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How to customize Foundation v3.0.0 for Secure Cloud Function deployment

This example deploys the Secure Cloud Function on top of the Terraform Example Foundation version 3.0.0.

This example will use the production environment of the business unit 1 and will:

  • Create two new projects under each environment folder and each business unit (bu1/bu2) for Secure Cloud Function within the foundation infrastructure.
  • Attach the projects to the Restricted Shared VPC foundation network.
  • Deploy Secure Cloud Function with with a function that receive events from Eventarc.
  • Create a BigQuery Dataset and Table.
  • Create a BigQuery Eventarc trigger for insertions on the BigQuery Table.
  • Create a Serverless VPC Connector on the serverless project.


  • terraform-example-foundation version 3.0.0 deployed until at least step 4-projects.
  • You must have role Service Account User (roles/iam.serviceAccountUser) on the Terraform Service Accounts created in the foundation Seed Project. The Terraform Service Accounts have the permissions to deploy the foundation on each stage.
    • sa-terraform-bootstrap@<SEED_PROJECT_ID>
    • sa-terraform-org@<SEED_PROJECT_ID>
    • sa-terraform-env@<SEED_PROJECT_ID>
    • sa-terraform-net@<SEED_PROJECT_ID>
    • sa-terraform-proj@<SEED_PROJECT_ID>


The following instructions details the changes needed in the foundation Terraform configuration to deploy the Secure Cloud Function. You will do updates in sequence in the configurations of the steps used to the deploy the foundation.

Directory layout and Terraform initialization

For these instructions we assume that:

  1. The foundation was deployed using Cloud Build.

  2. Every repository, excluding the policies repositories, should be on the production branch and terraform init should be executed in each one.

  3. The following layout exists in your local environment since you will need to make changes in these steps. If you do not have this layout, please checkout the source repositories for the foundation steps following this layout.

  4. Also checkout the terraform-google-cloud-functions repo at the same level.

The final layout should look like this:


Update builder image

  1. Go to the trigger page in Google Cloud Console

    terraform -chdir="./gcp-bootstrap/envs/shared" init
    export DEFAULT_REGION=$(terraform -chdir="./gcp-bootstrap/envs/shared" output -json common_config | jq '.default_region' --raw-output)
    export CICD_PROJECT_ID=$(terraform -chdir="./gcp-bootstrap/envs/shared" output -raw cloudbuild_project_id)
    echo "trigger page =;region=${DEFAULT_REGION}?project=${CICD_PROJECT_ID}"
  2. In the trigger page search for the line with the trigger with name tf-cloud-builder-build and description Builds a Terraform runner image. Managed by Terraform.

  3. Select the RUN option.

  4. On the pop-up select the RUN TRIGGER button.

  5. Wait for the build to finish.

Update gcloud terraform vet policies

the first step is to update the gcloud terraform vet policies constraints to allow usage of the APIs needed by the Secure Cloud Function. The constraints are located in the two policies repositories. Following the instructions for the Cloud Cloud deploy, they would be named:

  • gcp-policies
  • gcp-policies-app-infra

The APIs to add are:

    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""
  1. The APIs should be included in the services list in the file serviceusage_allow_basic_apis.yaml

  2. Update gcp-policies/policies/constraints/serviceusage_allow_basic_apis.yaml file in your policy repository (gcp-policies) for the CI/CD pipeline.

  3. It is also necessary to update the file gcp-policies/policies/templates/gcp_network_enable_flow_logs_v1.yaml to allow the creation of subnetworks of purpose type REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY. Replace the existing section of the code block with the following version.

              network :=
              legacy_enable_flow_logs := lib.get_default(network, "enableFlowLogs", false)
              log_config := lib.get_default(network, "logConfig", {})
              log_config_enable_flow_logs := lib.get_default(log_config, "enable", false)
              purpose := lib.get_default(network, "purpose", "PRIVATE")
              log_config_enable_flow_logs != true
              legacy_enable_flow_logs != true
              purpose != "REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY"
  4. Commit changes in the gcp-policies repository and push the code.

  5. Update gcp-policies-app-infra/policies/constraints/serviceusage_allow_basic_apis.yaml file in your policy repository (gcp-policies-app-infra) for the App Infra pipeline.

  6. Update gcp-policies-app-infra/policies/templates/gcp_network_enable_flow_logs_v1.yaml file in your policy repository (gcp-policies-app-infra) for the App Infra pipeline.

  7. Commit changes in the gcp-policies-app-infra repository and push the code.

1-org: Enforce Cloud Function Organization Policies

The Secure Cloud Function requires five Organization Policies related to Cloud Function and Cloud Run:

  • Require VPC Connector (Cloud Functions)
  • Allowed ingress settings (Cloud Functions)
  • Allowed VPC Connector egress settings (Cloud Functions)
  • Allowed ingress settings (Cloud Run)
  • Allowed VPC egress settings (Cloud Run)

For the Terraform Example Foundation deploy, we will use the terraform-google-modules/org-policy/google module instead of the specific Secure Cloud Function Security module because the Secure Cloud Function Security module also creates KMS resources.

To apply these Organization Policies in Parent Level (Organization or Folder level), add the code below in the gcp-org repository.

