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2340 lines (1553 loc) · 56.5 KB

File metadata and controls

2340 lines (1553 loc) · 56.5 KB

Package builtins



The builtins package does not need to be imported, or prefixed in front of any functions. These functions are available everywhere.



absPath(first: String, rest: String...) returns Primitive - Primitive string


first: String - the first path segment

rest: String... - the remaining path segments


Joins the given path segments, then returns the normalized absolute path as a Primitive string. Normalization removes relative path segments, such as ./ and ../. If the path segments are relative, the returned path is relative to the file where the function is called.

// Suppose that the file calling the following functions is located at
// file:///foo/bar/baz/myfile.wstl. The `baz` directory contains the subdirectories
// `one`, `two`, and `three`.

// Returns "file:///foo/bar/baz/one/two/three"
absPath("./one/two", "three")

// Returns "file:///foo/bar/baz/one/two"

// Returns "file:///foo/bar/baz/one/three"

// Returns "prefix:///newdir/one/two"


and(args: Closure...) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


args: Closure... - arguments to evaluate. A Closure contains a lazily evaluated expression which will be evaluated by the function if and when appropriate.


Returns true if all arguments are truthy. Evaluation stops after encountering a falsey argument.

// Returns true
var a: "string1"
var b: "string2"
(a == "string1" and b == "string2")

// Returns false
var c: "string3"
var d: "string3"
(c == "string3" and d == "string4")

// Returns false. Evaluation stops after encountering the falsey argument y == "string1".
// The actual value of y is "string2".
var x: "string1"
var y: "string2"
var z: "string3"
(x == "string1" and y == "string1" and z == "string3")


arrayOf(items: Data...) returns Array


items: Data... - one or more Data data elements


Creates a new Array from the values provided to the items argument. Provides a convenient way to create an Array without needing to be concerned with the Array implementation. Creating an array using [foo, bar, baz] is syntactic sugar for the equivalent arrayOf(foo, bar, baz).

var container1: {
  entry: [
      request: {
        method: "POST"
        url: "Type/abc123"
      resource: {
        active: "true"
        id: "1234567890"
var array1: ["item1", 1, 2] // Syntactic sugar for arrayOf("item1", 1, 2)
var string1: "mystring"

// Pass the data to arrayOf().
arrayOf(container1, array1, string1)

// Returns the following output:
// [
//   {
//     "entry": [
//       {
//         "request": {
//           "method": "POST",
//           "url": "Type/abc123"
//         },
//         "resource": {
//           "active": "true",
//           "id": "1234567890"
//         }
//       }
//     ]
//   },
//   {
//     "code": "200",
//     "response": "out"
//   },
//   "mystring"
// ]

// Passing an array to arrayOf() returns the same array.
// Returns the following output:
["item1", 1, 2]


base64decode(inputBase64: String) returns Primitive - Primitive string a base64-decoded string version of the input data


inputBase64: String - base64 data to decode


Decodes the given base64 data to a string. The base64 encoded data must be a UTF-8 string.

// Decodes the input to a string. After calling `base64decode()`, the value of `string1`
// is "this is a string".
string1: base64decode("dGhpcyBpcyBhIHN0cmluZw==")

// Decodes the base 64-encoded input and stores it in the `data1` data structure.
data1: deserializeJson(

// After calling `base64decode()`, the value of `data1` is:

var data1: {
    array1: [1, 2, 3]
    number1: 123
    nested: {
        number2: 456


base64encode(data: String) returns Primitive - Primitive string a base64-encoded version of the data input


data: String - The string to encode. If encoding structured data, such as a Container, first pass the data to the serializeJson() function to convert the structured data to a string.


Encodes the given String to UTF-8 bytes and then to base64.

An empty string/null input will return an empty string.

// Encodes "this is a string" to base64.
// After calling `base64encode()`, the value of `string1` is "dGhpcyBpcyBhIHN0cmluZw==".
string1: base64encode("this is a string")

var data1: {
    array1: [1, 2, 3]
    number1: 123
    nested: {
        number2: 456

// Encodes the structured `data1` Container, then serializes it to JSON.
// After calling `base64encode()`, the value of `structure_enc` is
// "eyJhcnJheSI6WzEsMiwzXSwibmVzdGVkIjp7Im51bSI6MzIxfSwibnVtIjoxMjN9".
structure_enc: base64encode(serializeJson(structure))

// Returns null.


calculateElapsedDuration(iso8601StartDateTime: String, iso8601EndDateTime: String, timeScale: String) returns Primitive - Primitive number


iso8601StartDateTime: String - start timestamp

iso8601EndDateTime: String - end timestamp

timeScale: String - time scale to represent the difference between the two points in time. Case-sensitive and must be uppercase. Supported time scales:

  • DAYS


Calculates the duration between two points in time as follows:

  1. Converts the ISO 8601-formatted start and end timestamp values to millisecond values.
  2. Subtracts the start time from the end time.
  3. Divides the remainder by the number of milliseconds in the provided time scale.

