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fix: add local-config annotations to kptfiles and functionConfigs #176

merged 5 commits into from
May 24, 2022


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part of #174

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@google-oss-prow google-oss-prow bot removed the lgtm label May 24, 2022
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@bharathkkb bharathkkb merged commit 0d005f0 into main May 24, 2022
@bharathkkb bharathkkb deleted the local-cfg branch May 24, 2022 23:07
@release-please release-please bot mentioned this pull request May 24, 2022
Rasadus03 pushed a commit to Rasadus03/raniamoh-blueprint that referenced this pull request Jun 16, 2022
kpt:{"package":"gke-clone","task":{"type":"patch","patch":{"patches":[{"file":"nodepools/setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  # The name of the cluster to attach this node pool to\n  cluster-name: example-us-east4\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The maximum nodes per zone for this pool\n  max-node-count: \"2\"\n  # The name of this node pool\n  nodepool-name: primary\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/nodepool.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion:\nkind: ContainerNodePool\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/example-us-east4-primary\n  name: porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn-live\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  autoscaling:\n    # maxNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n    maxNodeCount: 2 # kpt-set: ${max-node-count}\n    # minNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n    minNodeCount: 1\n  clusterRef:\n    name: porche-kcc-demo1 # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}\n  # At least one node is required for cluster system components.\n  # initialNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n  initialNodeCount: 1\n  location: us-east4 # kpt-set: ${location}\n  # Enable auto repairs and upgrades by default.\n  # Disable if you have workloads that cannot tollerate disruption.\n  management:\n    autoRepair: true\n    autoUpgrade: true\n  # Default reduced to better fit on e2-standard-16 machines.\n  # 4 pods per vCPU, 8 pods per physical core, ~1 pod per GB of memory. \n  maxPodsPerNode: 64\n  nodeConfig:\n    labels:\n primary # kpt-set: ${nodepool-name}\n    # diskSizeGb should include enough space for system components and the\n    # container image cache, in addition to space used by user workloads.\n    diskSizeGb: 100\n    # Default to SSD for higher IOPS / $ vs standard disks.\n    diskType: pd-ssd\n    # Default to e2, the most modern \u0026 efficient machine type family.\n    machineType: e2-standard-16\n    # Set the scope to cloud platform and use IAM to manage permissions\n    oauthScopes:\n    -\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\ndata:\n  project-id: raniamoh-playground\n  # The name of this cluster\n  cluster-name: porche-kcc-demo1\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The private IP range for masters to use when peering to the VPC\n  #master-ip-range:\n  # The reference to the network\n  network-ref: projects/raniamoh-playground/global/networks/network1\n  # The reference to the subnet\n  subnet-ref: projects/raniamoh-playground/regions/region/subnetworks/network1\n  # The private IP range name for pods to use, this range must already exist\n  #pods-range-name: pods\n  # The private IP range name for services to use, this range must already exist\n  #services-range-name: services\n  # The group in which to manage the list of groups that can be used for RBAC.\n  # Must be named exactly 'gke-security-groups'.\n  security-group:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"","contents":"---\n+++\n@@ -1,21 +1,77 @@\n-# gke-clone\n+\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n+# GKE blueprint\n \n-## Description\n-sample description\n \n+\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n+\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n+A GKE cluster with a primary node pool. An existing subnet needs to be provided where the cluster should be created.\n+\n+## Setters\n+\n+|        Name         |                             Value                              | Type | Count |\n+|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|------|-------|\n+| cluster-name        | example-us-west4                                               | str  |    13 |\n+| location            | us-east4                                                       | str  |     2 |\n+| master-ip-range     |                                                  | str  |     1 |\n+| max-node-count      |                                                              2 | int  |     1 |\n+| network-ref         | projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default            | str  |     1 |\n+| nodepool-name       | primary                                                        | str  |    11 |\n+| pods-range-name     | pods                                                           | str  |     1 |\n+| project-id          | project-id                                                     | str  |     9 |\n+| security-group      |                                | str  |     1 |\n+| services-range-name | services                                                       | str  |     1 |\n+| subnet-ref          | projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default | str  |     1 |\n+\n+## Sub-packages\n+\n+- [gke-cluster](cluster)\n+- [gke-nodepool](nodepools/primary)\n+\n+## Resources\n+\n+This package has no top-level resources. See sub-packages.\n+\n+## Resource References\n+\n+This package has no top-level resources. See sub-packages.\n+\n ## Usage\n \n-### Fetch the package\n-`kpt pkg get REPO_URI[.git]/PKG_PATH[@Version] gke-clone`\n-Details:\n+1.  Clone the package:\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n+    ```\n+    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n+    (for example, `main`).\n \n-### View package content\n-`kpt pkg tree gke-clone`\n-Details:\n+1.  Move into the local package:\n+    ```shell\n+    cd \"./gke/\"\n+    ```\n \n-### Apply the package\n-```\n-kpt live init gke-clone\n-kpt live apply gke-clone --reconcile-timeout=2m --output=table\n-```\n-Details:\n+1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n+    - setters.yaml\n+\n+1.  Execute the function pipeline\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt fn render\n+    ```\n+\n+1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n+    ```\n+    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n+    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n+\n+1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live apply\n+    ```\n+\n+1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n+    ```\n+\n+\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"PatchFile"},{"file":"nodepools/","contents":"\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n# GKE Node Pool blueprint\n\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\nA GKE node pool with a dedicated service account\n\n## Setters\n\n|      Name      |      Value       | Type | Count |\n|----------------|------------------|------|-------|\n| cluster-name   | example-us-east4 | str  |    11 |\n| location       | us-east4         | str  |     1 |\n| max-node-count |                2 | int  |     1 |\n| nodepool-name  | primary          | str  |    11 |\n| project-id     | project-id       | str  |     5 |\n\n## Sub-packages\n\nThis package has no sub-packages.