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Customize the window controls overlay of your PWA's title bar
Use the title bar area next to the window controls to make your PWA feel more like an app.
With the Window Controls Overlay feature, developers can customize the title bar of installed PWAs so that their PWAs feel more like apps.
Kid drawing, crafting, and painting rocks.

If you remember my article Make your PWA feel more like an app, you may recall how I mentioned customizing the title bar of your app as a strategy for creating a more app-like experience. Here is an example of how this can look showing the macOS Podcasts app.

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/o5gZ3GSKyUZOPhFxX7js.png", alt="A macOS Podcasts app title bar showing media control buttons and metadata about the currently playing podcast.", width="800", height="63" %} A custom title bar makes your PWA feel more like a platform-specific app.

Now you may be tempted to object by saying that Podcasts is a platform-specific macOS app that does not run in a browser and therefore can do what it wants without having to play by the browser's rules. True, but the good news is that the Window Controls Overlay feature, which is the topic of this very article, soon lets you create similar user interfaces for your PWA.

Window Controls Overlay components

Window Controls Overlay consists of four sub-features:

  1. The "window-controls-overlay" value for the "display_override" field in the web app manifest.
  2. The CSS environment variables titlebar-area-x, titlebar-area-y, titlebar-area-width, and titlebar-area-height.
  3. The standardization of the previously proprietary CSS property -webkit-app-region as the app-region property to define draggable regions in web content.
  4. A mechanism to query for and work around the window controls region via the windowControlsOverlay member of window.navigator.

What is Window Controls Overlay

The title bar area refers to the space to the left or right of the window controls (that is, the buttons to minimize, maximize, close, etc.) and often contains the title of the application. Window Controls Overlay lets progressive web applications (PWAs) provide a more app-like feel by swapping the existing full-width title bar for a small overlay containing the window controls. This allows developers to place custom content in what was previously the browser-controlled title bar area.

Current status {: #status }

Step Status
1. Create explainer Complete
2. Create initial draft of specification Complete
3. Gather feedback & iterate on design In progress
4. Origin trial Complete
5. Launch Complete (in Chromium 104)

How to use Window Controls Overlay

Adding window-controls-overlay to the web app manifest

A progressive web app can opt-in to the window controls overlay by adding "window-controls-overlay" as the primary "display_override" member in the web app manifest:

  "display_override": ["window-controls-overlay"]

The window controls overlay will be visible only when all of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The app is not opened in the browser, but in a separate PWA window.
  2. The manifest includes "display_override": ["window-controls-overlay"]. (Other values are allowed thereafter.)
  3. The PWA is running on a desktop operating system.
  4. The current origin matches the origin for which the PWA was installed.

The result of this is an empty title bar area with the regular window controls on the left or the right, depending on the operating system.

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/zVuuiMs37fGrDK8J7PXK.png", alt="An app window with an empty titlebar with the window controls on the left.", width="800", height="182" %} An empty title bar ready for custom content.

Moving content into the title bar

Now that there is space in the title bar, you can move something there. For this article, I built a Wikimedia Featured Content PWA. A useful feature for this app may be a search for words in the article titles. The HTML for the search feature looks like this:

<div class="search">
  <img src="logo.svg" alt="Wikimedia logo." width="32" height="32" />
    <input type="search" />
    Search for words in articles

To move this div up into the title bar, some CSS is needed:

.search {
  /* Make sure the `div` stays there, even when scrolling. */
  position: fixed;
   * Gradient, because why not. Endless opportunities.
   * The gradient ends in `#36c`, which happens to be the app's
   * `<meta name="theme-color" content="#36c">`.
  background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #36c, #131313, 33%, #36c);
  /* Use the environment variable for the left anchoring with a fallback. */
  left: env(titlebar-area-x, 0);
  /* Use the environment variable for the top anchoring with a fallback. */
  top: env(titlebar-area-y, 0);
  /* Use the environment variable for setting the width with a fallback. */
  width: env(titlebar-area-width, 100%);
  /* Use the environment variable for setting the height with a fallback. */
  height: env(titlebar-area-height, 33px);

You can see the effect of this code in the screenshot below. The title bar is fully responsive. When you resize the PWA window, the title bar reacts as if it were composed of regular HTML content, which, in fact, it is.