ISO 8601 timestamps use the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.

var start: "2020-01-01T01:01:01.111Z"
var end: "2020-01-01T05:05:05.555Z"

// Returns 14644
calculateElapsedDuration(start, end, "SECONDS")

// Returns 244
calculateElapsedDuration(start, end, "MINUTES")

// Returns 4
calculateElapsedDuration(start, end, "HOURS")

// Returns 0
calculateElapsedDuration(start, end, "DAYS")

// Throws an IllegalArgumentException because "seconds" isn't uppercase.
calculateElapsedDuration(start, end, "seconds")


  • IllegalArgumentException - if the start time or end time aren't ISO 8601-formatted or if an unsupported time scale is used


calculateNewDateTime(iso8601DateTime: String, timeOffset: Long, timeScale: String) returns Primitive - Primitive string a new ISO 8601-formatted timestamp


iso8601DateTime: String - timestamp to modify

timeOffset: Long - timeOffset to add or subtract to the iso8601DateTime timestamp. Cannot be null.

timeScale: String - the time scale to add or subtract timeOffset to or from. Case-sensitive and must be uppercase. Supported time scales:

  • DAYS


If timeOffset is positive, adds it to iso8601DateTime. If timeOffset is negative, subtracts it from iso8601DateTime. Uses the provided time scale.

ISO 8601 timestamps use the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.

var start: "2020-01-01T01:01:01.111Z"
var timeOffset: 5
// Adds 5 hours to the initial timestamp and returns "2020-01-01T06:01:01.111Z"
calculateNewDateTime(start, timeOffset, "HOURS")

var start: "2020-01-01T01:01:01.111Z"
var timeOffset: 10
// Adds 10 days to the initial timestamp "2020-01-11T01:01:01.111Z"
calculateNewDateTime(start, timeOffset, "DAYS")

var start: "2020-01-01T01:01:01.111Z"
var timeOffset: -50
// Subtracts 50 days from the initial timestamp and returns "2019-11-12T01:01:01.111Z"
calculateNewDateTime(start, timeOffset, "DAYS")

// Throws an IllegalArgumentException because "seconds" isn't uppercase.
calculateNewDateTime((start, timeOffset, "seconds")


  • IllegalArgumentException - if the start time or end time aren't ISO 8601-formatted, an unsupported time scale is used, or the value of timeOffset is null


callFn(functionName: String, args: Data...) returns Data - the result of the function call


functionName: String - the name of the function to call

args: Data... - the arguments to pass to the function specified in functionName


Invokes the function provided in the functionName argument and passes the Data arguments to the specified function. The function provided in the functionName argument must be in the same package as the code that calls callFn. This function uses reflection, which lets a program inspect, analyze, and modify its own structure and behavior at runtime.

// A simple function that takes no arguments.
def packageFunction() {
// Pass the simple function to the callFn function.
output: callFn("packageFunction")
// The result of the function call:
// {
//   output: 10
// }


callPackageFn(packageName: String, functionName: String, args: Data...) returns Data - the result of the function call


packageName: String - the package where the function specified in functionName resides

functionName: String - the name of the function to call

args: Data... - the arguments to pass to the function specified in functionName


Invokes the function provided in the functionName argument from the package provided in the packageName argument. Passes the Data arguments to the specified function.

The following examples must be run from separate Whistle files. You can't define multiple package names in a single file.


// Declare the "foo" package.
package "foo"
// A simple function with no arguments.
def otherPackageFunction() {


// Declare the "bar" package.
package "bar"
// Import the file containing the "foo" package. In this example, the files are in the same
// directory.
import "./my_file_1.wstl"

// Pass the `otherPackageFunction()` function from the "foo" package to a variable in this
// package, and call `callPackageFn()` on `otherPackageFunction()`.
output: callPackageFn("foo", "otherPackageFunction")
// The result of the function call:
// {
//   output: 10
// }


currentTime(format: String) returns Primitive - string representing the current local date-time in the provided format


format: String - the format for representing the current local time


Returns the current local date-time in the provided Joda-Time formatted string (

// The result of calling the function is similar to `"2020-01-01T01:02:03.123Z"`.
timestamp: currentTime("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX")

// The result of calling the function is similar to `"2020-01-01"`.
timestampYearMonthDate: currentTime("yyyy-MM-dd")


deepCopy(data: Data) returns Data - a deep copy of the original Data


data: Data - the Data to make a deep copy of


Returns a deep copy of the input Data. Use this function to protect a variable from being modified. See the following examples.

// A simple `billingAccount` container.
var billingAccount: {
   description: "Hospital charges"
   id: "example"
   resourceType: "Account"

// Compare the following `modifierFunction()` and `modifierFunctionDeepCopy()` functions.
// `modifierFunction()` modifies the container passed to it and returns the modified value.
def modifierFunction(container) {
  var container.description: "MODIFIED"
// `modifierFunctionDeepCopy()` makes a deep copy of the container passed to it and doesn't
// modify the original container.
def modifierFunctionDeepCopy(container) {
  // Replaces `container` with a deep copy.
  var billingAccount: deepCopy(container)
  // Only modifies the copy in this function scope.
  var billingAccount.description: "MODIFIED"

// Call `modifierFunction()` and pass the `billingAccount` container.
// `modifierFunction()` doesn't write any fields, so the returned value is null, but after
// calling this function, the value of `description` in `billingAccount` becomes `"MODIFIED"`.
var value: modifierFunction(billingAccount)

// Remove the previous line `var value: modifierFunction(billingAccount)` from your Whistle
// configuration.
// Call `modifierFunctionDeepCopy()` instead and pass the `billingAccount` container.
// `modifierFunctionDeepCopy()` doesn't write any fields, so the returned value is null, but
// after calling this function using a deep copy, the value of `description` in
// `billingAccount` is unchanged.
var value: modifierFunctionDeepCopy(billingAccount)


deserializeJson(json: String) returns Data - the deserialized Whistle Data


json: String - the JSON string to deserialize


Deserializes a JSON string to the Whistle Data format.

var inputJson: "\{\"a\":\"a-value\",\"b\":\"b-value\"\}"

// Returns the following:
// {
//   a: "a-value"
//   b: "b-value"
// }


div(dividend: Primitive, divisor: Primitive) returns Primitive - Primitive number


dividend: Primitive - the number to divide

divisor: Primitive - the number by which to divide the dividend


Returns a Primitive number representing the quotient of two arguments. null arguments are treated like the number 0.