\n\n## Resources\n\n|     File      |               APIVersion                |       Kind        |                    Name                     |   Namespace    |\n|---------------|-----------------------------------------|-------------------|---------------------------------------------|----------------|\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMServiceAccount | gke-example-us-east4-primary                | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | logwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary      | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | metricwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary   | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | artifactreader-gke-example-us-east4-primary | config-control |\n| nodepool.yaml | | ContainerNodePool | example-us-east4-primary                    | config-control |\n\n## Resource References\n\n- [ContainerNodePool](\n- [IAMPolicyMember](\n- [IAMServiceAccount](\n\n## Usage\n\n1.  Clone the package:\n    ```shell\n    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n    ```\n    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n    (for example, `main`).\n\n1.  Move into the local package:\n    ```shell\n    cd \"./primary/\"\n    ```\n\n1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n    - setters.yaml\n\n1.  Execute the function pipeline\n    ```shell\n    kpt fn render\n    ```\n\n1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n    ```shell\n    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n    ```\n    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n\n1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n    ```shell\n    kpt live apply\n    ```\n\n1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n    ```shell\n    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n    ```\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/","contents":"\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n# GKE Cluster blueprint\n\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\nA GKE cluster with public masters and private nodes\n\n## Setters\n\n|        Name         |                             Value                              | Type | Count |\n|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|------|-------|\n| cluster-name        | example-us-west4                                               | str  |     2 |\n| location            | us-east4                                                       | str  |     1 |\n| master-ip-range     |                                                  | str  |     1 |\n| network-ref         | projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default            | str  |     1 |\n| pods-range-name     | pods                                                           | str  |     1 |\n| project-id          | project-id                                                     | str  |     4 |\n| security-group      |                                | str  |     1 |\n| services-range-name | services                                                       | str  |     1 |\n| subnet-ref          | projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default | str  |     1 |\n\n## Sub-packages\n\nThis package has no sub-packages.\n\n## Resources\n\n|        File        |                 APIVersion                 |       Kind       |               Name                |   Namespace    |\n|--------------------|--------------------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------|----------------|\n| cluster.yaml       |    | ContainerCluster | example-us-east4                  | config-control |\n| container-api.yaml | | Service          | project-id-cluster-name-container | config-control |\n\n## Resource References\n\n- [ContainerCluster](\n- [Service](\n\n## Usage\n\n1.  Clone the package:\n    ```shell\n    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n    ```\n    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n    (for example, `main`).\n\n1.  Move into the local package:\n    ```shell\n    cd \"./cluster/\"\n    ```\n\n1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n    - setters.yaml\n\n1.  Execute the function pipeline\n    ```shell\n    kpt fn render\n    ```\n\n1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n    ```shell\n    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n    ```\n    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n\n1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n    ```shell\n    kpt live apply\n    ```\n\n1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n    ```shell\n    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n    ```\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/cluster.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion:\nkind: ContainerCluster\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/example-us-east4\n  name: porche-kcc-demo1 # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-cluster/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn-live\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n    # Remove the default node pool after bootstrapping.\n    # Explcit node pool configuration allows for more isolation and makes it\n    # easier to replace node pools to change immutable fields.\n \"true\"\nspec:\n  addonsConfig:\n    # Enable NodeLocal DNSCache by default, for increased performance and scaling.\n    #\n    dnsCacheConfig:\n      enabled: true\n    # Enable Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver by default, for access to\n    # volume snapshots and encryption with customer-managed encryption keys.\n    #\n    gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig:\n      enabled: true\n  # Enable Groups for GKE, to allow role binding to Google Groups.\n  authenticatorGroupsConfig:\n    securityGroup: # kpt-set: ${security-group}\n  # Enable Binary Authorization by default, to allow configuration of constraint\n  # policies and container image attestation.\n  #\n  enableBinaryAuthorization: true\n  # Enable Shielded GKE Nodes by default, to protect bootstrap credentials.\n  #\n  enableShieldedNodes: true\n  # Must be at least 1 when using remove-default-node-pool.\n  initialNodeCount: 1\n  # Use VPC-native networking by default, with named secondary IP ranges.\n\n  # ipAllocationPolicy:\n  #   clusterSecondaryRangeName: pods # kpt-set: ${pods-range-name}\n  #  servicesSecondaryRangeName: services # kpt-set: ${services-range-name}\n  location: us-east4 # kpt-set: ${location}\n  # Allow internet access to the GKE control plane by default.\n  # This default is a deliberate compromise for ease of use over security.\n  # For increased security, reduce the CIDR blocks to cover only known clients.\n  masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig:\n    cidrBlocks:\n    - cidrBlock:\n      displayName: Whole Internet\n  networkRef:\n    external: projects/raniamoh-playground/global/networks/network1 # kpt-set: ${network-ref}\n  privateClusterConfig:\n    # Allow public access to the GKE control plane by default.\n    # This default is a deliberate compromise for ease of use over security.\n    # For increased security, set to true to disable public IP access.\n    enablePrivateEndpoint: false\n    # Default to private nodes (no public IP).\n    enablePrivateNodes: true\n    # Enable global access to the GKE control plane's internal loab balancer.\n    #\n    masterGlobalAccessConfig:\n      enabled: true\n      #masterIpv4CidrBlock: # kpt-set: ${master-ip-range}\n  # Enable dataplane V2\n  #\n  datapathProvider: ADVANCED_DATAPATH\n  # Enable logging\n  loggingConfig:\n    enableComponents:\n    - \"SYSTEM_COMPONENTS\"\n    - \"WORKLOADS\"\n  # Enable monitoring\n  monitoringConfig:\n    enableComponents:\n    - \"SYSTEM_COMPONENTS\"\n  # Default to the REGULAR channel.\n  # Use RAPID for faster access to features and fixes.\n  # Use STABLE for less disruption.\n  # Use UNSPECIFIED to unenroll from automatic updates.\n  releaseChannel:\n    channel: REGULAR\n  # Use a dedicated subnet by default, to increase isolation and allow for\n  # cluster-specific firewalls.