Note: You can also apply these Organization Policies to the folder production or directly to the projects that will be created for the Secure Cloud Function. If you want to apply to the Secure Cloud Function projects, this step must be applied after step 4-projects: Create Serverless project, security project, and additional harness in the production environment. See the org-policy module documentation on how to apply the policies to projects.

  1. Add Organization Policies related to Secure Cloud Function at gcp-org/envs/shared/

    1. Boolean policy: Add policy "cloudfunctions.requireVPCConnector" to the boolean_type_organization_policies list:

        boolean_type_organization_policies = toset([
    2. List policies: Copy the following code to the same file

    Cloud Function
    module "cloudfunction_allowed_ingress" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/org-policy/google"
      version = "~> 5.1"
      organization_id   = local.organization_id
      folder_id         = local.folder_id
      policy_for        = local.policy_for
      policy_type       = "list"
      allow             = ["ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY"]
      allow_list_length = 1
      constraint        = "constraints/cloudfunctions.allowedIngressSettings"
    module "cloudfunction_vpc_connector_egress_settings" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/org-policy/google"
      version = "~> 5.1"
      organization_id   = local.organization_id
      folder_id         = local.folder_id
      policy_for        = local.policy_for
      policy_type       = "list"
      allow             = ["ALL_TRAFFIC"]
      allow_list_length = 1
      constraint        = "constraints/cloudfunctions.allowedVpcConnectorEgressSettings"
    module "cloudrun_allowed_ingress" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/org-policy/google"
      version = "~> 5.1"
      organization_id   = local.organization_id
      folder_id         = local.folder_id
      policy_for        = local.policy_for
      policy_type       = "list"
      allow             = ["is:internal-and-cloud-load-balancing"]
      allow_list_length = 1
      constraint        = "constraints/run.allowedIngress"
    module "cloudrun_allowed_vpc_egress" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/org-policy/google"
      version = "~> 5.1"
      organization_id   = local.organization_id
      folder_id         = local.folder_id
      policy_for        = local.policy_for
      policy_type       = "list"
      allow             = ["all-traffic"]
      allow_list_length = 1
      constraint        = "constraints/run.allowedVPCEgress"
  2. Push the code to your repository gcp-org in the production branch.

3-networks: Include environment step terraform service account in the restricted perimeter in network step

Environment step terraform service account needs to be added to the restricted VPC-SC perimeter because in the following step you will enable an additional API in the restricted shared VPC project.

  1. Update file modules/base_env/ in the production branch adding the Environment step terraform service account to the perimeter by updating the value for the variable members in the restricted_shared_vpc module:

      members = distinct(concat([
      ], var.perimeter_additional_members))
  2. Commit changes in the gcp-networks repository and push the code to the production branch.

2-environments: Enable additional APIs and conditionally grant project IAM Admin role to the networks step terraform service account

  1. Wait for the gcp-networks build from the previous step to finish.

  2. Add the "", "", "", and "" APIs on the activate_apis list in restricted_shared_vpc_host_project module in file modules/env_baseline/

    activate_apis = [
  3. Conditionally grant to the networks step terraform service account the project IAM Admin and Certificate Manager Owner roles in the restricted shared project. This is necessary for the configuration of the Serverless VPC Access connector and the Secure Web Proxy. This role is granted here and not in the bootstrap step to limit the scope of this role effect.

  4. Update file gcp-environments/modules/env_baseline/ to create a toggle for the deploy of the Secure Serverless Cloud Functions.

    variable "enable_scf" {
      description = "Set to true to create the infrastructure needed by the Secure Cloud Function."
      type        = bool
      default     = false
  5. Update file gcp-environments/envs/production/ to set the toggle to true:

    module "env" {
      source = "../../modules/env_baseline"
      env                        = "production"
      environment_code           = "p"
      monitoring_workspace_users = var.monitoring_workspace_users
      remote_state_bucket        = var.remote_state_bucket
      enable_scf = true
  6. Update file gcp-environments/modules/env_baseline/ and add the conditional grant of the roles:

    resource "google_project_iam_member" "iam_admin" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.restricted_shared_vpc_host_project.project_id
      role    = "roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin"
      member  = "serviceAccount:${data.terraform_remote_state.bootstrap.outputs.networks_step_terraform_service_account_email}"
    resource "google_project_iam_member" "certificate_manager_owner" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.restricted_shared_vpc_host_project.project_id
      role    = "roles/certificatemanager.owner"
      member  = "serviceAccount:${data.terraform_remote_state.bootstrap.outputs.networks_step_terraform_service_account_email}"
  7. Push the code for the production branch in the repository gcp-environment.

4-projects: Create a new workspace for the Secure Cloud Function

Create a new workspace in the business unit 1 shared environment to isolate the resources that will deployed in the Secure Cloud Function that will be created in step 5-app-infra.

  1. Update file business_unit_1/shared/ to add a new repository in the locals:

    locals {
      repo_names = ["bu1-example-app", "bu1-scf-app"]
  2. Add the "" and "" APIs to the list of activate_apis in the app_infra_cloudbuild_project module:

      activate_apis = [
  3. Wait for the gcp-environments build from the previous step to finish.