// Returns 5
div(10, 2)

// Returns 10. The / operator is shorthand for the div function.

// Returns 0.5
div(1, 2)


  • IllegalArgumentException - if one or more arguments isn't a number


eq(first: Data, second: Data, rest: Data...) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


first: Data - the first value to compare

second: Data - the second value to compare

rest: Data... - the remaining values to compare


Returns Primitive boolean with the value true if all arguments are equal.

// Returns true
eq(10, 10)

// Returns true. The == operator is shorthand for the eq function.
"text" == "text"

// Returns true
eq(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5)

// Returns false
eq(true, 7)

// Returns true (both are equivalent null data)
eq([], {})


explicitEmptyString() returns Primitive



Allows a user to explicitly output an empty string as a value for fields.

For example:

thisWillOutput: explicitEmptyString()
thisWillNotOutput: ""


extractRegex(input: String, pattern: String) returns Primitive - the first match of pattern in input. NullData if either input or pattern is null or there is no match.


input: String - string input to match.

pattern: String - string regex pattern.


Returns the substring in input that first matches pattern, or null if there's no match for pattern in input.


extractRegex(input: String, pattern: String, formatter: Closure) returns Array - An array where each element is the result of calling formatter on each match.


input: String - The input string to match against.

pattern: String - The regex pattern to match.

formatter: Closure - A closure with free variable $, where $ is a container with a field for each group, as in $.0 containing the whole match (group 0), $.1 containing group 1 (if it exists in the pattern), etc.


Finds all matches of the given regex pattern in the given input, and passes each match to the given formatter. Returns a result of the formatters in an array.

The parameter passed to formatter - $ - contains each group from the regex as a field. That is, group 0 (the whole match) is $.0, group 1 is $.1, etc. Groups are not accessible by name.

Note: If the pattern is an empty string, this method will always return null (i.e. an empty array).

Note: Only the last match of a repeated group will be returned.


var pattern: "a(b+)(c+)d"
var input: "abbcccd______abbbbccccccd"

extractRegex(input, pattern, $.1) == ["bb", "bbbb"]
extractRegex(input, pattern, $.2) == ["ccc", "cccccc"]
extractRegex(input, pattern, {
  whole: $.0
  bees: $.1
  cees: $.2
}) == [
    bees: "bb",
    cees: "ccc",
    whole: "abbcccd"
    bees: "bbbb",
    cees: "cccccc",
    whole: "abbbbccccccd"


fail(message: String) returns NullData


message: String


Throws an exception with the given message. It will be caught by Errors#withError if present.


fields(container: Container) returns Array


container: Container


Returns an array of the fields in the given container. The fields are sorted alphabetically.


fileExists(path: String) returns Primitive


path: String - The path to the resource. Relative paths are resolved relative to the current file. This path can use the same loaders/schemes as imports (e.x. file:///hello/world or gs://my-bucket/hello/world if a GCP plugin is imported).


Returns true iff the file at the given path exists (regardless of whether it is empty).


fileName(path: String) returns Primitive


path: String


Returns the file/dir name specified by the given path (including extension). This simply returns the last path segment after the last /. If there are query parameters or other suffixes after this segment, they are included.

For example:

fileName("hello") == "hello"
fileName("/hello") == "hello"
fileName("/hello/") == fileName("") == ""
fileName("/hello/world/this/is/a/") == ""


floor(data: Data) returns Primitive


data: Data - a Data data type


Returns the largest Primitive number integer value that is less than or equal to the argument.


  • IllegalArgumentException - if the argument isn't a number


formatDateTime(format: String, iso8601DateTime: String) returns Primitive - Primitive string holding a representation of the provided timestamp formatted according to the given format; NullData.instance if input datetime is not valid as ISO 8601.


format: String - String indicating the destination format of the given timestamp.

iso8601DateTime: String - a timestamp in ISO 8601 format.


Parses the given timestamp (which must be in ISO 8601 -, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format), and reformats it according to the given format (forcing a UTC timezone). The given format must be specified according to Java formatting rules:


formatDateTimeZ(format: String, timezone: String, iso8601DateTime: String) returns Primitive - Primitive string holding a representation of the provided timestamp formatted according to the given format; NullData.instance if input datetime is not valid as ISO 8601.


format: String - String indicating the destination format of the given timestamp.

timezone: String - String describing a timezone either by id like "America/Toronto" or by offset like "+08:00".

iso8601DateTime: String - a timestamp in ISO 8601 format.


Parses the given timestamp (which must be in ISO 8601 -, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format), and reformats it according to the given format with the given timezone. The given format must be specified according to Java formatting rules:


get(source: Data, path: String) returns Data


source: Data

path: String


Gets the value at the given path applied to the given value.


getEpochMillis(iso8601DateTime: String) returns Primitive - Primitive double of the milliseconds since the Unix epoch for the provided datetime or NullData if parse of timestamp using the ISO 8601 format fails.


iso8601DateTime: String - a timestamp in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ).