\n  subnetworkRef:\n    external: projects/raniamoh-playground/regions/region/subnetworks/network1 # kpt-set: ${subnet-ref}\n  # Enable Vertical Pod Autoscaling by default.\n  #\n  verticalPodAutoscaling:\n    enabled: true\n  # Enable workload identity by default.\n  workloadIdentityConfig:\n    identityNamespace: # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  # The name of this cluster\n  cluster-name: example-us-west4\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The private IP range for masters to use when peering to the VPC\n  master-ip-range:\n  # The name of the VPC in which to create this cluster\n  network-ref: projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default\n  # The reference to the subnet\n  subnet-ref: projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default\n  # The group in which to manage the list of groups that can be used for RBAC.\n  # Must be named exactly 'gke-security-groups'.\n  security-group:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"Kptfile","contents":"--- Kptfile@old\n+++ Kptfile@new\n@@ -1,8 +1,30 @@\n apiVersion:\n kind: Kptfile\n metadata:\n-  name: gke-clone\n+  name: gke\n   annotations:\n+ GKE blueprint\n \"true\"\n+upstream:\n+  type: git\n+  git:\n+    repo:\n+    directory: gke-clone\n+    ref: main\n+upstreamLock:\n+  type: git\n+  git:\n+    repo:\n+    directory: gke-clone/v1\n+    ref: v1\n info:\n-  description: sample description\n+  description: |\n+    A GKE cluster with a primary node pool. An existing subnet needs to be provided where the cluster should be created.\n+pipeline:\n+  mutators:\n+  - image:\n+    configPath: setters.yaml\n+inventory:\n+  namespace: default\n+  name: inventory-22125298\n+  inventoryID: 7ad21ddfd1a556521bf08a70bec79db8fcaa7589-1655377970808954000\n","patchType":"PatchFile"},{"file":"cluster/Kptfile","contents":"apiVersion:\nkind: Kptfile\nmetadata:\n  name: gke-cluster\n  annotations:\n GKE Cluster blueprint\n \"true\"\ninfo:\n  description: A GKE cluster with public masters and private nodes\npipeline:\n  mutators:\n  - image:\n    configPath: setters.yaml\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/container-api.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n# Enable the Container service in the platform project\napiVersion:\nkind: Service\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/project-id-cluster-name-container\n  # Use a unique name to avoid overlap with other cluster package instances.\n  name: raniamoh-playground-porche-kcc-demo1-container # kpt-set: ${project-id}-${cluster-name}-container\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-cluster/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn-live\n abandon\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  resourceID:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/node-iam.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n# Service Account for GKE nodes\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMServiceAccount\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn-live\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  displayName: gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n---\n# Allow fluentd to send logs to StackDriver\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/logwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: logwriter-gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: logwriter-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn-live\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/logging.logWriter\n---\n# Allow fluentd to send metrics to StackDriver\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/metricwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: metricwriter-gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: metricwriter-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn-live\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/monitoring.metricWriter\n---\n# Allow kubelet/docker/containerd to read all artifacts/images in the project-id project\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/artifactreader-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: artifactreader-gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: artifactreader-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn-live\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-kcc-demo1-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/artifactregistry.reader\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"","contents":"# Changelog\n\n### [0.4.1](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints@gke-blueprint-v0.4.0...gke-blueprint-v0.4.1) (2022-05-24)\n\n\n### Bug Fixes\n\n* add local-config annotations to kptfiles and functionConfigs ([#176](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints#176)) ([0d005f0](\n* reduce setters ([#158](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints#158)) ([b020765](\n\n## [0.4.0]( (2021-12-22)\n\n\n### Features\n\n* Change cluster and node pool defaults ([#89]( ([32918a5](\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/Kptfile","contents":"apiVersion:\nkind: Kptfile\nmetadata:\n  name: gke-nodepool\n  annotations:\n GKE Node Pool blueprint\n \"true\"\ninfo:\n  description: A GKE node pool with a dedicated service account\npipeline:\n  mutators:\n  - image:\n    configPath: setters.yaml\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"package-context.yaml","contents":"--- package-context.yaml@old\n+++ package-context.yaml@new\n@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@\n   annotations:\n \"true\"\n data:\n-  name: example\n+  name: gke-clone\n","patchType":"PatchFile"}]}}}
Rasadus03 pushed a commit to Rasadus03/raniamoh-blueprint that referenced this pull request Jun 17, 2022
kpt:{"package":"gke-clone","task":{"type":"patch","patch":{"patches":[{"file":"nodepools/primary/nodepool.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion:\nkind: ContainerNodePool\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/example-us-east4-primary\n  name: porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  autoscaling:\n    # maxNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n    maxNodeCount: 2 # kpt-set: ${max-node-count}\n    # minNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n    minNodeCount: 1\n  clusterRef:\n    name: porche-demo-east # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}\n  # At least one node is required for cluster system components.\n  # initialNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n  initialNodeCount: 1\n  location: us-east4 # kpt-set: ${location}\n  # Enable auto repairs and upgrades by default.\n  # Disable if you have workloads that cannot tollerate disruption.\n  management:\n    autoRepair: true\n    autoUpgrade: true\n  # Default reduced to better fit on e2-standard-16 machines.\n  # 4 pods per vCPU, 8 pods per physical core, ~1 pod per GB of memory. \n  maxPodsPerNode: 64\n  nodeConfig:\n    labels:\n primary # kpt-set: ${nodepool-name}\n    # diskSizeGb should include enough space for system components and the\n    # container image cache, in addition to space used by user workloads.\n    diskSizeGb: 100\n    # Default to SSD for higher IOPS / $ vs standard disks.\n    diskType: pd-ssd\n    # Default to e2, the most modern \u0026 efficient machine type family.\n    machineType: e2-standard-16\n    # Set the scope to cloud platform and use IAM to manage permissions\n    oauthScopes:\n    -\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/","contents":"\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n# GKE Node Pool blueprint\n\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\nA GKE node pool with a dedicated service account\n\n## Setters\n\n|      Name      |      Value       | Type | Count |\n|----------------|------------------|------|-------|\n| cluster-name   | example-us-east4 | str  |    11 |\n| location       | us-east4         | str  |     1 |\n| max-node-count |                2 | int  |     1 |\n| nodepool-name  | primary          | str  |    11 |\n| project-id     | project-id       | str  |     5 |\n\n## Sub-packages\n\nThis package has no sub-packages.