  4. Commit changes in the gcp-projects repository and push the code to the production branch.

4-projects: Create Serverless project, security project, and additional harness in the production environment

  1. Update file gcp-projects/modules/base_env/ to create a toggle for the deploy of the Secure Cloud Function:

    variable "enable_scf" {
      description = "Set to true to create the infrastructure needed by the Secure Cloud Function."
      type        = bool
      default     = false
  2. Update file gcp-projects/modules/base_env/ to add the outputs related to the new projects:

        output "serverless_project_id" {
          description = "The ID of the project in which Secure Cloud Functions serverless resources will be created."
          value       = var.enable_scf ? module.serverless_project[0].project_id : ""
        output "serverless_project_number" {
          description = "The project number in which Secure Cloud Functions serverless resources will be created."
          value       = var.enable_scf ? module.serverless_project[0].project_number : ""
        output "security_project_id" {
          description = "The ID of the project in which Secure Cloud Functions security resources will be created."
          value       = var.enable_scf ? module.security_project[0].project_id : ""
        output "cloudfunction_source_bucket_name" {
          description = "Cloud Function Source Bucket."
          value       = var.enable_scf ? module.cloudfunction_source_bucket[0] : ""
        output "serverless_service_account_email" {
          description = "The service account created in the serverless project."
          value       = var.enable_scf ? module.service_accounts[0].email : ""
        output "default_region" {
          description = "Default region to create resources where applicable."
          value       = local.default_region
        output "serverless_project_cb_sa" {
          description = "The Cloud Build service account created for the serverless project."
          value       = var.enable_scf ? google_project_service_identity.cloudbuild_sa[0].email : ""
        output "serverless_project_gcs_sa" {
          description = "The Google Cloud Storage service account created for the serverless project."
          value       = var.enable_scf ? data.google_storage_project_service_account.serverless_project_gcs_account[0].email_address : ""
  3. Update file gcp-projects/business_unit_1/production/ to add the outputs related to the new projects:

        output "serverless_project_id" {
          description = "The ID of the project in which Secure Cloud Functions serverless resources will be created."
          value       = module.env.serverless_project_id
        output "serverless_project_number" {
          description = "The project number in which Secure Cloud Functions serverless resources will be created."
          value       = module.env.serverless_project_number
        output "security_project_id" {
          description = "The ID of the project in which Secure Cloud Functions security resources will be created."
          value       = module.env.security_project_id
        output "cloudfunction_source_bucket_name" {
          description = "Cloud Function Source Bucket."
          value       = module.env.cloudfunction_source_bucket_name
        output "serverless_service_account_email" {
          description = "The service account created in the serverless project."
          value       = module.env.serverless_service_account_email
        output "default_region" {
          description = "Default region to create resources where applicable."
          value       = module.env.default_region
        output "serverless_project_cb_sa" {
          description = "The Cloud Build service account created for the serverless project."
          value       = module.env.serverless_project_cb_sa
        output "serverless_project_gcs_sa" {
          description = "The Google Cloud Storage service account created for the serverless project."
          value       = module.env.serverless_project_gcs_sa
  4. Create file in folder gcp-projects/modules/base_env and copy the following code

    * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    locals {
      eventarc_identities     = var.enable_scf ? ["serviceAccount:${google_project_service_identity.eventarc_sa[0].email}"] : []
      gcs_identities          = var.enable_scf ? ["serviceAccount:${data.google_storage_project_service_account.serverless_project_gcs_account[0].email_address}"] : []
      decrypters              = var.enable_scf ? join(",", concat(["serviceAccount:${google_project_service_identity.artifact_sa[0].email}"], local.eventarc_identities, local.gcs_identities)) : ""
      encrypters              = var.enable_scf ? join(",", concat(["serviceAccount:${google_project_service_identity.artifact_sa[0].email}"], local.eventarc_identities, local.gcs_identities)) : ""
      serverless_key_name     = "key-secure-artifact-registry"
      serverless_keyring_name = "krg-secure-artifact-registry"
      default_region          = data.terraform_remote_state.bootstrap.outputs.common_config.default_region
    module "serverless_project" {
      source = "../single_project"
      count  = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      org_id                     = local.org_id
      billing_account            = local.billing_account
      folder_id                  = local.env_folder_name
      environment                = var.env
      vpc_type                   = "restricted"
      shared_vpc_host_project_id = local.restricted_host_project_id
      shared_vpc_subnets         = local.restricted_subnets_self_links
      project_budget             = var.project_budget
      project_prefix             = local.project_prefix
      enable_cloudbuild_deploy            = local.enable_cloudbuild_deploy
      app_infra_pipeline_service_accounts = local.app_infra_pipeline_service_accounts
      sa_roles = {
        "${var.business_code}-scf-app" = [
      activate_apis = [
      vpc_service_control_attach_enabled = "true"
      vpc_service_control_perimeter_name = "accessPolicies/${local.access_context_manager_policy_id}/servicePerimeters/${local.perimeter_name}"
      vpc_service_control_sleep_duration = "60s"
      # Metadata
      project_suffix    = "c-func"
      application_name  = "${var.business_code}-c-func"
      billing_code      = "1234"
      primary_contact   = ""
      secondary_contact = ""
      business_code     = var.business_code
    resource "google_project_iam_member" "vpcaccess_admin" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      role    = "roles/vpcaccess.admin"
      member  = "serviceAccount:${data.terraform_remote_state.bootstrap.outputs.networks_step_terraform_service_account_email}"
    module "security_project" {
      source = "../single_project"
      count  = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      org_id                     = local.org_id
      billing_account            = local.billing_account
      folder_id                  = local.env_folder_name
      environment                = var.env
      vpc_type                   = "restricted"
      shared_vpc_host_project_id = local.restricted_host_project_id
      shared_vpc_subnets         = local.restricted_subnets_self_links
      project_budget             = var.project_budget
      project_prefix             = local.project_prefix
      enable_cloudbuild_deploy            = local.enable_cloudbuild_deploy
      app_infra_pipeline_service_accounts = local.app_infra_pipeline_service_accounts
      sa_roles = {
        "${var.business_code}-scf-app" = [
      activate_apis = [
      vpc_service_control_attach_enabled = "true"
      vpc_service_control_perimeter_name = "accessPolicies/${local.access_context_manager_policy_id}/servicePerimeters/${local.perimeter_name}"
      vpc_service_control_sleep_duration = "60s"
      # Metadata
      project_suffix    = "sec"
      application_name  = "${var.business_code}-sec"
      billing_code      = "1234"
      primary_contact   = ""
      secondary_contact = ""
      business_code     = var.business_code
    module "service_accounts" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/service-accounts/google"
      version = "~> 4.2"
      count   = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project_id = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      prefix     = "sa"
      names      = ["cloud-function"]
      depends_on = [
    resource "google_project_iam_member" "cloud_run_sa_roles" {
      for_each = var.enable_scf ? toset(["roles/eventarc.eventReceiver", "roles/viewer", "roles/compute.networkViewer", "roles/run.invoker"]) : []
      project = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      role    = each.value
      member  = module.service_accounts[0].iam_email
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "serverless_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      count    = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      service = ""
    resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "identity_service_account_user" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      service_account_id = module.service_accounts[0]
      role               = "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser"
      member             = "serviceAccount:${google_project_service_identity.serverless_sa[0].email}"
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "cloudbuild_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      count    = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      service = ""
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "eventarc_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      count    = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      service = ""
    data "google_storage_project_service_account" "serverless_project_gcs_account" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
    resource "google_project_iam_member" "gcs_pubsub_publishing" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      role    = "roles/pubsub.publisher"
      member  = "serviceAccount:${data.google_storage_project_service_account.serverless_project_gcs_account[0].email_address}"
    resource "google_project_iam_member" "eventarc_service_agent" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      role    = "roles/eventarc.serviceAgent"
      member  = "serviceAccount:${google_project_service_identity.eventarc_sa[0].email}"
    resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "repo" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project       = module.security_project[0].project_id
      location      = local.default_region
      repository_id = "rep-secure-cloud-function"
      description   = "Secure Cloud Run Artifact Registry Repository"
      format        = "DOCKER"
      kms_key_name  = module.artifact_registry_kms[0].keys[local.serverless_key_name]
    resource "google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_member" "member" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project    = module.security_project[0].project_id
      location   = local.default_region
      repository = google_artifact_registry_repository.repo[0].repository_id
      role       = "roles/artifactregistry.reader"
      member     = "serviceAccount:${google_project_service_identity.serverless_sa[0].email}"
    resource "time_sleep" "sa_propagation" {
      create_duration = "60s"
      depends_on = [
    module "artifact_registry_kms" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/kms/google"
      version = "~> 2.2"
      count   = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project_id           = module.security_project[0].project_id
      location             = local.default_region
      keyring              = local.serverless_keyring_name
      keys                 = [local.serverless_key_name]
      set_decrypters_for   = [local.serverless_key_name]
      set_encrypters_for   = [local.serverless_key_name]
      decrypters           = [local.decrypters]
      encrypters           = [local.encrypters]
      prevent_destroy      = false
      key_rotation_period  = var.key_rotation_period
      key_protection_level = "HSM"
      depends_on = [
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "artifact_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      count    = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = module.security_project[0].project_id
      service = ""
    module "cloudfunction_source_bucket" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/cloud-storage/google//modules/simple_bucket"
      version = "~>3.4"
      count   = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project_id    = module.serverless_project[0].project_id
      name          = "bkt-${local.default_region}-${module.serverless_project[0].project_number}-cfv2-zip-files"
      location      = local.default_region
      storage_class = "REGIONAL"
      force_destroy = true
      encryption = {
        default_kms_key_name = module.artifact_registry_kms[0].keys[local.serverless_key_name]
      depends_on = [
  5. Update file gcp-projects/business_unit_1/production/ to set the toggle to true:

    module "env" {
      source = "../../modules/base_env"
      env                       = "production"
      business_code             = "bu1"
      business_unit             = "business_unit_1"
      remote_state_bucket       = var.remote_state_bucket
      location_kms              = var.location_kms
      location_gcs              = var.location_gcs
      peering_module_depends_on = var.peering_module_depends_on
      enable_scf = true
  6. Wait for the gcp-projects build from the previous step to finish.