Gets the milliseconds from the Java epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z for the provided datetime, which must be in ISO 8601 ( format.


groupBy(array: Array, keyExtractor: Closure) returns Array


array: Array

keyExtractor: Closure


Groups the elements of an array by their keys extracted by the keyExtractor closure. The output is an array of objects/containers, each with two fields "key" and "value", analogous to key:value pairs. The "key" field of each container in the return value is a unique join key in the original collection computed by the keyExtractor closure. The "value" field will be a collection of elements from the original collection that maps to the join key in the "key" field. Example:

var array: [{num: 1; word: "one";}, {num: 2; word: "two";},
             {num: 3; word: "three";}, {num: 4; word: "four";}]
 var groupByResult: array[groupBy if $.num > 2 then "biggerThan2" else $.num + 2]
 // groupByResult == [{key: "biggerThan2"; elements: [{num: 3; word: "three";},
 //                                                   {num: 4; word: "four";}];},
 //                   {key: 3; elements: [{num: 1; word: "one";}];},
 //                   {key: 4; elements: [{num: 2; word: "two";}];}
 //                   ]


gt(left: Primitive, right: Primitive) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


left: Primitive - number to compare

right: Primitive - the second number to compare


Returns true if the value of left is greater than the value of right. null values are treated like the number 0.

// Returns true
 gt(10, 1)

 // Returns true. The > operator is shorthand for the gt function.
 5 > 1

 // Returns false
 gt(1, 10)


  • IllegalArgumentException - if one or more values isn't a number


gtEq(left: Primitive, right: Primitive) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


left: Primitive - the first number to compare

right: Primitive - the second number to compare


Returns true if the value of left is greater than or equal to the value of right. null values are treated like the number 0.

// Returns true
gtEq(10, 1)

// Returns true. The >= operator is shorthand for the gtEq function.
5 >= 5

Returns false
gtEq(1, 10)


  • IllegalArgumentException - if one or more values isn't a number


hash(obj: Data) returns Primitive - Primitive String hash code representing the input Data object.


obj: Data - Data object to generate hash code for.


Generates a Primitive String hash from the given Data object. Key order is not considered for Containers, (Array item order is). This is not cryptographically secure and is not to be used for secure hashing. Uses murmur3 hashing for speed and stability.


intHash(obj: Data) returns Primitive - Primitive holding Integer hash code representing the input Data object.


obj: Data - Data object to generate hash code for.


Generates an Integer hash from the given Data object. Key order is not considered for Containers, (Array item order is). This is not cryptographically secure and is not to be used for secure hashing. Uses murmur3 hashing for speed and stability.


is(data: Data, type: String) returns Primitive


data: Data

type: String


Returns true if the given data is of the given type (according to #types).

Possible basic types are: Array, Container, Primitive, Dataset, and null. Implementations, like DefaultArray can vary depending on the execution environment.

This check is not sensitive to letter casing.


isDateTimeBetween(iso8601StartDateTime: String, iso8601EndDateTime: String, iso8601CompareDateTime: String) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean value true if inside window, false otherwise.


iso8601StartDateTime: String - timestamp in ISO 8601 format(yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)

iso8601EndDateTime: String - timestamp in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)

iso8601CompareDateTime: String - timestamp in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)


Calculates whether the value specified by iso8601CompareDateTime exists within the window defined by iso8601StartDateTime and iso8601EndDateTime. All ISO 8601 timestamps are converted to millisecond values and a comparison is done inclusive of the start and end points.


  • IllegalArgumentException - if any of ISO 8601 formatted input values are improperly formatted.


isNil(data: Data) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


data: Data - a Data data type


Returns true if the value of Data is null or empty, depending on the Data implementation.

// Returns true because dir is empty.
var dir: ""

// Returns false because x isn't empty. The !? operator is shorthand for the isNil function.
var x: "abc"

// Returns true because emptyContainer is empty.
var emptyContainer: {}


isNotNil(data: Data) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


data: Data - a Data data type


Returns true if the value of Data isn't null or empty, depending on the Data implementation.

// Returns true because x isn't empty.
var x: "abc"

// Returns true because dir isn't empty. dir becomes "path/".
// The ? operator is shorthand for the isNotNil function.
var dir: "path"
if dir? then {
  var dir: dir + "/";

// Returns false because dataContainer is empty.
var dataContainer: {}


iterate(closure: Closure, iterables: NullData...) returns NullData


closure: Closure

iterables: NullData...


Iteration stub for iterating over NullData, to disambiguate it from a dataset or an array. This method always returns NullData and never calls the given closure.


iterate(closure: Closure, iterables: Array...) returns Array


closure: Closure - The closure to use for iteration.

iterables: Array... - The arrays to iterate.


Iterate the given Array(s) together passing them one element at a time to the given closure, and composing the results into a new array. The closure must therefore have the same number of free arguments as there are arrays to iterate together.

If multiple arrays are iterated together, then zipped iteration is performed. This means that for every index, an element is selected at that index from each iterated array (except empty arrays, where null is selected for every index). These elements are passed in as arguments to the function (in place of the arrays), and the results of the function are composed to the returned new Array. All non-empty arrays must have the same sizes (empty Arrays just yield as many nulls as necessary).

For example, if (a, b, c, x, y) are args, a and b are arrays of size 3, c is an array of size 0 (empty) and x and y are non-iterated args (that is, they are not free args), then the given function will be called like:

  • fn(a[0], b[0], null, x, y)
  • fn(a[1], b[1], null, x, y)
  • fn(a[2], b[2], null, x, y)

The results of these calls will be collected into an array of length 3.