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/z59JyFopfQC35WrEyA6g.png", alt="An app window with a search bar in the title bar.", width="800", height="182" %} The new title bar is active and responsive.

Determining which parts of the title bar are draggable

While the screenshot above suggests that you are done, you are not done quite yet. The PWA window is no longer draggable (apart from a very small area), since the window controls buttons are not drag areas, and the rest of the title bar consists of the search widget. Fix this using the app-region CSS property with a value of drag. In the concrete case, it is fine to make everything besides the input element draggable.

/* The entire search `div` is draggable… */
.search {
  -webkit-app-region: drag;
  app-region: drag;

/* …except for the `input`. */
input {
  -webkit-app-region: no-drag;
  app-region: no-drag;

{% Aside %} For now, app-region has not been standardized, so the plan is to continue using the prefixed -webkit-app-region until app-region is standardized. Currently, only -webkit-app-region is supported in the browser. {% endAside %}

With this CSS in place, the user can drag the app window as usual by dragging the div, the img, or the label. Only the input element is interactive so the search query can be entered.

Feature detection

Support for Window Controls Overlay can be detected by testing for the existence of windowControlsOverlay:

if ('windowControlsOverlay' in navigator) {
  // Window Controls Overlay is supported.

Querying the window controls region with windowControlsOverlay

The code so far has one problem: on some platforms the window controls are on the right, on others they are on the left. To make matters worse, the "three dots" Chrome menu will change position, too, based on the platform. This means that the linear gradient background image needs to be dynamically adapted to run from #131313maroon or maroon#131313maroon, so that it blends in with the title bar's maroon background color which is determined by <meta name="theme-color" content="maroon">. This can be achieved by querying the getTitlebarAreaRect() API on the navigator.windowControlsOverlay property.

if ('windowControlsOverlay' in navigator) {
  const { x } = navigator.windowControlsOverlay.getTitlebarAreaRect();
  // Window controls are on the right (like on Windows).
  // Chrome menu is left of the window controls.
  // [ windowControlsOverlay___________________ […] [_] [■] [X] ]
  if (x === 0) {
  // Window controls are on the left (like on macOS).
  // Chrome menu is right of the window controls overlay.
  // [ [X] [_] [■] ___________________windowControlsOverlay [⋮] ]
  else {
} else {
  // When running in a non-supporting browser tab.

Rather than having the background image in the .search class CSS rules directly (as before), the modified code now uses two classes that the code above sets dynamically.

/* For macOS: */
.search-controls-left {
  background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #36c, 45%, #131313, 90%, #36c);

/* For Windows: */
.search-controls-right {
  background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #36c, #131313, 33%, #36c);

Determining if the window controls overlay is visible

The window controls overlay will not be visible in the title bar area in all circumstances. While it will naturally not be there on browsers that do not support the Window Controls Overlay feature, it will also not be there when the PWA in question runs in a tab. To detect this situation, you can query the visible property of the windowControlsOverlay:

if (navigator.windowControlsOverlay.visible) {
  // The window controls overlay is visible in the title bar area.

{% Aside %} The window controls overlay visibility is not to be confused with the visibility in the CSS sense of whatever HTML content you place next to the window controls overlay. Even if you set display: none on the div placed into the window controls overlay, the visible property of the window controls overlay would still report true. {% endAside %}

Alternatively, you can also use the display-mode media query in JavaScript and/or CSS:

// Create the query list.
const mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia('(display-mode: window-controls-overlay)');

// Define a callback function for the event listener.
function handleDisplayModeChange(mql) {
  // React on display mode changes.