  7. Commit changes in the gcp-projects repository and push the code to the production branch.

3-networks: Deploy the serverless connector, the Secure Web Proxy, and add new workspace service account, GCS service account, and Cloud build service account to the restricted perimeter

  1. Get the new workspace service account to the restricted perimeter:

    terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/business_unit_1/shared" init
    export app_infra_sa=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/business_unit_1/shared" output -json terraform_service_accounts | jq '."bu1-scf-app"' --raw-output)
    echo "APP_INFRA_SA_EMAIL = ${app_infra_sa}"
  2. Get the serverless project id:

    terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/business_unit_1/production" init
    export SERVERLESS_PROJECT_ID=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/business_unit_1/production" output -raw serverless_project_id)
  3. Get the serverless GCS service account:

    export SERVERLESS_PROJECT_GCS_SA=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/business_unit_1/production" output -raw serverless_project_gcs_sa)
  4. Get the serverless Cloud Build service account:

    export SERVERLESS_PROJECT_CB_SA=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/business_unit_1/production" output -raw serverless_project_cb_sa)
  5. Update file gcp-networks/envs/production/ replace the value for the variable perimeter_additional_members adding the three new Service Account: APP_INFRA_SA_EMAIL, SERVERLESS_PROJECT_GCS_SA, and SERVERLESS_PROJECT_CB_SA. Replace their place holders with the values from the outputs of the commands from the previous steps:

    perimeter_additional_members = concat(var.perimeter_additional_members, [
  6. Update file gcp-networks/envs/production/ to include a new local restricted_subnet_web_proxy_ip:

    restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip = {
      (local.default_region1) = ""
      (local.default_region2) = ""
  7. Update file gcp-networks/modules/base_env/ to create a toggle for the deploy of the Secured Cloud Function and the Secure Web Proxy IPs:

    variable "enable_scf" {
      description = "Set to true to create the infrastructure needed by the Secure Cloud Function."
      type        = bool
      default     = false
    variable "restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip" {
     description = "The IPs the will be used by the Secure Web Proxy instance."
     type        = map(string)
     default     = {}
  8. Update file gcp-networks/modules/base_env/ to add the restricted_serverless_network_connector_id output:

    output "restricted_serverless_network_connector_id" {
      description = "VPC serverless connector ID for the restricted network."
      value       = var.enable_scf ? module.serverless_connector[0].connector_id : ""
  9. Update file gcp-networks/envs/production/ to add the restricted_serverless_network_connector_id and the restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip outputs:

    output "restricted_serverless_network_connector_id" {
      description = "VPC serverless connector ID for the restricted network."
      value       = module.base_env.restricted_serverless_network_connector_id
    output "restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip" {
      description = "The IPs the will be used by the Secure Web Proxy instance."
      value       = local.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip
  10. Update file gcp-networks/envs/production/ to set the toggle to true and set the restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip:

    module "base_env" {
      source = "../../modules/base_env"
      env                                   = local.env
      environment_code                      = local.environment_code
      access_context_manager_policy_id      = var.access_context_manager_policy_id
      enable_scf = true
      restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip = local.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip
  11. Create file gcp-networks/modules/base_env/ and copy the following content:

    * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    locals {
      default_region = data.terraform_remote_state.bootstrap.outputs.common_config.default_region
      // serverless project info
      serverless_project_id = "SERVERLESS_PROJECT_ID"
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "serverless_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      count    = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      project = local.serverless_project_id
      service = ""
    module "serverless_connector" {
      source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-run/google//modules/secure-serverless-net"
      version = "~> 0.9"
      count   = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      connector_name            = "serverless-connector"
      subnet_name               = "sb-p-connector-${local.default_region}"
      location                  = local.default_region
      vpc_project_id            = local.restricted_project_id
      serverless_project_id     = local.serverless_project_id
      shared_vpc_name           = module.restricted_shared_vpc.network_name
      ip_cidr_range             = ""
      resource_names_suffix     = "scf"
      create_subnet             = true
      connector_on_host_project = false
      enable_load_balancer_fw   = false
      serverless_service_identity_email = google_project_service_identity.serverless_sa[0].email
  12. Replace SERVERLESS_PROJECT_ID with the SERVERLESS_PROJECT_ID from the previous step

  13. Update the target_tags property in the file restricted_shared_vpc/ adding the tag "vpc-connector" to the firewall rule that allows Google private API access.

    target_tags = ["allow-google-apis", "vpc-connector"]
  14. Fix the Rule priority to be 65430

    priority  = 65430
  15. Create file gcp-networks/modules/base_env/ and copy the following content:

    * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    resource "null_resource" "generate_certificate" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      triggers = {
        project_id = local.restricted_project_id
        region     = local.default_region
      provisioner "local-exec" {
        when    = create
        command = <<EOT
          ${path.module}/ \
            ${local.restricted_project_id} \
      provisioner "local-exec" {
        when    = destroy
        command = <<EOT
          gcloud certificate-manager certificates delete swp-certificate \
            --location=${self.triggers.region} --project=${self.triggers.project_id} \
    resource "time_sleep" "wait_upload_certificate" {
      count = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      create_duration  = "1m"
      destroy_duration = "3m"
      depends_on = [
    module "secure_web_proxy" {
      source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-functions/google//modules/secure-web-proxy"
      count   = var.enable_scf ? 1 : 0
      version = "~> 0.4.0"
      project_id          = local.restricted_project_id
      region              = local.default_region
      network_id          = "projects/${local.restricted_project_id}/global/networks/${module.restricted_shared_vpc.network_name}"
      subnetwork_id       = "projects/${local.restricted_project_id}/regions/${local.default_region}/subnetworks/sb-${var.environment_code}-shared-restricted-${local.default_region}"
      subnetwork_ip_range = var.restricted_subnet_primary_ranges[local.default_region]
      certificates        = ["projects/${local.restricted_project_id}/locations/${local.default_region}/certificates/swp-certificate"]
      addresses           = [var.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip[local.default_region]]
      ports               = [443]
      proxy_ip_range      = ""
      # This list of URL was obtained through Cloud Function imports
      # It will change depending on what imports your CF are using.
      url_lists = [
      depends_on = [
  16. Create file gcp-networks/modules/base_env/ and copy the following content:

    # Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    generate_self_signed_certificate() {
        if [[ ! -x "$(command -v openssl)" ]]; then
            echo "openssl not found"
            exit 1
        openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 \
            -keyout key.pem \
            -out cert.pem -days 365 \
            -subj '/' -nodes \
            -addext ""
        gcloud certificate-manager certificates create swp-certificate \
            --certificate-file=cert.pem \
            --private-key-file=key.pem \
            --location="${location}" \
  17. Ensure that the file has the execute permission

    chmod 755 gcp-networks/modules/base_env/
  18. Commit changes in the gcp-networks repository and push the code to the production branch.

4-projects: include additional restricted outputs in the production environment

This is required because the build in stage 5-app-infra only has access to the remote state of the 4-projects stage.

  1. Update file gcp-projects/modules/base_env/ to add the outputs:

        output "restricted_host_project_id" {
          description = "Restricted host project id."
          value       = local.restricted_host_project_id
        output "restricted_network_name" {
          description = "Restricted network name."
          value       = local.restricted_network_name
        output "restricted_serverless_network_connector_id" {
          description = "VPC serverless connector ID for the restricted network."
          value       = local.restricted_serverless_network_connector_id
        output "restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip" {
          description = "The IPs the will be used by the Secure Web Proxy instance."
          value       = local.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip
  2. Update file gcp-projects/business_unit_1/production/ to add the outputs:

        output "restricted_host_project_id" {
          description = "Restricted host project id."
          value       = module.env.restricted_host_project_id
        output "restricted_network_name" {
          description = "Restricted network name."
          value       = module.env.restricted_network_name
        output "restricted_serverless_network_connector_id" {
          description = "VPC serverless connector ID for the restricted network."
          value       = module.env.restricted_serverless_network_connector_id
        output "restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip" {
          description = "The IPs the will be used by the Secure Web Proxy instance."
          value       = module.env.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip
  3. Update file gcp-projects/modules/base_env/ to add the new locals:

    restricted_network_name                    = data.terraform_remote_state.network_env.outputs.restricted_network_name
    restricted_serverless_network_connector_id = try(data.terraform_remote_state.network_env.outputs.restricted_serverless_network_connector_id, "")
    restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip      = try(data.terraform_remote_state.network_env.outputs.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip, {})
  4. Commit changes in the gcp-projects repository and push the code to the production branch.

5-app-infra: Deploy the Secure Cloud Function with Bigquery and Eventarc

  1. Go to the builds page of the App Infra project in Google Cloud Console to follow the build execution of the next steps:

    export DEFAULT_REGION=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-bootstrap/envs/shared" output -json common_config | jq '.default_region' --raw-output)
    echo ${DEFAULT_REGION}
    export INFRA_PIPELINE_PROJECT_ID=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/business_unit_1/shared/" output -raw cloudbuild_project_id)
    echo "builds page =;region=${DEFAULT_REGION}?project=${INFRA_PIPELINE_PROJECT_ID}"
  2. Clone the new repo created in step 4-projects/shared:

    gcloud source repos clone bu1-scf-app --project=${INFRA_PIPELINE_PROJECT_ID}
  3. Create the required files and copy basic files from the foundation repo. We consider that the terraform-example-foundation directory is at the same level of the bu1-scf-app directory.

      cd bu1-scf-app
      git checkout -b plan
      mkdir -p  business_unit_1/production/functions/bq-to-cf
      mkdir -p  business_unit_1/production/templates
      touch business_unit_1/production/
      touch business_unit_1/production/
      touch business_unit_1/production/
      touch business_unit_1/production/terraform.tfvars
      touch business_unit_1/production/
      cp ../terraform-example-foundation/build/cloudbuild-tf-* .
      cp ../terraform-example-foundation/build/ .
      cp ../terraform-example-foundation/5-app-infra/.gitignore .
      chmod 755 ./
  4. Edit file bu1-scf-app/business_unit_1/production/ adding the following code

    * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    terraform {
      backend "gcs" {
        bucket = "UPDATE_APP_INFRA_SCF_BUCKET"
        prefix = "terraform/scf/business_unit_1/production"
  5. Edit file bu1-scf-app/business_unit_1/production/ adding the following code

    * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    terraform {
      required_providers {
        google = {
          source  = "hashicorp/google"
          version = "< 5.0"
        google-beta = {
          source  = "hashicorp/google-beta"
          version = "< 5.0"
      required_version = ">= 0.13"
  6. Edit file bu1-scf-app/business_unit_1/production/ adding the following code

    * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    variable "remote_state_bucket" {
      description = "Backend bucket to load remote state information from previous steps."
      type        = string
  7. Edit file bu1-scf-app/business_unit_1/production/terraform.tfvars adding the following code

    * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    remote_state_bucket = "REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET"
  8. Update terraform backend and remote state configuration:

    backend_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="../gcp-projects/business_unit_1/shared" output -json state_buckets | jq '."bu1-scf-app"' --raw-output)
    echo "backend_bucket = ${backend_bucket}"
    sed -i "s/UPDATE_APP_INFRA_SCF_BUCKET/${backend_bucket}/" ./business_unit_1/production/
    export remote_state_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="../gcp-bootstrap/envs/shared" output -raw projects_gcs_bucket_tfstate)
    echo "remote_state_bucket = ${remote_state_bucket}"
    sed -i "s/REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET/${remote_state_bucket}/" ./business_unit_1/production/terraform.tfvars
  9. Copy Cloud Function code and BigQuery template from the terraform-google-cloud-functions repo We consider that the terraform-google-cloud-functions directory is at the same level of the bu1-scf-app directory.

    cp "${SCF_PATH}/templates/bigquery_schema.template" ./business_unit_1/production/templates/bigquery_schema.template
    cp "${SCF_PATH}/functions/bq-to-cf/go.mod" ./business_unit_1/production/functions/bq-to-cf/go.mod
    cp "${SCF_PATH}/functions/bq-to-cf/main.go" ./business_unit_1/production/functions/bq-to-cf/main.go
  10. Edit file bu1-scf-app/business_unit_1/production/ adding the following code

    * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.
    locals {
      location                                   = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.default_region
      serverless_project_id                      = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.serverless_project_id
      serverless_project_number                  = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.serverless_project_number
      security_project_id                        = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.security_project_id
      restricted_host_project_id                 = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.restricted_host_project_id
      restricted_network_name                    = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.restricted_network_name
      cloudfunction_source_bucket_name           = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.cloudfunction_source_bucket_name
      restricted_serverless_network_connector_id = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.restricted_serverless_network_connector_id
      restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip      = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip
      serverless_service_account_email           = data.terraform_remote_state.projects_env.outputs.serverless_service_account_email
      repository_name                            = "rep-secure-cloud-function"
      table_name                                 = "tbl_test"
      kms_bigquery                               = "key-secure-bigquery"
      key_name                                   = "key-secure-cloud-function"
      keyring_name                               = "krg-secure-cloud-function"
      encrypters = [
      decrypters = [
    // remote state
    data "terraform_remote_state" "projects_env" {
      backend = "gcs"
      config = {
        bucket = var.remote_state_bucket
        prefix = "terraform/projects/business_unit_1/production"
    resource "random_id" "suffix" {
      byte_length = 2
    data "archive_file" "cf_bigquery_source" {
      type        = "zip"
      source_dir  = "${path.module}/functions/bq-to-cf/"
      output_path = "functions/cloudfunction-bq-source-${random_id.suffix.hex}.zip"
    resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "cf_bigquery_source_zip" {
      source       = data.archive_file.cf_bigquery_source.output_path
      content_type = "application/zip"
      # Append to the MD5 checksum of the files's content
      # to force the zip to be updated as soon as a change occurs
      name   = "src-${data.archive_file.cf_bigquery_source.output_md5}.zip"
      bucket = local.cloudfunction_source_bucket_name
      depends_on = [
    data "google_bigquery_default_service_account" "bq_sa" {
      project = local.serverless_project_id
    module "bigquery_kms" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/kms/google"
      version = "~> 2.2"
      project_id           = local.security_project_id
      location             = local.location
      keyring              = "krg-secure-bigquery"
      keys                 = [local.kms_bigquery]
      set_decrypters_for   = [local.kms_bigquery]
      set_encrypters_for   = [local.kms_bigquery]
      decrypters           = ["serviceAccount:${}"]
      encrypters           = ["serviceAccount:${}"]
      prevent_destroy      = false
      key_rotation_period  = "7776000s"
      key_protection_level = "HSM"
    module "bigquery" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/bigquery/google"
      version = "~> 5.4"
      dataset_id                  = "dst_secure_cloud_function"
      dataset_name                = "dst-secure-cloud-function"
      description                 = "Dataset to trigger a secure Cloud Function"
      project_id                  = local.serverless_project_id
      location                    = local.location
      default_table_expiration_ms = 3600000
      encryption_key              = module.bigquery_kms.keys[local.kms_bigquery]
      tables = [
          table_id          = local.table_name,
          schema            = file("${path.module}/templates/bigquery_schema.template")
          time_partitioning = null,
          range_partitioning = {
            field = "Card_PIN",
            range = {
              start    = "1"
              end      = "100",
              interval = "10",
          expiration_time = 2524604400000, # 2050/01/01
          clustering      = [],
          labels = {
            env      = "production"
            billable = "true"
    data "google_service_account" "cloud_serverless_sa" {
      account_id = local.serverless_service_account_email
    resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "identity_service_account_user" {
      service_account_id =
      role               = "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser"
      member             = "serviceAccount:${}"
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "eventarc_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      project = local.serverless_project_id
      service = ""
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "cloudfunction_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      project = local.serverless_project_id
      service = ""
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "artifact_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      project = local.serverless_project_id
      service = ""
    resource "google_project_service_identity" "pubsub_sa" {
      provider = google-beta
      project = local.serverless_project_id
      service = ""
    data "google_storage_project_service_account" "gcs_account" {
      project = local.serverless_project_id
    resource "time_sleep" "sa_propagation" {
      create_duration = "60s"
      depends_on = [
    module "cloud_function_kms" {
      source  = "terraform-google-modules/kms/google"
      version = "~> 2.2"
      project_id           = local.security_project_id
      location             = local.location
      keyring              = local.keyring_name
      keys                 = [local.key_name]
      set_decrypters_for   = length(local.decrypters) > 0 ? [local.key_name] : []
      set_encrypters_for   = length(local.encrypters) > 0 ? [local.key_name] : []
      decrypters           = [join(",", local.decrypters)]
      encrypters           = [join(",", local.encrypters)]
      prevent_destroy      = false
      key_rotation_period  = "7776000s"
      key_protection_level = "HSM"
      depends_on = [
    module "cloud_function_core" {
      source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-functions/google//modules/secure-cloud-function-core"
      version = "~> 0.4.0"
      function_name        = "secure-cloud-function-bigquery"
      function_description = "Logs when there is a new row in the BigQuery"
      project_id           = local.serverless_project_id
      project_number       = local.serverless_project_number
      location             = local.location
      runtime              = "go118"
      entry_point          = "HelloCloudFunction"
      force_destroy        = true
      encryption_key       = module.cloud_function_kms.keys[local.key_name]
      network_id           = "projects/${local.restricted_host_project_id}/global/networks/${local.restricted_network_name}"
      storage_source = {
        bucket = local.cloudfunction_source_bucket_name
        object =
      labels = {
        env      = "production"
        billable = "true"
      event_trigger = {
        event_type            = ""
        trigger_region        = local.location
        service_account_email = local.serverless_service_account_email
        retry_policy          = "RETRY_POLICY_RETRY"
        event_filters = [
            attribute       = "serviceName"
            attribute_value = ""
            attribute       = "methodName"
            attribute_value = ""
            attribute       = "resourceName"
            attribute_value = module.bigquery.bigquery_tables[local.table_name]["id"]
            operator        = "match-path-pattern" # This allows path patterns to be used in the value field
      # IPs used on Secure Web Proxy
      build_environment_variables = {
        HTTP_PROXY  = "http://${local.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip[local.location]}:443"
        HTTPS_PROXY = "http://${local.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip[local.location]}:443"
      service_config = {
        max_instance_count             = 2
        min_instance_count             = 1
        available_memory               = "256Mi"
        timeout_seconds                = 120
        vpc_connector                  = local.restricted_serverless_network_connector_id
        service_account_email          = local.serverless_service_account_email
        ingress_settings               = "ALLOW_INTERNAL_AND_GCLB"
        all_traffic_on_latest_revision = true
        vpc_connector_egress_settings  = "ALL_TRAFFIC"
        runtime_env_variables = {
          PROJECT_ID = local.serverless_project_id
          NAME       = "cloud function v2"
      depends_on = [
  11. Commit changes in the bu1-scf-app repository and push the code to the plan branch. Wait for the plan build to finish before proceeding with the next step.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Secure Cloud Function initial commit"
    git push --set-upstream origin plan
  12. Merge changes to the production branch and push the branch.

