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Releasing Online Boutique

This document walks through the process of creating a new release of Online Boutique.

Prerequisites for tagging a release

  1. Choose the logical next release tag, using semantic versioning: vX.Y.Z.

    If this release includes significant feature changes, update the minor version (Y). Otherwise, for bug-fix releases or standard quarterly release, update the patch version Z).

  2. Ensure that the following commands are in your PATH:

    • gsed (found in the gnu-sed Brew package for macOS, or by symlinking sed for Linux)
    • gcloud
    • helm
  3. Make sure that your gcloud is authenticated:

    gcloud auth login
    gcloud auth configure-docker

Create and tag the new release

Run the script found inside the docs/releasing/ directory:

# assuming you are inside the root path of the bank-of-anthos repository
export TAG=vX.Y.Z # This is the new version (e.g. `v0.3.5`)
export # This is the Docker repository for tagged images
export PROJECT_ID=google-samples # This is the Google Cloud project for the release CI

This script does the following:

  1. Uses to build and push a Docker image for each microservice to the previously specified repository.
  2. Uses to regenerates (and update the image $TAGS) YAML file at ./release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml and ./kustomize/base/.
  3. Runs git tag and pushes a new branch (e.g., release/v0.3.5) with the changes to ./release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml.

You can then browse the Container Registry repository to make sure a Docker image was created for each microservice (with the new version tag).

Create the PR

Now that the release branch has been created, you can find it in the list of branches and create a pull request targeting main (the default branch).

This process is going to trigger multiple CI checks as well as stage the release onto a temporary cluster. Once the PR has been approved and all checks are successfully passing, you can then merge the branch. Make sure to include the release draft (see next section) in the pull-request description for reviewers to see.

Once reviewed and you're ready to merge, make sure to not delete the release branch or the tags during that process.

Add notes to the release

Once the PR has been fully merged, you are ready to create a new release for the newly created tag.

  • Click the breadcrumbs on the row of the latest tag that was created in the tags page
  • Select the Create release option

The release notes should contain a brief description of the changes since the previous release (like bug fixed and new features). For inspiration, you can look at the list of releases.

Note: No assets need to be uploaded. They are picked up automatically from the tagged revision

Deploy on the production environment

Once the release notes are published, you should then replace the version of the production environment to the newly published version.

  1. Connect to the online-boutique-release GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials online-boutique-release \
      --zone us-central1-c --project online-boutique-ci
  2. Deploy release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml to it:

    kubectl apply -f ./release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml
  3. Remove unnecessary objects:

    kubectl delete service frontend-external
    kubectl delete deployment loadgenerator
  4. Make sure works.

Update major tags

  1. Update the relevant major tag (for example, v1):
export MAJOR_TAG=v0 # Edit this as needed (to v1/v2/v3/etc)
git checkout release/${TAG}
git pull
git push --delete origin ${MAJOR_TAG} # Delete the remote tag (if it exists)
git tag --delete ${MAJOR_TAG} # Delete the local tag (if it exists)
git tag -a ${MAJOR_TAG} -m "Updating ${MAJOR_TAG} to its most recent release: ${TAG}"
git push origin ${MAJOR_TAG} # Push the new tag to origin

Announce the new release internally

Once the new release is out, you can now announce it via g/online-boutique-announce.