// Run the display mode change handler once.

// Add the callback function as a listener to the query list.
mediaQueryList.addEventListener('change', handleDisplayModeChange);
@media (display-mode: window-controls-overlay) { 
  /* React on display mode changes. */ 

Being notified of geometry changes

Querying the window controls overlay area with getTitlebarAreaRect() can suffice for one-off things like setting the correct background image based on where the window controls are, but in other cases, more fine-grained control is necessary. For example, a possible use case could be to adapt the window controls overlay based on the available space and to add a joke right in the window control overlay when there is enough space.

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/uDWjKo827ntEHp5S8tyW.png", alt="Window controls overlay area on a narrow window with shortened text.", width="800", height="303" %} Title bar controls adapted to a narrow window.

You can be notified of geometry changes by subscribing to navigator.windowControlsOverlay.ongeometrychange or by setting up an event listener for the geometrychange event. This event will only fire when the window controls overlay is visible, that is, when navigator.windowControlsOverlay.visible is true.

{% Aside %} Since this event fires frequently (comparable to how a scroll listener fires), I always recommend you use a debounce function so the event does not fire too often. {% endAside %}

const debounce = (func, wait) => {
  let timeout;
  return function executedFunction(...args) {
    const later = () => {
    timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);

if ('windowControlsOverlay' in navigator) {
  navigator.windowControlsOverlay.ongeometrychange = debounce((e) => {
    span.hidden = e.titlebarAreaRect.width < 800;
  }, 250);

Rather than assigning a function to ongeometrychange, you can also add an event listener to windowControlsOverlay as below. You can read about the difference between the two on MDN.

  debounce((e) => {
    span.hidden = e.titlebarAreaRect.width < 800;
  }, 250),

Compatibility when running in a tab and on non-supporting browsers

There are two possible cases to consider:

  • The case where an app is running in a browser that supports Window Controls Overlay, but where the app is used in a browser tab.
  • The case where an app is running in a browser that does not support Window Controls Overlay.

In both cases, by default the HTML built for the window controls overlay will display inline like regular HTML content and the env() variables' fallback values will kick in for the positioning. On supporting browsers, you can also decide to not display the HTML designated for the window controls overlay by checking the overlay's visible property, and if it reports false, then hiding that HTML content.

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/2rAm7saFWnCnaIzukTlO.png", alt="A PWA running in a browser tab with the window controls overlay displayed in the body.", width="800", height="428" %} Controls meant for the title bar can be easily displayed in the body on older browsers.

As a reminder, non-supporting browsers will either not consider the "display_override" web app manifest property at all, or not recognize the "window-controls-overlay" and thus use the next possible value according to the fallback chain, for example, "standalone".

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/1VonSc0jOiOureeSkqtf.png", alt="A PWA running in standalone mode with the window controls overlay displayed in the body.", width="800", height="428" %} Controls meant for the title bar can be easily displayed in the body on older browsers.

UI considerations

While it may be tempting, creating a classic dropdown menu in the Window Controls Overlay area is not recommended. Doing so would violate the design guidelines on macOS, a platform on which users expect menu bars (both system-provided ones and custom ones) at the top of the screen.

{% Aside %} Having a proper App Menu API, similar to Menu available to Electron.js apps, is tracked as crbug/1295253. {% endAside %}

If your app provides a fullscreen experience, carefully consider whether it makes sense for your Window Controls Overlay to be part of the fullscreen view. Potentially you may want to rearrange your layout when the onfullscreenchange event fires.


I have created a demo that you can play with in different supporting and non-supporting browsers and in the installed and non-installed state. For the actual Window Controls Overlay experience, you need to install the app and set the flag. You can see two screenshots of what to expect below. The source code for the app is available on Glitch.

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/g8uxpFCkWhmFUkrIAVrJ.png", alt="The Wikimedia Featured Content demo app with Window Controls Overlay.", width="800", height="543" %} The demo app is available for experimentation.

