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Rediscovering the Higgs boson using the Google Cloud Platform

On 4 July 2012, Researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced that they had recorded events in the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that had properties consistent with a new particle, the Higgs boson.

The corresponding analysis required compute hardware spread throughout datacenters around the world, with significant human coordination across the sites. It was a massive effort requiring lots of people, compute, and storage resources.

On 8 October 2013, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Francois Englert and Peter W. Higgs based on this discovery.

On 21 May 2019, Researchers at CERN, Lukas Heinrich (@lukasheinrich_) and Ricardo Rocha (@ahcorporto) demonstrated (video, slides) how they (re)-performed the Higgs discovery using Kubernetes running on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using over 20k cores and over 70 TB of data stored on Google Cloud Storage. They completed this analysis onstage in a matter of minutes.


In this tutorial you will use the GCP Cloud Shell to set up and run a small end-to-end slice of that prize-winning analysis!

The Analysis

Scientists learn about the fundamental building blocks (forces and particles) of nature by essentially smashing things together and watching what happens. They use a type of particle accelerator (unsurprisingly called a Collider!) to run these experiments. This is the "C" in LHC.

The experiments that led to the Higgs discovery at the LHC used Protons as the particles to smash. Protons are classified by their behavior and composition as Hadrons, the "H" in LHC.

Particle collisions show very different things at different energy scales. I.e., depending how hard the particles are smashed together or equivalently how fast they are going before they collide. The Protons in the LHC were sped up to really high energy levels before being smashed together. They were going so fast that the energy levels of the resulting collisions were in the 7-8 TeV range! The accelerator used to speed them up to such high energy has a tunnel with a circumference of 27km (17mi), the "L" in LHC.

A great deal of hard work and ingenuity goes into building the massive apparatus needed to perform these experiments and, just as importantly, to measure the results of the collisions involved.

You can't actually see a subatomic particle with the naked eye. You detect it using devices which interact with the particle in known and measurable ways. These particle detectors might simply prove that a particle was there, count how many particles it sees, or might be able to determine some additional particle properties such as charge, mass, etc. All of which depends heavily on the particles being measured as well as the detectors being used to do the measuring.

Some particles such as the Higgs boson are so hard to detect that you have to work at the problem indirectly. The basic approach in this case is that a Higgs boson quickly decays into other sets of particles, so look for those particles. You can infer information about the Higgs boson involved in the process by looking at the overall shower of particle interactions from the collision. You try to determine how many of the interactions seen can happen with or without a Higgs boson present.

In order to detect particles that the Higgs boson will decay into. You compare the shower of decay events (decay channels) that you expect to see through non-Higgs-related (a.k.a., Background) processes with the actual events measured in the detectors.

That's exactly the analysis you'll do here. You run jobs that compare simulations of background events/processes to actual observed data from detectors. If the observed data contains a statistical excess of any of these particular decay channels, then that indicates the presence of a new particle, the Higgs.

The Infrastructure

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provides the core infrastructure you'll use to run analysis jobs against a selection of the CERN Open Data available in Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

Higgs analysis - full architecture


This tutorial uses billable components of Google Cloud Platform, including:

  • Kubernetes Engine
  • Container Registry
  • Cloud Storage

You can use the Pricing Calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage.

Before you begin

Start by opening in a browser.

Create a new GCP Project using the Cloud Resource Manager. The project you create is just for this tutorial, so you'll delete it below when you're done.

You will need to enable billing for this project.

You will also need to enable the Kubernetes Engine (GKE) service for this account

Enable Tutorial Services

Next, make sure the project you just created is selected in the top of the Cloud Console

screenshot of cloud console project selection [Editor: please help]

Then open a Cloud Shell associated with the project you just created

Launch Cloud Shell

It's important that the current Cloud Shell project is the one you just created. Verify that


shows that new project.

All commands in this tutorial are run from this Cloud Shell.

Download the code

Clone the tutorial repository

git clone
cd examples/higgs

You'll manage cloud infrastructure resources for this tutorial using Terraform which is already installed and configured in your GCP Cloud Shell. This helps both to keep things initially as simple as possible, but also to promote best practices when working in the cloud.

Create a Kubernetes cluster

Create the cluster

cd terraform/gke-cluster
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Higgs analysis - create GKE cluster

This will take a few minutes for the Kubernetes nodes to come up.

Get cluster credentials

Once the previous commands complete, get credentials for that new cluster using the following command:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials higgs-tutorial --region us-central1

Set the cluster name and region if you've changed these default values.

Deploy Jupyter and Redis

Next lay down the basic framework of tools that are needed before any job runs are kicked off

cd ../prep
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Higgs analysis - prepare for job runs

This will spin up a Redis cache, a Jupyter notebook server, and a Kubernetes Daemonset to pre-pull all the docker images needed for analysis.

When the terraform apply completes, copy the output Jupyter URL and open that in a new browser window.

Kick off Kubernetes jobs

Now, back in your Cloud Shell, kick off the actual analysis jobs

cd ../jobs
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

which essentially loads up a separate kubernetes job for each datafile in the dataset.

Higgs analysis - create Kubernetes Jobs

Visualize results

You can visualize results in a Jupyter notebook as the jobs run. From the browser window opened earlier, click to open the PlotHiggs.ipynb notebook. Click through and execute all cells in the notebook to make sure everything is running.

Note that the default behavior in this notebook is to render a graph of test data and not the data coming directly from our jobs. This test data plot is what we would see if we were to run the 26,000 core cluster against the full 74TB dataset used on stage.

Plot using test data

For this tutorial, you've spun up a small cluster and pulled only a bite-sized slice of the data. This enables you to work through the end-to-end analysis while still keeping costs down.

Once you've validated your notebook runs, now point it at the Redis cache used to store the outputs of your actual job runs. Within the Jupyter notebook, change the cell containing the main plot loop

while True:
    data   = plotnb.load_data()
    groups = plotnb.update_plot(figure,data)

to load_data from the Redis cache instead of the default test dataset

while True:
    data   = plotnb.load_data('redis:data')
    groups = plotnb.update_plot(figure,data)

When you re-execute that cell you'll see a plot of the data just processed on your tutorial-sized cluster.

Plot using tutorial data

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud Platform account for the resources used in this tutorial:

Delete the project using the GCP Cloud Console

The easiest way to clean up all of the resources used in this tutorial is to delete the project that you initially created for the tutorial.

Caution: Deleting a project has the following effects:

  • Everything in the project is deleted. If you used an existing project for this tutorial, when you delete it, you also delete any other work you've done in the project.
  • Custom project IDs are lost. When you created this project, you might have created a custom project ID that you want to use in the future. To preserve the URLs that use the project ID, such as an URL, delete selected resources inside the project instead of deleting the whole project.
  1. In the GCP Console, go to the Projects page.


  2. In the project list, select the project you want to delete and click Delete delete.

  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

Deleting resources using Terraform

Alternatively, if you added the tutorial resources to an existing project, you can still clean up those resources using Terraform.

From the jobs sub-directory, run

terraform destroy


cd ../prep
terraform destroy


cd ../gke-cluster
terraform destroy

What's next

There are so many exciting directions to take to learn more about what you've done here!