\n\n## Resources\n\n|     File      |               APIVersion                |       Kind        |                    Name                     |   Namespace    |\n|---------------|-----------------------------------------|-------------------|---------------------------------------------|----------------|\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMServiceAccount | gke-example-us-east4-primary                | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | logwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary      | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | metricwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary   | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | artifactreader-gke-example-us-east4-primary | config-control |\n| nodepool.yaml | | ContainerNodePool | example-us-east4-primary                    | config-control |\n\n## Resource References\n\n- [ContainerNodePool](\n- [IAMPolicyMember](\n- [IAMServiceAccount](\n\n## Usage\n\n1.  Clone the package:\n    ```shell\n    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n    ```\n    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n    (for example, `main`).\n\n1.  Move into the local package:\n    ```shell\n    cd \"./primary/\"\n    ```\n\n1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n    - setters.yaml\n\n1.  Execute the function pipeline\n    ```shell\n    kpt fn render\n    ```\n\n1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n    ```shell\n    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n    ```\n    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n\n1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n    ```shell\n    kpt live apply\n    ```\n\n1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n    ```shell\n    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n    ```\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/Kptfile","contents":"apiVersion:\nkind: Kptfile\nmetadata:\n  name: gke-nodepool\n  annotations:\n GKE Node Pool blueprint\n \"true\"\ninfo:\n  description: A GKE node pool with a dedicated service account\npipeline:\n  mutators:\n  - image:\n    configPath: setters.yaml\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  # The name of this cluster\n  cluster-name: example-us-west4\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The private IP range for masters to use when peering to the VPC\n  master-ip-range:\n  # The name of the VPC in which to create this cluster\n  network-ref: projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default\n  # The reference to the subnet\n  subnet-ref: projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default\n  # The group in which to manage the list of groups that can be used for RBAC.\n  # Must be named exactly 'gke-security-groups'.\n  security-group:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"Kptfile","contents":"--- Kptfile@old\n+++ Kptfile@new\n@@ -3,6 +3,19 @@\n metadata:\n   name: gke-clone\n   annotations:\n+ GKE blueprint\n \"true\"\n+upstream:\n+  type: git\n+  git:\n+    repo:\n+    directory: gke-clone\n+    ref: v1\n+  updateStrategy: resource-merge\n info:\n-  description: sample description\n+  description: |\n+    A GKE cluster with a primary node pool. An existing subnet needs to be provided where the cluster should be created.\n+pipeline:\n+  mutators:\n+  - image:\n+    configPath: setters.yaml\n","patchType":"PatchFile"},{"file":"cluster/package-context.yaml","contents":"apiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  name: gke-clone/cluster\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/cluster.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion:\nkind: ContainerCluster\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/example-us-east4\n  name: porche-demo-east # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-cluster/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n    # Remove the default node pool after bootstrapping.\n    # Explcit node pool configuration allows for more isolation and makes it\n    # easier to replace node pools to change immutable fields.\n \"true\"\nspec:\n  addonsConfig:\n    # Enable NodeLocal DNSCache by default, for increased performance and scaling.\n    #\n    dnsCacheConfig:\n      enabled: true\n    # Enable Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver by default, for access to\n    # volume snapshots and encryption with customer-managed encryption keys.\n    #\n    gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig:\n      enabled: true\n      # Enable Groups for GKE, to allow role binding to Google Groups.\n      #authenticatorGroupsConfig:\n  # securityGroup: # kpt-set: ${security-group}\n  # Enable Binary Authorization by default, to allow configuration of constraint\n  # policies and container image attestation.\n  #\n  #enableBinaryAuthorization: true\n  # Enable Shielded GKE Nodes by default, to protect bootstrap credentials.\n  #\n  # enableShieldedNodes: true\n\n  # Must be at least 1 when using remove-default-node-pool.\n  initialNodeCount: 1\n  networkingMode: VPC_NATIVE\n  # Use VPC-native networking by default, with named secondary IP ranges.\n\n  # ipAllocationPolicy:\n  # clusterSecondaryRangeName: pods # kpt-set: ${pods-range-name}\n  # servicesSecondaryRangeName: services # kpt-set: ${services-range-name}\n  location: us-east4 # kpt-set: ${location}\n  # Allow internet access to the GKE control plane by default.\n  # This default is a deliberate compromise for ease of use over security.\n  # For increased security, reduce the CIDR blocks to cover only known clients.\n  masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig:\n    cidrBlocks:\n    - cidrBlock:\n      displayName: Whole Internet\n  networkRef:\n    external: projects/raniamoh-playground/global/networks/network1 # kpt-set: ${network-ref}\n    # privateClusterConfig:\n    # Allow public access to the GKE control plane by default.\n    # This default is a deliberate compromise for ease of use over security.\n    # For increased security, set to true to disable public IP access.\n\n    # enablePrivateEndpoint: false\n    # Default to private nodes (no public IP).\n    # enablePrivateNodes: true\n    # Enable global access to the GKE control plane's internal loab balancer.\n    #\n    masterGlobalAccessConfig:\n      enabled: true\n      # masterIpv4CidrBlock: # kpt-set: ${master-ip-range}\n  # Enable dataplane V2\n  #\n  datapathProvider: ADVANCED_DATAPATH\n  # Enable logging\n  loggingConfig:\n    enableComponents:\n    - \"SYSTEM_COMPONENTS\"\n    - \"WORKLOADS\"\n  # Enable monitoring\n  monitoringConfig:\n    enableComponents:\n    - \"SYSTEM_COMPONENTS\"\n  # Default to the REGULAR channel.\n  # Use RAPID for faster access to features and fixes.\n  # Use STABLE for less disruption.\n  # Use UNSPECIFIED to unenroll from automatic updates.\n  releaseChannel:\n    channel: REGULAR\n  # Use a dedicated subnet by default, to increase isolation and allow for\n  # cluster-specific firewalls.\n  subnetworkRef:\n    external: projects/raniamoh-playground/regions/region/subnetworks/network1 # kpt-set: ${subnet-ref}\n  # Enable Vertical Pod Autoscaling by default.\n  #\n  verticalPodAutoscaling:\n    enabled: true\n  # Enable workload identity by default.