This method may also be called directly, with an anonymous expression. For example: iterate($1 + $2, ["a", "b", "c"], ["A", "B", "C"]) will return ["aA", "bB", "cC"]. Alternatively, iterate($ + 100, [1, 2, 3]) will return [101, 102, 103]. As many arguments as desired may be passed in, and will be bound to $1, $2, $3...$n in order. If there is only one array argument, it is bound to just $ (with no number).


iterate(closure: Closure, iterables: Container...) returns Container


closure: Closure - The closure to use for iteration.

iterables: Container... - The containers to iterate.


Containers are iterated by passing in the values of each key. The resulting value is then assigned to the corresponding key in the output container.

The main notable difference between arrays and containers is that there is no size requirement for containers - since the iteration is done upon key-values, containers that are missing the key just get a Null value.

For example, if (a, b, c, x, y) are args, a, b, and c are containers such that a = {k1: ..., k3: ...} and b = {k1: ..., k2: ...} and c = {}, then the given function will be called like:

  • fn(a.k1, b.k1, c.k1, x, y)
  • fn(a.k2, b.k2, c.k2, x, y)
  • fn(a.k3, b.k3, c.k3, x, y)

where a.k2 == b.k3 == c.k1 == c.k2 == c.k3 == null

The results of these calls will be collected into a container as in:

   k1: fn(a.k1, b.k1, c.k1, x, y)
   k2: fn(a.k2, b.k2, c.k2, x, y)
   k3: fn(a.k3, b.k3, c.k3, x, y)


var c1: {
  k1: "c1k1"
  k2: "c1k2"

def modify(value) value + "-modified"

modify(c1[]) == {
  "k1": "c1k1-modified",
  "k2": "c1k2-modified"

var c2: {
  k1: "c2k1"
  k3: "c2k3"

var c3: {
  k1: "c3k1"
  k3: "c3k3"

sum(c1[], c2[], c3[]) == {
  "k1": "c1k1c2k1c3k1",
  "k2": "c1k2",
  "k3": "c2k3c3k3"


iterate(closure: Closure, dataset: Dataset) returns Dataset


closure: Closure - The closure to use for iteration.

dataset: Dataset - The dataset to iterate/map.


Iterates a dataset through the given closure. Each dataset element will be passed through the given closure using the dataset's Dataset#map(RuntimeContext, Closure, boolean) implementation.


join(left: Array, right: Array, joinOp: Closure) returns Array - Array of joined elements. Joined pairs are themselves arrays, with matching elements from left and right, or nulls in place of no matches.


left: Array - The left array

right: Array - The right array

joinOp: Closure - a predicate operating on $left and $right, which returns true if the two elements shall be joined together


Performs a full outer join on the two given arrays.


var array1: [{
  id: 1
  val: "1aaa"
}, {
  id: 2
  val: "1bbb"
var array2: [{
  id: 1
  val: "2aaa"
}, {
  id: 3
  val: "2ccc"

join(array1, array2, $ == $ == [
 [{ id: 1; val: "1aaa"; }, { id: 1; val: "2aaa"; }],
 [{ id: 2; val: "1bbb"; }, {}],
 [{}, { id: 3; val: "2ccc"; }]

Ordering: Order is preserved such that:

  • Items from left (and corresponding matches from right, if any) appear first
  • Unmatched remaining items from right appear last

Duplicate items: Duplicate items are only matched once. That is, if left is Al Al Bl, and right is Ar Br Br Cr, the result is

Al - Ar
Al - null
Bl - Br
null - Br
null - Cr


joinPath(first: String, rest: String...) returns Primitive


first: String - The first element of the path.

rest: String... - The remaining elements of the path.


Joins the given path segments, then returns the normalized path. Normalized means all redundant relative segments such as non-leading ./ and ../ are resolved away.


joinPath("./one/../two", "three") == "./two/three"
joinPath("../one/../two", "three", "four") == "../two/three/four"
joinPath("/one/two", "../three") == "/one/three"
joinPath("one/two", "three") == "one/two/three"
joinPath("hello:///bucket/one/two", "../three", "four") == "hello:///bucket/one/three/four"


last(array: Array) returns Data


array: Array


Returns the lastIndex data Data in a given Array or Null data for an empty array


listFiles(pattern: String) returns Array


pattern: String - A file pattern to match against, in glob form. Currently (b/230104706), only local files are supported. For more info on glob syntax, see getPathMatcher("glob")


Lists all files matching the given pattern. Relative paths are resolved against the current file.


Given directories:
├── current.wstl <------ we are in this file.
├── aaa.json
├── one
│     ├── bar
│     │     ├── fff.json
│     │     └── ggg.json
│     ├── bbb.zzz.json
│     └── foo
│         ├── ccc.json
│         ├── ddd.json
│         └── eee.zzz.json
└── two
    ├── hhh.zzz.json
    └── iii.json

listFiles("./*.json") == ["aaa.json"]
listFiles("./**/*.json") == ["/one/bar/ggg.json", "/one/foo/ccc.json",
          "/one/foo/eee.zzz.json", "/two/iii.json", "/one/bar/fff.json", "/one/bbb.zzz.json",
          "/one/foo/ddd.json", "/two/hhh.zzz.json"]
listFiles("/**/*.zz?.json") == ["./one/bbb.zzz.json", "./one/foo/eee.zzz.json",


listLen(array: Array) returns Primitive


array: Array


Returns the length of the given Array.


loadJson(path: String) returns Data


path: String - The path to the resource. Relative paths are resolved relative to the current file. This path can use the same loaders/schemes as imports (e.x. file:///hello/world or gs://my-bucket/hello/world if a GCP plugin is imported).


