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chore(release): add conventional-changelog-cli & changelog
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addyosmani committed Dec 15, 2018
1 parent bd82a6c commit 532b985
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Showing 3 changed files with 707 additions and 12 deletions.
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
## 1.0.0 (2018-12-14)

* release(package.json): bump to 1.0.0 ([bd82a6c](
* infra(prefetch.mjs): add jsdoc for third-arg to prefetcher ([c5ed343](
* infra(tests): fix linting for spec ([ba74f11](
* docs: clarify Network Information API browser support ([ac5f7d9](
* docs: describe “ignores” & add recipe ([26a126c](
* docs: describe new opts w/ recipes ([d2a7870](
* docs( clarify layered support ([0025caa](
* test: add “ignores” suite ([b89faf0](
* test: add origins & sameOrigin suites ([21f601b](
* fix: add "unpkg" entry ([3a0d97c](
* fix: drop `sameOrigin` but move to same origin default; ([11af301](
* fix: remove `typeof document` check; ([c578c32](
* fix: rename “filter” -> “ignores” ([a1544da](
* fix: retain RegExp caller context ([53f5169](
* fix: revert `options` inlining; ([194881f](
* feat: add “” for inspecting before queue; ([1074d46](
* feat: add flexible `filter` option; ([4e64ca1](
* feat: add option to restrict same origin; ([2a31aee](
* feat(index.mjs): normalize URLs being prefetched (#27) ([1da37f4](, closes [#27](
* add test & recipe for all origins ([ab6375a](
* fixed polyfilling ([92e11ed](
* new URL(...): add location.href as second parameter ([d8ed5f9](
* tests(test-static-url-list): expand prefetch URL paths ([3027c72](
* golf: compress `support` helper; ([9df00ff](
* golf: inline `options.priority` default; ([36cc199](
* golf: inline `options` defaults; ([fe5f735](
* golf: inline `withCredentials` assignment; ([1c94262](
* golf: only use `document.head` for append; ([189984a](
* golf: save `navigator.connection` to var; ([5f95309](

## <small>0.1.2 (2018-12-12)</small>

* release(package.json): bump release ([de41a3c](
* Fix wrong operator precedence: negation vs 'in' ([c2864b0](
* fixes #5: localize and fix network-idle-callback deps ([807e8ad](, closes [#5](
* docs( add demo details (for #12) ([842f92a](, closes [#12](
* docs( minor clean-up of demo text ([4c03801](
* docs(readme): correct a small typo ([93814e2](

## <small>0.1.1 (2018-12-12)</small>

* release(package.json): bump version ([25b7cc7](
* Readme: Fix Guessjs website link ([0a32e19](
* fix: amend incorrect `querySelector` call ([e330066](

## 0.1.0 (2018-12-11)

* 0.1.0 ([a76eade](
* Clean up promises ([e4923ee](
* feat(prefetch links scrolling into viewport) for #6 ([d1e825d](, closes [#6](
* fix typo~ ([0c791bf](
* Improve basic demo ([04fa0d0](
* infra(lint-fixes) for index and prefetch ([c8c47f8](
* Make it proper IUU ([e6ffca9](
* Revert logic changes, but keep refactors ([a9d2216](
* revert multi-if statement ([cbe616a](
* docs( add contribution guidelines ([4a3da7b](
* docs(README): add link to gatsby guess plugin + prefetch notes ([d67a31a](
* docs(README): add logo and badges ([ec2b87c](
* docs(README): changes for new boolean priority ([7ba57a6](
* docs(README): fix references to GoogleChomeLabs ([9056abe](
* docs(README): minor tweaks ([2c04988](
* release(package.json): bump due to priority now being Boolean ([d3c3806](
* release(package.json): bump version ([5064745](
* infra(eslint): bump to ecma 9 ([6336333](
* infra(linting): fix linting issues from #15 ([e6c90d8](, closes [#15](
* infra(tests): add test for links scrolled into viewport ([7b7e5ff](
* infra(tests): minor rename ([62b60cd](
* infra(travis): attempt to fix server perms ([fdbabff](
* infra(travis): config for tests ([2f0631b](
* infra(travis): revert ports ([972eacc](
* fix: match long ternary style ([06a9a0a](
* fix: move puppeteer to devdeps ([d98cec8](
* golf: assert against `Map.get` existence; ([2cd1daf](
* golf: combine `nav.connection` if-statements; ([34e9718](
* golf: hoist shared “prefetcher” helper; ([2a5f63b](
* golf: inline `isIntersecting` filter; ([1037e38](
* golf: observe link & update Map in same loop; ([47b370d](
* golf: remove `return` within observer; ([0e569a3](
* golf: remove duplicate `typeof document` check; ([1662c0c](
* golf: skip `setAttribute` & assign directly; ([f7cb14e](
* golf: use `Array.from` to gather URL values; ([5def7dd](
* golf: use `doc.head` & `doc.querySelector`; ([53b7d15](
* golf: use Object.assign for defaults; ([11c4369](
* golf: use Promise instead of AsyncFunction; ([84a0468](
* golf: use Set & share `prefetch` caller; ([d221c51](
* golf: use ternary within prefetch functions; ([be441dc](
* golf(breaking): use Boolean for `priority` option; ([e478a47](