\n  workloadIdentityConfig:\n    identityNamespace: # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\ndata:\n  project-id: raniamoh-playground\n  # The name of this cluster\n  cluster-name: porche-demo-east\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The private IP range for masters to use when peering to the VPC\n  #master-ip-range:\n  # The reference to the network\n  network-ref: projects/raniamoh-playground/global/networks/network1\n  # The reference to the subnet\n  subnet-ref: projects/raniamoh-playground/regions/region/subnetworks/network1\n  # The private IP range name for pods to use, this range must already exist\n# pods-range-name: pods\n# The private IP range name for services to use, this range must already exist\n#services-range-name: services\n# The group in which to manage the list of groups that can be used for RBAC.\n# Must be named exactly 'gke-security-groups'.\n#security-group:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"package-context.yaml","contents":"--- package-context.yaml@old\n+++ package-context.yaml@new\n@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@\n   annotations:\n \"true\"\n data:\n-  name: example\n+  name: gke-clone\n","patchType":"PatchFile"},{"file":"cluster/","contents":"\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n# GKE Cluster blueprint\n\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\nA GKE cluster with public masters and private nodes\n\n## Setters\n\n|        Name         |                             Value                              | Type | Count |\n|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|------|-------|\n| cluster-name        | example-us-west4                                               | str  |     2 |\n| location            | us-east4                                                       | str  |     1 |\n| master-ip-range     |                                                  | str  |     1 |\n| network-ref         | projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default            | str  |     1 |\n| pods-range-name     | pods                                                           | str  |     1 |\n| project-id          | project-id                                                     | str  |     4 |\n| security-group      |                                | str  |     1 |\n| services-range-name | services                                                       | str  |     1 |\n| subnet-ref          | projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default | str  |     1 |\n\n## Sub-packages\n\nThis package has no sub-packages.\n\n## Resources\n\n|        File        |                 APIVersion                 |       Kind       |               Name                |   Namespace    |\n|--------------------|--------------------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------|----------------|\n| cluster.yaml       |    | ContainerCluster | example-us-east4                  | config-control |\n| container-api.yaml | | Service          | project-id-cluster-name-container | config-control |\n\n## Resource References\n\n- [ContainerCluster](\n- [Service](\n\n## Usage\n\n1.  Clone the package:\n    ```shell\n    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n    ```\n    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n    (for example, `main`).\n\n1.  Move into the local package:\n    ```shell\n    cd \"./cluster/\"\n    ```\n\n1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n    - setters.yaml\n\n1.  Execute the function pipeline\n    ```shell\n    kpt fn render\n    ```\n\n1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n    ```shell\n    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n    ```\n    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n\n1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n    ```shell\n    kpt live apply\n    ```\n\n1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n    ```shell\n    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n    ```\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/package-context.yaml","contents":"apiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  name: gke-clone/nodepools/primary\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"","contents":"# Changelog\n\n### [0.4.1](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints@gke-blueprint-v0.4.0...gke-blueprint-v0.4.1) (2022-05-24)\n\n\n### Bug Fixes\n\n* add local-config annotations to kptfiles and functionConfigs ([#176](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints#176)) ([0d005f0](\n* reduce setters ([#158](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints#158)) ([b020765](\n\n## [0.4.0]( (2021-12-22)\n\n\n### Features\n\n* Change cluster and node pool defaults ([#89]( ([32918a5](\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"","contents":"---\n+++\n@@ -1,21 +1,77 @@\n-# gke-clone\n+\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n+# GKE blueprint\n \n-## Description\n-sample description\n \n+\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n+\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n+A GKE cluster with a primary node pool. An existing subnet needs to be provided where the cluster should be created.\n+\n+## Setters\n+\n+|        Name         |                             Value                              | Type | Count |\n+|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|------|-------|\n+| cluster-name        | example-us-west4                                               | str  |    13 |\n+| location            | us-east4                                                       | str  |     2 |\n+| master-ip-range     |                                                  | str  |     1 |\n+| max-node-count      |                                                              2 | int  |     1 |\n+| network-ref         | projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default            | str  |     1 |\n+| nodepool-name       | primary                                                        | str  |    11 |\n+| pods-range-name     | pods                                                           | str  |     1 |\n+| project-id          | project-id                                                     | str  |     9 |\n+| security-group      |                                | str  |     1 |\n+| services-range-name | services                                                       | str  |     1 |\n+| subnet-ref          | projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default | str  |     1 |\n+\n+## Sub-packages\n+\n+- [gke-cluster](cluster)\n+- [gke-nodepool](nodepools/primary)\n+\n+## Resources\n+\n+This package has no top-level resources. See sub-packages.\n+\n+## Resource References\n+\n+This package has no top-level resources. See sub-packages.\n+\n ## Usage\n \n-### Fetch the package\n-`kpt pkg get REPO_URI[.git]/PKG_PATH[@Version] gke-clone`\n-Details:\n+1.  Clone the package:\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n+    ```\n+    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n+    (for example, `main`).\n \n-### View package content\n-`kpt pkg tree gke-clone`\n-Details:\n+1.  Move into the local package:\n+    ```shell\n+    cd \"./gke/\"\n+    ```\n \n-### Apply the package\n-```\n-kpt live init gke-clone\n-kpt live apply gke-clone --reconcile-timeout=2m --output=table\n-```\n-Details:\n+1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n+    - setters.yaml\n+\n+1.  Execute the function pipeline\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt fn render\n+    ```\n+\n+1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n+    ```\n+    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n+    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n+\n+1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live apply\n+    ```\n+\n+1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n+    ```\n+\n+\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"PatchFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/node-iam.