Loads the json data at the given path, and returns it as a Data.


loadText(path: String) returns Primitive


path: String - The path to the resource. Relative paths are resolved relative to the current file. This path can use the same loaders/schemes as imports (e.x. file:///hello/world or gs://my-bucket/hello/world if a GCP plugin is imported).


Loads the UTF-8 text data at the given path, and returns it as a string primitive.


lt(left: Primitive, right: Primitive) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


left: Primitive - the first number to compare

right: Primitive - the second number to compare


Returns true if the value of left is less than the value of right. null values are treated like the number 0.

// Returns true
 lt(1, 10)

 // Returns true. The < operator is shorthand for the lt function.
 1 < 2

 // Returns false
 lt(2, 1)


  • IllegalArgumentException - if one or more values isn't a number


ltEq(left: Primitive, right: Primitive) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


left: Primitive - the first number to compare

right: Primitive - the second number to compare


Returns true if the value of left is less than or equal to the value of right. null values are treated like the number 0.

// Returns true
ltEq(5, 5)

// Returns true. The <= operator is shorthand for the ltEq function.
1 <= 10

// Returns false
ltEq(10, 1)


  • IllegalArgumentException - if one or more values isn't a number


matchesRegex(str: String, regex: String) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean, true iff input string matches input regex pattern


str: String - Primitive string input to match.

regex: String - Primitive string regex pattern.


Returns true iff the Primitive string matches the Primitive string regex pattern.


mul(first: Primitive, rest: Primitive...) returns Primitive - Primitive number


first: Primitive - the first number to multiply

rest: Primitive... - the remaining numbers to multiply


Returns a Primitive number representing the product of the arguments. null arguments are treated like the number 0.

// Returns 100
mul(5, 10, 2)

// Returns 50. The * operator is shorthand for the mul function.
5 * 10


  • IllegalArgumentException - if one or more arguments isn't a number


neq(first: Data, second: Data, rest: Data...) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


first: Data - the first value to compare

second: Data - the second value to compare

rest: Data... - the remaining values to compare


Returns a Primitive boolean with the value true if any two arguments are unequal.

// Returns true
neq("text1", "text2")

// Returns true. The != operator is shorthand for the neq function.
false != 7

// Returns false
neq("text1", "text1")


not(data: Data) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


data: Data - a Data data type


Returns true if data represents a Primitive boolean with a falsey value. Returns true if data is null or empty.

// Returns true
var a: false

// Returns false. The ! operator is shorthand for the not function.
var a: true

// Returns true
var b: ""


or(args: Closure...) returns Primitive - Primitive boolean


args: Closure... - arguments to evaluate. A Closure contains a lazily evaluated expression which will be evaluated by the function if and when appropriate.


Returns true if any arguments are truthy. Evaluation stops after encountering a truthy argument.

// Returns true
var a: "mystring"
var b: "yourstring"
(a == "mystring" or b == "yourstring")

// Returns false
var c: "astring"
var d: "astring"
(b == "string" or c == "string")

// Returns true. Evaluation continues after the first conditional even though it's false, then
// evaluation stops after encountering y == 2, which is true, and doesn't evaluate z == 3.
var x: 1
var y: 2
var z: 3
(a == 2 or y == 2 or z == 3)


parseDateTime(format: String, datetime: String) returns Primitive - Primitive string holding an ISO 8601 representation of the provided timestamp; NullData.instance if parse of timestamp using provided format fails.


format: String - format String for parsing the provided timestamp.

datetime: String - timestamp String to be parsed.


Parses String timestamp into the ISO 8601 "Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second" format, in the UTC timezone (, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ) from the format specified according to Java formatting rules:

Missing components are defaulted, except literals which are non-optional.


parseEpochMillis(input: Long) returns Primitive - Primitive String of a timestamp in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ) or NullData if parse fails.


input: Long - the number of milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.


Gets the Java epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z from the milliseconds for the provided datetime.


parseNum(str: String) returns Primitive


str: String


Parses String and returns Primitive double.


range(start: Primitive, end: Primitive) returns Array


start: Primitive

end: Primitive


Returns an array of sequentially ordered integers from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive) by an increment step of 1. Example:

var x : range(5, 10) // x: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


range(size: Primitive) returns Array


size: Primitive


Returns an array of sequentially ordered integers with provided size starting from 0 and incremented in steps of 1. Example:

var x : range(5) // x: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]


reduce(array: Array, seed: Data, accumulator: Closure) returns Data - Data representing the result of the reduction.


array: Array - Array to reduce.

seed: Data - Initial value of $acc.

accumulator: Closure - Closure to use as the accumulation function. $acc represents the cumulative reduced value so far, and $cur represents the current value to accumulate. The result of this closure is the next $acc.


Performs a reduction on the elements of an Array using an associative accumulation Closure. If the array is empty, the given seed is returned.


reduce([1, 2, 3], 10, $acc + $cur) == 16
reduce([1], 10, $acc + $cur) == 11
reduce([1], 10, "some const") == "some const"


reduce(array: Array, accumulator: Closure) returns Data - Data representing the result of the reduction.


array: Array - Array to reduce.

accumulator: Closure - Closure to use as the accumulation function. $acc represents the cumulative reduced value so far, and $cur represents the current value to accumulate. The result of this closure is the next $acc.