    git checkout -b production
    git push --set-upstream origin production
  13. You can see the Secure Cloud Function running, doing an insert at the Bigquery table.

    1. Go to the BigQuery console.

    2. Select the Serverless project created.

    3. Create a new Query.

    4. Run the following INSERT command:

      INSERT INTO `<SERVERLESS_PROJECT_ID>.dst_secure_cloud_function.tbl_test` VALUES
      ("AX","American Express","American Express","30006041298416","Gerson Beahan","688","09/2008","04/2013","26",9287,"77443")
    5. Go to the Cloud Function console.

    6. Select the Serverless project and the secure-cloud-function-bigquery Cloud Function.

    7. Go to the logs.

    8. After the insert is processed, you can see the logs with the buckets and regions at the Serverless Project Cloud Function Logs.

3-networks: Add flag to disable the Secure Web Proxy used by the Secure Cloud Function build process

  1. The usage of the Secure Web Proxy in the restricted host project will incur in additional costs. See the Secure Web Proxy pricing information for details.

  2. Apply the following instructions to create a toggle to enable/disable the Secure Web Proxy

  3. Update file gcp-networks/modules/base_env/ to create a toggle for the deploy of the Secure Web Proxy:

    variable "enable_swp" {
      description = "Set to true to create the Secure Web Proxy needed by the Secure Cloud Function build process."
      type        = bool
      default     = false
  4. Update file gcp-networks/envs/production/ to set the toggle to true and set the restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip:

    module "base_env" {
      source = "../../modules/base_env"
      env                                   = local.env
      environment_code                      = local.environment_code
      access_context_manager_policy_id      = var.access_context_manager_policy_id
      enable_scf = true
      enable_swp = false
      restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip = local.restricted_subnet_secure_web_proxy_ip
  5. Update file gcp-networks/modules/base_env/ and add the new flag:

    resource "null_resource" "generate_certificate" {
      count = var.enable_scf && var.enable_swp ? 1 : 0
    resource "time_sleep" "wait_upload_certificate" {
      count = var.enable_scf && var.enable_swp ? 1 : 0
    module "secure_web_proxy" {
      source = ""
      count  = var.enable_scf && var.enable_swp ? 1 : 0
  6. Commit changes in the gcp-networks repository and push the code to the production branch.