The search feature in the window controls overlay is fully functional:

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/J3nvcwbrHznRFw5ZxaJS.png", alt="The Wikimedia Featured Content demo app with Window Controls Overlay and active search for the term 'cleopa…' highlighting one of the articles with the matched term 'Cleopatra'.", width="800", height="543" %} A search feature using the Window Controls Overlay.

Security considerations

The Chromium team designed and implemented the Window Controls Overlay API using the core principles defined in Controlling Access to Powerful Web Platform Features, including user control, transparency, and ergonomics.


Giving sites partial control of the title bar leaves room for developers to spoof content in what was previously a trusted, browser-controlled region. Currently, in Chromium browsers, standalone mode includes a title bar which on initial launch displays the title of the webpage on the left, and the origin of the page on the right (followed by the "settings and more" button and the window controls). After a few seconds, the origin text disappears. If the browser is set to a right-to-left (RTL) language, this layout is flipped such that the origin text is on the left. This opens the window controls overlay to spoof the origin if there is insufficient padding between the origin and the right edge of the overlay. For example, the origin "" could be appended with a trusted site "", leading users to believe that the source is trustworthy. The plan is to keep this origin text so that users know what the origin of the app is and can ensure that it matches their expectations. For RTL configured browsers, there must be enough padding to the right of the origin text to prevent a malicious website from appending the unsafe origin with a trusted origin.


Enabling the window controls overlay and draggable regions do not pose considerable privacy concerns other than feature detection. However, due to differing sizes and positions of the window control buttons across operating systems, the navigator.windowControlsOverlay.getTitlebarAreaRect() method returns a DOMRect whose position and dimensions reveal information about the operating system upon which the browser is running. Currently, developers can already discover the OS from the user agent string, but due to fingerprinting concerns, there is discussion about freezing the UA string and unifying OS versions. There is an ongoing effort within the browser community to understand how frequently the size of the window controls overlay changes across platforms, as the current assumption is that these are fairly stable across OS versions and thus would not be useful for observing minor OS versions. Although this is a potential fingerprinting issue, it only applies to installed PWAs that use the custom title bar feature and does not apply to general browser usage. Additionally, the navigator.windowControlsOverlay API will not be available to iframes embedded inside of a PWA.


Navigating to a different origin within a PWA will cause it to fall back to the normal standalone title bar, even if it meets the above criteria and is launched with the window controls overlay. This is to accommodate the black bar that appears on navigation to a different origin. After navigating back to the original origin, the window controls overlay will be used again.

{% Img src="image/8WbTDNrhLsU0El80frMBGE4eMCD3/oUxysbNURuPZgAodB5hU.png", alt="A black URL bar for out-of-origin navigation.", width="800", height="543" %} A black bar is shown when the user navigates to a different origin.

Feedback {: #feedback }

The Chromium team wants to hear about your experiences with the Window Controls Overlay API.

Tell us about the API design

Is there something about the API that doesn't work like you expected? Or are there missing methods or properties that you need to implement your idea? Have a question or comment on the security model? File a spec issue on the corresponding GitHub repo, or add your thoughts to an existing issue.

Report a problem with the implementation

Did you find a bug with Chromium's implementation? Or is the implementation different from the spec? File a bug at Be sure to include as much detail as you can, simple instructions for reproducing, and enter UI>Browser>WebAppInstalls in the Components box. Glitch works great for sharing quick and easy repros.

Show support for the API

Are you planning to use the Window Controls Overlay API? Your public support helps the Chromium team to prioritize features and shows other browser vendors how critical it is to support them.

Send a Tweet to @ChromiumDev with the #WindowControlsOverlay hashtag and let us know where and how you're using it.

Helpful links {: #helpful }


Window Controls Overlay was implemented and specified by Amanda Baker from the Microsoft Edge team. This article was reviewed by Joe Medley and Kenneth Rohde Christiansen. Hero image by Sigmund on Unsplash.