Performs a reduction on the elements of an Array using an associative accumulation Closure. If the array is empty, null data is returned. If the array has only one item, that item is returned.


reduce([1, 2, 3], $acc + $cur) == 6
reduce([1], $acc + $cur) == 1
reduce([1], "some const") == 1


rethrowError(body: Closure, errorHandler: Closure) returns Data - the result value of either the body, or the error handler if it was called.


body: Closure - The code to handle errors from.

errorHandler: Closure - The code to handle errors with.


rethrowError calls #withError to execute the code given in body. The behavior is the same as withError, but if there is an exception, it is rethrown after handling. An error rethrown by this method will not be handled again when caught by any other withError or rethrowError handlers.


serializeJson(data: Data) returns Primitive - A string representing the JSON serialization of the input data.


data: Data - The data to serialize.


Serializes the Data input to JSON string.


sortBy(array: Array, keySelector: Closure) returns Array - sorted Array.


array: Array - Array to sort.

keySelector: Closure - Closure to use for extracting sortBy key.


Sorts an Array using the key specified by the provided Closure.


sortByDescending(array: Array, keySelector: Closure) returns Array - Array sorted in descending order.


array: Array - Array to sort.

keySelector: Closure - Closure to use for extracting sort-by key.


Sorts an Array in descending order using the key specified by the provided Closure.


split(str: String, delimiter: String) returns Array - Array of substrings of the input String which are partitioned by the provided delimiter.


str: String - String to split.

delimiter: String - String to use to split the input string.


Splits a string using the provided delimiter. Does not trim empty strings or trailing whitespace characters. When the delimiter is null or empty, returns an array of individual characters.


split(str: String) returns Array - Array of individual characters in the input string.


str: String - string to split.


Splits the String str into individual characters.


strFmt(format: String, args: Data...) returns Primitive


format: String - A format string, using String#format(String, Object...) conventions.

args: Data... - Arguments to fill into the placeholders.


Formats a string using the given format and arguments.


strJoin(delimiter: String, components: Array) returns Primitive - the join result as a string Primitive.


delimiter: String - String to use to join the given array

components: Array - Array of data to join.


Joins the given Array using the delimiter. The array is cast to its string expression.


sub(first: Primitive, rest: Primitive...) returns Primitive - Primitive number


first: Primitive - the first number

rest: Primitive... - the remaining numbers to subtract from first


Returns a Primitive number representing the difference of the arguments. null arguments are treated like the number 0.

// Returns 1
sub(10, 5, 4)

// Returns 2. The - operator is shorthand for the sub function.
3 - 1

// Returns 6. The null value is treated like the number 0
sub(10, "", 4)


  • IllegalArgumentException - if one or more arguments isn't a number


sum(first: Primitive, rest: Primitive...) returns Primitive - Primitive representation of the sum


first: Primitive - the first value to sum

rest: Primitive... - the remaining values to sum


Returns a Primitive representing the sum of the arguments. number arguments are added. string arguments are concatenated. If any argument is a string, every argument is treated like a string. If arguments are only number and boolean or only boolean, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

// Returns 10
sum(5, 5)

// Returns hello world
sum("hello ", "world")

// Returns 1 hello 2 world
// The + operator is shorthand for the sum function.
1 + " hello " + 2 + " world"

// If any argument is a string, every argument is treated like a string.
// Returns true1hello
sum(true, 1, "hello")


  • IllegalArgumentException - if the arguments are only number and boolean or only boolean


timed(body: Closure, timeHandler: Closure) returns Data - result of executing body


body: Closure - code to execute and time

timeHandler: Closure - code to handle the elapsed time result, in milliseconds


Executes the code given in body, while timing the execution. The return value of this function is the return value of body, and the elapsed time is passed as a $time parameter of type Primitive number to the code provided in timeHandler. Note that the timeHandler won't be called if there's an exception in body.

Example usage:

result: timed(functionToTime(1, 2), functionToHandleMetrics($time))
def functionToTime(arg1, arg2) {
  "Passed {arg1} and {arg2}."
def functionToHandleMetrics($time) {
  logging::logInfo(): "Timed function executed in {$time} milliseconds."

// Output:
result: "Passed 1 and 2."
// Log output:
INFO: Timed function executed in 9.0 milliseconds.


toLower(str: String) returns Primitive


str: String


Converts all letters in the provided string to lower case.


toUpper(str: String) returns Primitive


str: String


Converts all letters in the provided string to upper case.


tryParseNum(primitive: Primitive) returns Primitive


primitive: Primitive


Tries to parse Primitive and returns Primitive double if primitive is String. Returns itself otherwise.


types(data: Data) returns Array


data: Data


Returns the type(s) of the given data. This will be an Array of strings. For example, a Container may return ["Container", "DefaultContainer"] and an empty Array may return ["Array", "null", "DefaultArray"].

Possible basic types are: Array, Container, Primitive, Dataset, and null. Implementations, like DefaultArray can vary depending on the execution environment.


unique(array: Array) returns Array - a Data object with duplicates removed


array: Array - an array of elements


Remove duplicate data from the input Data. Elements are compared with the #equals method. There is no guarantee as to which specific duplicates will be removed. The order of the elements in the returned value will be preserved.


uniqueBy(array: Array, keySelector: Closure) returns Array - a Array with duplicate elements removed.


array: Array - Array to deduplicate.

keySelector: Closure - Closure for extracting key from array entries to deduplicate over.


