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Deploying functions

Jason Dobry edited this page Dec 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

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Deploying HTTP functions

They Emulator CLI's deploy commands mirrors that of the Cloud SDK. To deploy an HTTP function to the production Google Cloud Functions service you might do this:

cd /path/to/your/module
gcloud alpha functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-http --stage-bucket=my-stage-bucket

With the Emulator it's even easier:

cd /path/to/your/module
functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-http

While the Emulator can stage your code to a Google Cloud Storage bucket during local deployment, it's unnecessary.

To get the full list of deployment options run:

functions deploy --help

Deploying background functions

Background functions are categorized by their event trigger type. Run the following to see types of event triggers are available:

functions event-types list

Deploying a background function takes a few extra arguments. Here are some examples:

Cloud Storage Bucket Trigger

functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-event=object.change --trigger-resource=my-trigger-bucket

A shortcut would be just:

functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-bucket=my-trigger-bucket

Cloud Pub/Sub Topic Trigger

functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-provider=cloud.pubsub --trigger-event=topic.publish --trigger-resource=my-trigger-topic

A shortcut would be just:

functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-topic=my-trigger-topic

Common deployment options


If your current working directory is not the directory where your code resides, then you can use the --local-path option to specify the path to the code that should be deployed, for example:

functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-http --local-path=/path/to/helloworld/


If you to name the deployed function something other than the name of the function that's exported in your code, then use the --entry-point option to specify which exported function the deployment should use. The following examples deploys a function named helloWorld, and looks in the code for an exported function named otherFunction:

functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-http --entry-point=otherFunction