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n# Service Account for GKE nodes\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMServiceAccount\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  displayName: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n---\n# Allow fluentd to send logs to StackDriver\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/logwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: logwriter-gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: logwriter-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/logging.logWriter\n---\n# Allow fluentd to send metrics to StackDriver\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/metricwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: metricwriter-gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: metricwriter-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/monitoring.metricWriter\n---\n# Allow kubelet/docker/containerd to read all artifacts/images in the project-id project\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/artifactreader-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: artifactreader-gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: artifactreader-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/artifactregistry.reader\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/container-api.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n# Enable the Container service in the platform project\napiVersion:\nkind: Service\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/project-id-cluster-name-container\n  # Use a unique name to avoid overlap with other cluster package instances.\n  name: raniamoh-playground-porche-demo-east-container # kpt-set: ${project-id}-${cluster-name}-container\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-cluster/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\n abandon\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  resourceID:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  # The name of the cluster to attach this node pool to\n  cluster-name: example-us-east4\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The maximum nodes per zone for this pool\n  max-node-count: \"2\"\n  # The name of this node pool\n  nodepool-name: primary\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/Kptfile","contents":"apiVersion:\nkind: Kptfile\nmetadata:\n  name: gke-cluster\n  annotations:\n GKE Cluster blueprint\n \"true\"\ninfo:\n  description: A GKE cluster with public masters and private nodes\npipeline:\n  mutators:\n  - image:\n    configPath: setters.yaml\n","patchType":"CreateFile"}]}}}
Rasadus03 pushed a commit to Rasadus03/raniamoh-deployment that referenced this pull request Jun 17, 2022
kpt:{"package":"gke-clone","task":{"type":"patch","patch":{"patches":[{"file":"setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\ndata:\n  project-id: raniamoh-playground\n  # The name of this cluster\n  cluster-name: porche-demo-east\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The private IP range for masters to use when peering to the VPC\n  #master-ip-range:\n  # The reference to the network\n  network-ref: projects/raniamoh-playground/global/networks/network1\n  # The reference to the subnet\n  subnet-ref: projects/raniamoh-playground/regions/region/subnetworks/network1\n  # The private IP range name for pods to use, this range must already exist\n# pods-range-name: pods\n# The private IP range name for services to use, this range must already exist\n#services-range-name: services\n# The group in which to manage the list of groups that can be used for RBAC.\n# Must be named exactly 'gke-security-groups'.\n#security-group:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"Kptfile","contents":"--- Kptfile@old\n+++ Kptfile@new\n@@ -3,6 +3,26 @@\n metadata:\n   name: gke-clone\n   annotations:\n+ GKE blueprint\n \"true\"\n+upstream:\n+  type: git\n+  git:\n+    repo:\n+    directory: /gke-clone\n+    ref: v1\n+  updateStrategy: resource-merge\n+upstreamLock:\n+  type: git\n+  git:\n+    repo:\n+    directory: /gke-clone\n+    ref: gke-clone/v1\n+    commit: 03e261f3e491003c75e44648c0bad1a23d9e6e6c\n info:\n-  description: sample description\n+  description: |\n+    A GKE cluster with a primary node pool. An existing subnet needs to be provided where the cluster should be created.\n+pipeline:\n+  mutators:\n+  - image:\n+    configPath: setters.yaml\n","patchType":"PatchFile"},{"file":"","contents":"# Changelog\n\n### [0.4.1](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints@gke-blueprint-v0.4.0...gke-blueprint-v0.4.1) (2022-05-24)\n\n\n### Bug Fixes\n\n* add local-config annotations to kptfiles and functionConfigs ([#176](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints#176)) ([0d005f0](\n* reduce setters ([#158](GoogleCloudPlatform/blueprints#158)) ([b020765](\n\n## [0.4.0]( (2021-12-22)\n\n\n### Features\n\n* Change cluster and node pool defaults ([#89]( ([32918a5](\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/Kptfile","contents":"apiVersion:\nkind: Kptfile\nmetadata:\n  name: gke-nodepool\n  annotations:\n GKE Node Pool blueprint\n \"true\"\ninfo:\n  description: A GKE node pool with a dedicated service account\npipeline:\n  mutators:\n  - image:\n    configPath: setters.yaml\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/Kptfile","contents":"apiVersion:\nkind: Kptfile\nmetadata:\n  name: gke-cluster\n  annotations:\n GKE Cluster blueprint\n \"true\"\ninfo:\n  description: A GKE cluster with public masters and private nodes\npipeline:\n  mutators:\n  - image:\n    configPath: setters.yaml\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/","contents":"\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n# GKE Node Pool blueprint\n\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\nA GKE node pool with a dedicated service account\n\n## Setters\n\n|      Name      |      Value       | Type | Count |\n|----------------|------------------|------|-------|\n| cluster-name   | example-us-east4 | str  |    11 |\n| location       | us-east4         | str  |     1 |\n| max-node-count |                2 | int  |     1 |\n| nodepool-name  | primary          | str  |    11 |\n| project-id     | project-id       | str  |     5 |\n\n## Sub-packages\n\nThis package has no sub-packages.\n\n## Resources\n\n|     File      |               APIVersion                |       Kind        |                    Name                     |   Namespace    |\n|---------------|-----------------------------------------|-------------------|---------------------------------------------|----------------|\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMServiceAccount | gke-example-us-east4-primary                | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | logwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary      | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | metricwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary   | config-control |\n| node-iam.yaml |       | IAMPolicyMember   | artifactreader-gke-example-us-east4-primary | config-control |\n| nodepool.yaml | | ContainerNodePool | example-us-east4-primary                    | config-control |\n\n## Resource References\n\n- [ContainerNodePool](\n- [IAMPolicyMember](\n- [IAMServiceAccount](\n\n## Usage\n\n1.  Clone the package:\n    ```shell\n    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n    ```\n    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n    (for example, `main`).\n\n1.  Move into the local package:\n    ```shell\n    cd \"./primary/\"\n    ```\n\n1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n    - setters.yaml\n\n1.  