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Benchmark report on hyperparameter tuning the OpenLLaMA models on Google Cloud Vertex Model Garden

Changyu Zhu, Software Engineer, Google Cloud

Dustin Luong, Software Engineer, Google Cloud

Gary Wei, Software Engineer, Google Cloud

Genquan Duan, Software Engineer, Google Cloud


Fine-tuning of LLMs can be non-trivial to find an optimal configuration of machine types, training parameters, and other hyperparameters that achieves a good balance between cost efficiency and model performance. To facilitate users in conducting tuning experiments, this report benchmarks fine-tuning OpenLLaMA models with Vertex AI Hyperparameter Tuning Service, demonstrating both efficiency and effectiveness. Similar hyperparameter tuning techniques can apply to other models as well.

Key takeaways

  • The hyperparameter tuning service finds good parameters: The best model found by the hyperparameter tuning service has an average improvement of around 4% in accuracy in ARC, HellaSwag, and TruthfulQA datasets, while only tuning the learning rate.

  • Hyperparameter tuning works with QLoRA on limited resources: 4bit QLoRA is sufficient for hyperparameter tuning to find a set of good parameters. In this way, all OpenLLaMA models can run on 1 single NVIDIA_L4 GPU. It is also possible to train for more steps on the good parameters discovered by hyperparameter tuning, avoiding the waste of computing resources on fine-tuning with suboptimal hyperparameters.

  • Hyperparameter tuning is cost-effective: While NVIDIA_L4 is slower than NVIDIA_TESLA_V100, it costs less and avoids the overhead of multi-GPU training since it has more GPU memory. Finding a good 3B/7B/13B OpenLLaMA model costs $28.5671, $47.8016, and $87.9208, respectively.

Benchmarking setup

This section describes the experiment setup of the hyperparameter tuning experiments. The default tuning parameters are:

Machine configuration

  • Machine type: g2-standard-8
  • Machine count: 1
  • Accelerator type: NVIDIA_L4
  • Accelerator count: 1


We benchmark all 3 OpenLLaMA models:

We use the Huggingface PEFT library for fine-tuning.

Training dataset

We use the dataset timdettmers/openassistant-guanaco loaded directly via Huggingface.

Training parameters

The set of training parameters used during benchmarking:

  • Batch size: 4
  • Precision mode: 4bit QLoRA
  • LoRA rank: 32
  • LoRA alpha: 64
  • Max sequence length: 512
  • Max train steps: 1000

Evaluation dataset

We use the lm-evaluation-harness library injected into the training loop for evaluation. The hyperparameter tuning job will pick the model according to the evaluation metrics.

  • Eval task: ARC Challenge
  • Eval metric: acc_norm
  • Max eval examples: 10000

Standalone evaluation dataset

After finding the best model with Vertex hyperparameter tuning service, we run standalone evaluations with the model on the following datasets:

Hyperparameter tuning

We only tune the learning rate hyperparameter. It is considered a floating point value in the continuous range [1e-5, 1e-4]. We run 8 trials in total, with a parallelism of 1 or 2.

Code example

The following code example launches an example hyperparameter tuning job of OpenLLaMA 7B model.

from import aiplatform
from import hyperparameter_tuning as hpt

output_dir = "gs://path/to/output/dir"
base_model_id = "openlm-research/open_llama_7b"
dataset_name = "timdettmers/openassistant-guanaco"
hpt_precision_mode = "4bit"
machine_type = "g2-standard-8"
accelerator_type = "NVIDIA_L4"
accelerator_count = 1
eval_task = "arc_challenge"
eval_metric_name = "acc_norm"
max_steps = 1000
eval_limit = 10000

flags = {
    "learning_rate": 1e-5,
    "precision_mode": hpt_precision_mode,
    "task": "instruct-lora",
    "pretrained_model_id": base_model_id,
    "output_dir": output_dir,
    "warmup_steps": 10,
    "max_steps": max_steps,
    "lora_rank": 32,
    "lora_alpha": 64,
    "lora_dropout": 0.05,
    "dataset_name": dataset_name,
    "eval_steps": max_steps + 1,  # Only evaluates at the end.
    "eval_tasks": eval_task,
    "eval_limit": eval_limit,
    "eval_metric_name": eval_metric_name,
worker_pool_specs = [
        "machine_spec": {
            "machine_type": machine_type,
            "accelerator_type": accelerator_type,
            "accelerator_count": accelerator_count,
        "replica_count": 1,
        "container_spec": {
            "image_uri": TRAIN_DOCKER_URI,
            "args": ["--{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in flags.items()],
metric_spec = {"model_performance": "maximize"}
parameter_spec = {
    "learning_rate": hpt.DoubleParameterSpec(
        min=1e-5, max=1e-4, scale="linear"

train_job = aiplatform.CustomJob(

train_hpt_job = aiplatform.HyperparameterTuningJob(

Benchmark results

Fine-tuning cost

The fine-tuning cost is calculated from us-central1 pricing and may be subject to changes.

Model Train time Trials Parallel Trials Hourly cost Cost Eval acc_norm (ARC-Challenge)
OpenLLaMA 3B 16 hrs 8 2 $1.7072 $28.5671 39.9%
OpenLLaMA 7B 28 hrs 8 2 $1.7072 $47.8016 45.8%
OpenLLaMA 13B 103 hrs 8 1 $0.8536 $87.9208 47.6%

Fine-tuning performance

Here are the evaluation results of the best model found by hyperparameter tuning, compared with the baseline model. The column Eval acc_norm is calculated during training, which is always lower than that during standalone evaluation, because the model is loaded and evaluated at a lower precision (4bit during training / float16 during standalone evaluation).

Model Eval acc_norm (ARC-Challenge) ARC hellaswag Truthfulqa_mc ∆ARC ∆Hellaswag ∆Truthfulqa_mc ∆Average
OpenLLaMA 3B 39.9% 41.47% 69.97% 38.31% +1.62% +7.32% +3.34% +4.09%
OpenLLaMA 7B 45.8% 49.83% 75.53% 41.53% +2.82% +3.55% +6.68% +4.35%
OpenLLaMA 13B 47.6% 52.20% 78.90% 44.27% +1.01% +3.67% +6.19% +3.62%

Related documents

  1. Benchmark report on fine tuning the OpenLLaMA 7B model on Google Cloud Vertex Model Garden