOOD_LOADER_DURATIONS_SENTENCE_ANIMATING', 750),
  4. Ensure that your content in the tailwind.config.js file include the published view - along your font:

    const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme');
    module.exports = {
        content: [
            './resources/views/**/*.blade.php', // or to './resources/views/vendor/good-loader/**' specifically...
        theme: {
            extend: {
                fontFamily: {
                    mulish: ['Mulish', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
    • The view is available at resources/views/vendor/good-loader/partials/good-loader.blade.php for customization.
  5. Add the following Blade directive to your master layout or view - along the font:

        <link rel="prefetch"
    <body class="font-mulish">
  6. Finally, compile Alpine in app.js and the view's Tailwind classes in app.css with NPM:

    npm run dev


Feel free to pull-request at any time. It's not like the package is moving anywhere... -Or is it? 😲

  • There's an available and automated CHANGELOG of all the updates.


  • Provide more time customizations.
  • Neat background grids to pick from!
  • Write Cypress and Pest tests! 🥲


Please do 🌟 all the packages you rely on, but NOT this one. 😍

والحمد لله رب العالمين