Execute the function pipeline\n    ```shell\n    kpt fn render\n    ```\n\n1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n    ```shell\n    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n    ```\n    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n\n1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n    ```shell\n    kpt live apply\n    ```\n\n1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n    ```shell\n    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n    ```\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"","contents":"---\n+++\n@@ -1,21 +1,77 @@\n-# gke-clone\n+\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n+# GKE blueprint\n \n-## Description\n-sample description\n \n+\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n+\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n+A GKE cluster with a primary node pool. An existing subnet needs to be provided where the cluster should be created.\n+\n+## Setters\n+\n+|        Name         |                             Value                              | Type | Count |\n+|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|------|-------|\n+| cluster-name        | example-us-west4                                               | str  |    13 |\n+| location            | us-east4                                                       | str  |     2 |\n+| master-ip-range     |                                                  | str  |     1 |\n+| max-node-count      |                                                              2 | int  |     1 |\n+| network-ref         | projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default            | str  |     1 |\n+| nodepool-name       | primary                                                        | str  |    11 |\n+| pods-range-name     | pods                                                           | str  |     1 |\n+| project-id          | project-id                                                     | str  |     9 |\n+| security-group      |                                | str  |     1 |\n+| services-range-name | services                                                       | str  |     1 |\n+| subnet-ref          | projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default | str  |     1 |\n+\n+## Sub-packages\n+\n+- [gke-cluster](cluster)\n+- [gke-nodepool](nodepools/primary)\n+\n+## Resources\n+\n+This package has no top-level resources. See sub-packages.\n+\n+## Resource References\n+\n+This package has no top-level resources. See sub-packages.\n+\n ## Usage\n \n-### Fetch the package\n-`kpt pkg get REPO_URI[.git]/PKG_PATH[@Version] gke-clone`\n-Details:\n+1.  Clone the package:\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n+    ```\n+    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n+    (for example, `main`).\n \n-### View package content\n-`kpt pkg tree gke-clone`\n-Details:\n+1.  Move into the local package:\n+    ```shell\n+    cd \"./gke/\"\n+    ```\n \n-### Apply the package\n-```\n-kpt live init gke-clone\n-kpt live apply gke-clone --reconcile-timeout=2m --output=table\n-```\n-Details:\n+1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n+    - setters.yaml\n+\n+1.  Execute the function pipeline\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt fn render\n+    ```\n+\n+1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n+    ```\n+    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n+    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n+\n+1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live apply\n+    ```\n+\n+1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n+    ```shell\n+    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n+    ```\n+\n+\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"PatchFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  # The name of the cluster to attach this node pool to\n  cluster-name: example-us-east4\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The maximum nodes per zone for this pool\n  max-node-count: \"2\"\n  # The name of this node pool\n  nodepool-name: primary\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/cluster.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion:\nkind: ContainerCluster\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/example-us-east4\n  name: porche-demo-east # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-cluster/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n    # Remove the default node pool after bootstrapping.\n    # Explcit node pool configuration allows for more isolation and makes it\n    # easier to replace node pools to change immutable fields.\n \"true\"\nspec:\n  addonsConfig:\n    # Enable NodeLocal DNSCache by default, for increased performance and scaling.\n    #\n    dnsCacheConfig:\n      enabled: true\n    # Enable Compute Engine persistent disk CSI Driver by default, for access to\n    # volume snapshots and encryption with customer-managed encryption keys.\n    #\n    gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig:\n      enabled: true\n      # Enable Groups for GKE, to allow role binding to Google Groups.\n      #authenticatorGroupsConfig:\n  # securityGroup: # kpt-set: ${security-group}\n  # Enable Binary Authorization by default, to allow configuration of constraint\n  # policies and container image attestation.\n  #\n  #enableBinaryAuthorization: true\n  # Enable Shielded GKE Nodes by default, to protect bootstrap credentials.\n  #\n  # enableShieldedNodes: true\n\n  # Must be at least 1 when using remove-default-node-pool.\n  initialNodeCount: 1\n  networkingMode: VPC_NATIVE\n  # Use VPC-native networking by default, with named secondary IP ranges.\n\n  # ipAllocationPolicy:\n  # clusterSecondaryRangeName: pods # kpt-set: ${pods-range-name}\n  # servicesSecondaryRangeName: services # kpt-set: ${services-range-name}\n  location: us-east4 # kpt-set: ${location}\n  # Allow internet access to the GKE control plane by default.\n  # This default is a deliberate compromise for ease of use over security.\n  # For increased security, reduce the CIDR blocks to cover only known clients.\n  masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig:\n    cidrBlocks:\n    - cidrBlock:\n      displayName: Whole Internet\n  networkRef:\n    external: projects/raniamoh-playground/global/networks/network1 # kpt-set: ${network-ref}\n    # privateClusterConfig:\n    # Allow public access to the GKE control plane by default.\n    # This default is a deliberate compromise for ease of use over security.\n    # For increased security, set to true to disable public IP access.\n\n    # enablePrivateEndpoint: false\n    # Default to private nodes (no public IP).\n    # enablePrivateNodes: true\n    # Enable global access to the GKE control plane's internal loab balancer.\n    #\n    masterGlobalAccessConfig:\n      enabled: true\n      # masterIpv4CidrBlock: # kpt-set: ${master-ip-range}\n  # Enable dataplane V2\n  #\n  datapathProvider: ADVANCED_DATAPATH\n  # Enable logging\n  loggingConfig:\n    enableComponents:\n    - \"SYSTEM_COMPONENTS\"\n    - \"WORKLOADS\"\n  # Enable monitoring\n  monitoringConfig:\n    enableComponents:\n    - \"SYSTEM_COMPONENTS\"\n  # Default to the REGULAR channel.\n  # Use RAPID for faster access to features and fixes.\n  # Use STABLE for less disruption.\n  # Use UNSPECIFIED to unenroll from automatic updates.\n  releaseChannel:\n    channel: REGULAR\n  # Use a dedicated subnet by default, to increase isolation and allow for\n  # cluster-specific firewalls.\n  subnetworkRef:\n    external: projects/raniamoh-playground/regions/region/subnetworks/network1 # kpt-set: ${subnet-ref}\n  # Enable Vertical Pod Autoscaling by default.\n  #\n  verticalPodAutoscaling:\n    enabled: true\n  # Enable workload identity by default.\n  workloadIdentityConfig:\n    identityNamespace: # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/package-context.yaml","contents":"apiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  name: gke-clone/nodepools/primary\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/package-context.yaml","contents":"apiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  name: gke-clone/cluster\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/nodepool.