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Expensive BigQuery jobs notifier - Cloud Functions v2

Note: Cloud Functions v2 is currently a feature in private preview. Only allowlisted projects can currently take advantage of it. Please fill out this form to get your project allowlisted before attempting this sample. Cloud Functions v2 is only available in us-west1. More regions are coming soon.

In this sample, you'll build a Cloud Functions v2 service that receives notifications of completed BigQuery jobs using Eventarc, determines if the BigQuery job was expensive to run and if so, sends a notification email using SendGrid.

BigQuery Jobs Notifier

Determine completed & expensive BigQuery jobs

You can check AuditLogs of BigQuery for all the information. Note that AuditLogs are enabled by default in BigQuery.

To see completed BigQuery jobs, you can see AuditLogs logged under serviceName of and methodName of jobservice.jobcompleted:

BigQuery AuditLog

To get more job details, you can check under jobsCompletedEvent where you have access to what query was executed and more importantly how much it cost under totalBilledBytes:

BigQuery AuditLog

totalBilledBytes gives you an idea how expensive the query was. For example, if the query was cached, this will be zero and cost nothing but for expensive queries, it will be in GBs or more. In this sample, we'll assume queries 1GB or more are expensive.

Before you begin

Before deploying services and triggers, go through some setup steps.

Enable APIs

Make sure that the project id is setup:

gcloud config set project [YOUR-PROJECT-ID]
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

Enable all necessary services:

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

Enable Audit Logs

You will use Audit Logs trigger for BigQuery which are enabled by default, nothing to do here.

Configure a service account

Default compute service account will be used in the Audit Log triggers of Eventarc. Grant the eventarc.eventReceiver role to the default compute service account:

PROJECT_NUMBER="$(gcloud projects describe $(gcloud config get-value project) --format='value(projectNumber)')"

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $(gcloud config get-value project) \
    --member=serviceAccount:$ \


This service will receive the BigQuery jobcompleted events, log the received event and if totalBilledBytes is more than 1GB, it will use SendGrid to send an email about the expensive query.

You need to setup a SendGrid account and create an API key. You can follow SendGrid's API Keys doc for more details on how to setup SendGrid.

The code of the service is in You can take a look how to parse the received CloudEvent, how to parse the AuditLog with the relevant info and finally how to send an email for expensive queries.

Deploy the service while passing in TO_EMAILS to email address where you want to send the notification and SENDGRID_API_KEY with your send SendGrid API Key.


gcloud alpha functions deploy $SERVICE_NAME \
  --v2 \
  --runtime python38 \
  --entry-point handle_audit_log \
  --source . \
  --region $REGION \
  --trigger-location $TRIGGER_LOCATION \
  --trigger-event-filters=",,methodName=jobservice.jobcompleted" \

See that the service is deployed:

gcloud alpha functions list --v2


Note: Although your Audit Log function trigger will be created immediately, it can take up to 10 minutes for trigger to be active.

Once the service is deployed, a trigger is created under the covers.

Make sure the trigger is ready by checking ACTIVE flag:

gcloud eventarc triggers list


To test, you need to run a BigQuery job that results in 1GB or more billed bytes. Here's a sample query to run using bq CLI:

bq query \
  --nouse_legacy_sql \
  --nouse_cache \
  'SELECT * FROM `bigquery-samples`.reddit.full'

Once the query completes, you should see the service log the query:

gcloud alpha functions logs read $SERVICE_NAME --region $REGION --v2 --limit=100

You should also receive an email like this one:

The following BigQuery job completed

jobId: bqjob_r3293aa18ce3b8bed_00000179e689b8b9_1
createTime: 2021-06-07T12:54:16.783Z
query: SELECT * FROM `bigquery-samples`.reddit.full
totalBilledBytes: 1450180608.0, above 1GB? True