## <small>0.0.3 (2018-12-05)</small>

* release(package.json) bump to 0.0.3 ([2d46f53](
* Docs(README): add browser support and typo fix ([d2e18ad](
* Docs(README): minor revisions (why, support, projects) ([59d23d4](
* docs(prefetch): add missing jsdoc comments ([cada9d4](
* docs( link to APIs used ([a9af442](
* docs(README): add note about timeoutFn ([46b0874](
* docs(README): add notes on unpkg and initializing ([3609ac9](
* docs(README): add why and related projects. ([8799aca](
* docs(README): further revisions to browser support ([2e49f1f](
* refactor(index.mjs): fix timeoutFn fallbacks ([bfa8917](
* feat(bundlesize): add initial setup ([61012b4](
* demos(basic.html): add simplest usage demo ([e51781b](
* demos(network-idle): add network-idle-callback demo ([d4ae22d](
* core(index.mjs): add support for timeoutFn ([524b72e](
* infra(package.json): server->start, add demos to linting ([783a1b5](

## <small>0.0.2 (2018-11-27)</small>

* 0.0.1 ([cddf434](
* 0.0.2 ([eb5c15e](
* Drop private ([fadf8b3](
* fix test typos ([f3f3f9b](
* release(pkg.json): bump ([200d528](
* tests(bootstrap): extend timeout to 20000 ([e5bf3f3](
* docs(README): add API, polyfills, expand recipes ([9205c20](
* docs(README): add installation instructions, some better jobs. ([b2ffa41](
* docs(README): fix typo ([43306cf](
* docs(README): minor tweaks. ([baa9ec0](
* feat(index.mjs): add support for rIC timeout customisation ([18bea81](
* feat(tests refactoring): add mocha, chai tests with puppeteer ([d0b8911](
* feat(tests): add initial testing ([fd81b71](
* feat(tests): improve test coverage ([3ee52bd](
* feat(tests): move /demo to tests directory ([9d8ff74](

## <small>0.0.1 (2018-11-24)</small>

* (tidy) clean-up demo directory ([dc6bc58](
* (tidy) index.mjs: JSDoc comments ([e0d0afe](
* 0.0.1 ([9ad703b](
* Add babelrc and travis configuration ([d417c9c](
* Add demo directory ([67784f7](
* Add dist to gitignore ([3eb7f8c](
* Add handling for effectiveconnectiontype ([47dbaf5](
* Add microbundle and configuration to package ([6571ff0](
* Add package.json ([fd6149b](
* Add saveData handling ([32902a7](
* Adds index: initial implementation ([ce0aa40](
* Clean-up source ([ecbd70f](
* clean(index, prefetch): move connection logic to prefetcher ([a7cafa4](
* clean(index.mjs, prefetch.mjs) move prefetching logic to one place ([6e5d9fb](
* clean(src/index.mjs, src/prefetch.mjs): further reshuffling ([9fe6036](
* docs(pkg, README): more tweaks. ([c1e66c5](
* feat(index, prefetch) Add support for higher prio fetches ([c4fb77a](
* fix(demo/index.html): Reference UMD build ([6e7a838](
* Initial commit ([869ce69](
* Lots of ESLint fixes ([5d0af3d](
* minor(index, prefetch): renaming ([2c03bba](
* tidy(demo/index.html): drop unused script reference ([4aecc0f](
* docs(package.json): get consistent with description ([c2f00ed](
* docs(README): add how it works, usage and recipes. ([0a26a65](
* fix(src): Add license headers ([adf645e](

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
"build": "microbundle src/index.mjs --no-sourcemap",
"prepare": "npm run -s build",
"bundlesize": "bundlesize",
"changelog": "yarn conventional-changelog -i -s -r 0",
"release": "cross-var npm run build -s && cross-var git commit -am $npm_package_version && cross-var git tag $npm_package_version && git push && git push --tags"
"keywords": [
Expand All @@ -32,6 +33,7 @@
"babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0",
"bundlesize": "^0.17.0",
"chai": "^4.2.0",
"conventional-changelog-cli": "^2.0.11",
"cross-var": "^1.1.0",
"eslint": "^5.9.0",
"eslint-config-google": "^0.11.0",
Expand Down

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