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion:\nkind: ContainerNodePool\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/example-us-east4-primary\n  name: porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  autoscaling:\n    # maxNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n    maxNodeCount: 2 # kpt-set: ${max-node-count}\n    # minNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n    minNodeCount: 1\n  clusterRef:\n    name: porche-demo-east # kpt-set: ${cluster-name}\n  # At least one node is required for cluster system components.\n  # initialNodeCount is per-zone, for regional clusters\n  initialNodeCount: 1\n  location: us-east4 # kpt-set: ${location}\n  # Enable auto repairs and upgrades by default.\n  # Disable if you have workloads that cannot tollerate disruption.\n  management:\n    autoRepair: true\n    autoUpgrade: true\n  # Default reduced to better fit on e2-standard-16 machines.\n  # 4 pods per vCPU, 8 pods per physical core, ~1 pod per GB of memory. \n  maxPodsPerNode: 64\n  nodeConfig:\n    labels:\n primary # kpt-set: ${nodepool-name}\n    # diskSizeGb should include enough space for system components and the\n    # container image cache, in addition to space used by user workloads.\n    diskSizeGb: 100\n    # Default to SSD for higher IOPS / $ vs standard disks.\n    diskType: pd-ssd\n    # Default to e2, the most modern \u0026 efficient machine type family.\n    machineType: e2-standard-16\n    # Set the scope to cloud platform and use IAM to manage permissions\n    oauthScopes:\n    -\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/","contents":"\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n# GKE Cluster blueprint\n\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:TITLE --\u003e\n\u003c!-- BEGINNING OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\nA GKE cluster with public masters and private nodes\n\n## Setters\n\n|        Name         |                             Value                              | Type | Count |\n|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|------|-------|\n| cluster-name        | example-us-west4                                               | str  |     2 |\n| location            | us-east4                                                       | str  |     1 |\n| master-ip-range     |                                                  | str  |     1 |\n| network-ref         | projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default            | str  |     1 |\n| pods-range-name     | pods                                                           | str  |     1 |\n| project-id          | project-id                                                     | str  |     4 |\n| security-group      |                                | str  |     1 |\n| services-range-name | services                                                       | str  |     1 |\n| subnet-ref          | projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default | str  |     1 |\n\n## Sub-packages\n\nThis package has no sub-packages.\n\n## Resources\n\n|        File        |                 APIVersion                 |       Kind       |               Name                |   Namespace    |\n|--------------------|--------------------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------|----------------|\n| cluster.yaml       |    | ContainerCluster | example-us-east4                  | config-control |\n| container-api.yaml | | Service          | project-id-cluster-name-container | config-control |\n\n## Resource References\n\n- [ContainerCluster](\n- [Service](\n\n## Usage\n\n1.  Clone the package:\n    ```shell\n    kpt pkg get${VERSION}\n    ```\n    Replace `${VERSION}` with the desired repo branch or tag\n    (for example, `main`).\n\n1.  Move into the local package:\n    ```shell\n    cd \"./cluster/\"\n    ```\n\n1.  Edit the function config file(s):\n    - setters.yaml\n\n1.  Execute the function pipeline\n    ```shell\n    kpt fn render\n    ```\n\n1.  Initialize the resource inventory\n    ```shell\n    kpt live init --namespace ${NAMESPACE}\"\n    ```\n    Replace `${NAMESPACE}` with the namespace in which to manage\n    the inventory ResourceGroup (for example, `config-control`).\n\n1.  Apply the package resources to your cluster\n    ```shell\n    kpt live apply\n    ```\n\n1.  Wait for the resources to be ready\n    ```shell\n    kpt live status --output table --poll-until current\n    ```\n\n\u003c!-- END OF PRE-COMMIT-BLUEPRINT DOCS HOOK:BODY --\u003e\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"nodepools/primary/node-iam.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n# Service Account for GKE nodes\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMServiceAccount\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  displayName: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n---\n# Allow fluentd to send logs to StackDriver\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/logwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: logwriter-gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: logwriter-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/logging.logWriter\n---\n# Allow fluentd to send metrics to StackDriver\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/metricwriter-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: metricwriter-gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: metricwriter-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/monitoring.metricWriter\n---\n# Allow kubelet/docker/containerd to read all artifacts/images in the project-id project\napiVersion:\nkind: IAMPolicyMember\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/artifactreader-gke-example-us-east4-primary\n  name: artifactreader-gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: artifactreader-gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-nodepool/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\nspec:\n  memberFrom:\n    serviceAccountRef:\n      name: gke-porche-demo-east-primary # kpt-set: gke-${cluster-name}-${nodepool-name}\n      namespace: config-control\n  resourceRef:\n    apiVersion:\n    kind: Project\n    external: raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\n  role: roles/artifactregistry.reader\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/setters.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: /setters\n  name: setters\n  annotations:\n \"true\"\ndata:\n  # The name of this cluster\n  cluster-name: example-us-west4\n  # The compute location (region for a regional cluster or zone for a zonal cluster)\n  location: us-east4\n  # The private IP range for masters to use when peering to the VPC\n  master-ip-range:\n  # The name of the VPC in which to create this cluster\n  network-ref: projects/network-project-id/global/networks/default\n  # The reference to the subnet\n  subnet-ref: projects/network-project-id/regions/region/subnetworks/default\n  # The group in which to manage the list of groups that can be used for RBAC.\n  # Must be named exactly 'gke-security-groups'.\n  security-group:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"},{"file":"cluster/container-api.yaml","contents":"# Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n# Enable the Container service in the platform project\napiVersion:\nkind: Service\nmetadata: # kpt-merge: config-control/project-id-cluster-name-container\n  # Use a unique name to avoid overlap with other cluster package instances.\n  name: raniamoh-playground-porche-demo-east-container # kpt-set: ${project-id}-${cluster-name}-container\n  namespace: config-control\n  annotations:\n cnrm/gke:gke-cluster/v0.4.1,kpt-pkg-fn\n abandon\n raniamoh-playground # kpt-set: ${project-id}\nspec:\n  resourceID:\n","patchType":"CreateFile"}]}}}
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