Remove duplicates from the input Array. Elements are compared using the provided 'keySelector' Closure function. Existing values take precedence over later values, such that repeated elements are resolved by removing the later-occurring element in the Array. The order of the elements in the returned value will be preserved.


unset(container: Container, field: String) returns Container


container: Container

field: String


Returns a container who is the same as the provided container but with the field removed. Depending on the container implementation used in RuntimeContext#getDataTypeImplementation() the returned container may or may not be the same object as the input.


uuid() returns Primitive



Returns a random uuid String.


values(container: Container) returns Array


container: Container


Returns an array of the values in the given container. The order of values corresponds to the fields being sorted alphabetically.


where(nullData: NullData, predicate: Closure) returns NullData


nullData: NullData

predicate: Closure


Catch-all for where applied to null, to disambiguate null from Array and Container.


where(array: Array, predicate: Closure) returns Array


array: Array

predicate: Closure


Filters the given Array, returning a new one containing only items that match the given predicate. Each array element is represented in the predicate by $. Example:

var array: [-1, 2, -3, -4, 5, -6]
 var positiveArray: array[where $ > 0] // positiveArray: [2, 5]


where(container: Container, predicate: Closure) returns Container


container: Container

predicate: Closure


Filters the given Container, returning a new one containing only items that match the given predicate. For each field-value pair in the Container, they are available in the predicate as $.field and $.value. If the predicate returns false, the resulting container will not have this field-value pair present. Example:

var container: {
   f1: 1; f2: 2; f3: 3; f4: 4;
 var newContainer: container[where $.value < 2 || $.field == "f4"]
 // newContainer : {f1: 1; f4: 4;}


withError(body: Closure, errorHandler: Closure) returns Data - the result value of either the body, or the error handler if it was called.


body: Closure - The code to handle errors from.

errorHandler: Closure - The code to handle errors with.


withError executes the code given in body. If any errors/exceptions occur, the code in errorHandler is called, with $error representing information about the error (structure below).

$error looks like:

    "cause": "Some string explaining what went wrong",
    "stack": [{ // Stack trace of where the error occurred. The top most stack frame is where
                // it occurred.
        "package": "Whistle or Java package name",
        "file": "file://the/original/file/path.wstl",
        "function": "myFunctionName",
        "line": 99 // Line in the file where the error occurs
        "package": "Whistle or Java package name",
        "file": "file://the/original/file/path.wstl",
        "function": "myOtherFunctionName",
        "line": 33 // The line where myFunctionName in the stack frame above is called.
       }, ...],
    "vars": {
      "x": ..., // value of x
      "y": ... // value of y


withSides(body: Closure) returns Data - merged side and main outputs from the given expression.


body: Closure - the expression from which to capture and merge side outputs.


Executes the given expression, merging its output with any side outputs that are written within (including by other functions/expressions called by this one).



Debug(...TODO: Args need to be added to javadoc...): ...


...TODO: Args need to be added to javadoc... - ...


TODO: This is missing documentation. It will be added soon.


set(var: optional String, field: String, mergeMode: optional String): ...


var: optional String - The variable to write to. Defaults to $this.

field: String - The path on the var to write. An empty string will write directly to the var.

mergeMode: optional String - The mode to use for merging. Possible options are:

  • replace - replace the given var's given field with the data.
  • merge - recursively merge the given var's given field with the data.
  • append - append the data as the last element in given var's given (array) field.
  • extend - extend the given var's given field with the data. For arrays this concatenates, for containers this adds only missing fields.

Note: Primitives will always be replaced, regardless of merge mode.


Writes to the specified path on either the specified variable or to the output of the enclosing block (if var is omitted).

For example:

result: setSomeVars(100)

def setSomeVars(num) {
  var my_var: 0 // Although the below statements will be able to set the vars without them
                // being declared here, we need these declarations to read them later,
                // or the transpiler will complain.
  var my_var2: 0

  set("my_var", ""): num // Sets directly to my_var, overwriting the 0 with num (100)
  set("hundred"): my_var // Reads the prior value of 100, and sets it on field "hundred"
                         // on the output of this block. Same as doing:
                         // hundred: my_var

  set("my_var2", "field"): num + 1 // my_var2 becomes a container, and sets field "field"
                                   // on it to 101
  set("my_var2", "field2.value"): num + 10 // Add a new field to my_var2 (alongside the
                                           // prior) and set the nested value to 110.
  set("$this", "nested"): my_var2 // Sets field "nested" on the output of this block.

// result is now {
//    hundred: 100
//    nested: {
//      field: 101
//      field2: {
//        value: 110
//      }
//    }


side(path: String, mergeMode: optional String): ...


path: String - Path on the side output to write to. These are then merged with the main output of withSides.

mergeMode: optional String - The mode to use for merging. Possible options are:

  • replace - replace the given field with the data.
  • merge - recursively merge the given field with the data (default).
  • append - append the data as the last element in the given (array) field.
  • extend - extend the given field with the data. For arrays this concatenates, for containers this adds only missing fields.

Note: Primitives will always be replaced, regardless of merge mode.


Writes to a side output (for using with Core#withSides.

For example:

// or equivalently side my_field:...
side("my_field"):... // will write to the my_field field of the side output which is then
                       // merged in withSides.

// A complete usecase:

result: withSides({
  one: 1
  two: 2

// ... somewhere later on

def addSomeSides(num) {
  side sideNum.value: num
  // or equivalently side("sideNum.value"): num

// result above will be {
//  one: 1
//  two: 2
//  sideNum: {
//    value: 333
//  }
// }
// Do note that the field ordering here is for illustration, no ordering is guaranteed
// by the side target.

For more information see Core#withSides.