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CentOS / RHEL 7 from sources

This guide describes how to install the GovReady-Q server for CentOS 7 or greater from source code. This guide will take you through the following steps:

  1. Installing required OS packages
  2. Cloning the GovReady-Q repository
  3. Installing desired database
  4. Creating the local/environment.json file
  5. Installing GovReady-Q
  6. Starting and stopping GovReady-Q
  7. Running GovReady-Q with Gunicorn HTTP WSGI
  8. Monitoring GovReady-Q with Supervisor
  9. Using NGINX as a reverse proxy
  10. Additional options

1. Installing required OS packages

GovReady-Q requires Python 3.6 or higher and several Linux packages to provide full functionality. Execute the following commands as root:

# Enable IUS repository
yum install \ \
yum update

# Install dependencies
yum install \
python36u python36u-pip \
unzip jq \
graphviz pandoc

# Upgrade pip to version 20.1+
pip3 install --upgrade pip

# Optionally install supervisord for monitoring and restarting GovReady-q; and NGINX as a reverse proxy
yum install supervisor nginx

# To generate thumbnails and PDFs for export, you must install wkhtmltopdf
# WARNING: wkhtmltopdf can expose you to security risks. For more information,
# search the web for "wkhtmltopdf Server-Side Request Forgery"
read -p "Are you sure (yes/no)? " ; if [ "$REPLY" = "yes" ]; then yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb wkhtmltopdf ; fi

GovReady-Q calls out to git to fetch apps from git repositories, but that requires git version 2 or later because of the use of the GIT_SSH_COMMAND environment variable. The stock git on RHEL is version 1. Switch it to version 2+ by using the IUS package:

# If necessary, remove any git currently installed
yum remove git

# Install git222
yum install git222

2. Cloning the GovReady-Q repository

You now need to decide where to install the GovReady-Q files and whether to run GovReady-Q as root or as a dedicated Linux user. Installing as root is convenient for initial testing and some circumstances. Creating a dedicated user and installing as that user is considered better practice.

2 (option a). Installing as root


These steps assume you are installing into the /opt/ directory as root.

Clone the GovReady-Q repository from GitHub into the desired directory on your Ubuntu server.

cd /opt

# Clone GovReady-Q
git clone /path/to/govready-q
cd govready-q

# GovReady-Q files are now installed in /opt/govready-q and owned by root

2 (option b). Installing as Linux user "govready-q"


These steps assume your are installing into the /home/govready-q directory as user govready-q.

While you are still root, create a dedicated Linux user govready-q and home directory. Change directory into the created user's home directory and switch users to govready-q. Clone the GovReady-Q repository from GitHub.

# Create user
useradd govready-q -m -c "govready-q"
chsh -s /bin/bash govready-q
cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /home/govready-q/.
chown govready-q:govready-q /home/govready-q/.bashrc

# Change permissions so that the webserver can read static files
chmod a+rx /home/govready-q

# Switch to the govready-q user
cd /home/govready-q
su govready-q

# Clone GovReady-Q
git clone
cd govready-q

# GovReady-Q files are now installed in /home/govready-q/govready-q and owned by govready-q

3. Installing desired database

GovReady-Q requires a relational database. You can choose:

  • SQLite3
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

GovReady-Q will automatically default to and use a SQLite3 database installed at local/db.sqlite3 if you do not specify a database connection string in local/environment.json.

3 (option a). Installing SQLite3 (default)

There is no setup necessary to use SQLite3. GovReady-Q will automatically install a local SQLite3 database local/db.sqlite3 by default if no db parameter is set in local/environment.json.


All files in govready-q/local are git ignored so that you can safely pull git updates.

3 (option b). Installing MySQL

On the database server, install MySQL OS packages:

# Install MySQL OS packages
 sudo yum install -y mysql-devel

Make a note of the MySQL's host, port, database name, user and password to add to GovReady-Q's configuration file at local/environment.json.

   "db": "mysql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME",

3 (option c). Installing PostgreSQL

On the database server, install PostgreSQL OS packages:

sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib
# postgresql-setup initdb

Then set up the user and database (both named govready_q):

sudo -iu postgres createuser -P govready_q
# Paste a long random password when prompted

sudo -iu postgres createdb govready_q

Postgres’s default permissions automatically grant users access to a database of the same name.

You must specify the database connection string in GovReady-Q's configuration file at local/environment.json.

Make a note of the Postgres host, port, database name, user and password to add to GovReady-Q's configuration file at local/environment.json.

   "db": "postgres://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME",

Encrypting your connection to PostgreSQL running on a separate database server

If PostgreSQL is running on a separate host, it is highly recommended you follow the instructions below to configure a secure connection between GovReady-Q and PostgreSQL.

In /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf, enable TLS connections by changing the ssl option to

ssl = on

and enable remote connections by binding to all interfaces:

listen_addresses = '*'

Enable remote connections to the database only from the webapp server and only encrypted with TLS by editing /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf and adding the line (replacing the hostname with the hostname of the Q webapp server):

hostssl all all md5

Generate a self-signed certificate (replace db.govready-q.internal with the database server’s hostname if possible):

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout /var/lib/pgsql/data/server.key -out /var/lib/pgsql/data/server.crt -subj '/CN=db.govready-q.internal'
chmod 600 /var/lib/pgsql/data/server.{key,crt}
chown postgres.postgres /var/lib/pgsql/data/server.{key,crt}

Copy the certificate to the webapp server so that the webapp server can make trusted connections to the database server:

cat /var/lib/pgsql/data/server.crt
# Place on webapp server at /home/govready-q/pgsql.crt

Restart the PostgreSQL:

service postgresql restart

And if necessary, open the PostgreSQL port:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5432/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

4. Creating the local/environment.json file

Create the local/environment.json file with appropriate parameters. (Order of the key value pairs is not significant.)

SQLite (default)

   "govready-url": "http://localhost:8000",
   "debug": false,
   "secret-key": "long_random_string_here"


   "db": "mysql://USER:PASSWORD@localhost:PORT/NAME",
   "govready-url": "http://localhost:8000",
   "debug": false,
   "secret-key": "long_random_string_here"


   "db": "postgres://govready_q:PASSWORD@localhost:5432/govready_q",
   "govready-url": "http://localhost:8000",
   "debug": false,
   "secret-key": "long_random_string_here"


As of, the "govready-url" environment parameter is preferred way to set Django internal security, url, ALLOWED_HOST, and other settings instead of deprecated environment parameters "host" and "https". The "host" and "https" deprecated parameters will continue to be supported for a reasonable period for legacy installs.

Deprecated (but supported for a reasonable period):

   "db": "mysql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME",
   "host": "localhost:8000",
   "https": false,
   "debug": false,
   "secret-key": "long_random_string_here"


   "db": "mysql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME",
   "govready-url": "http://localhost:8000",
   "debug": false,
   "secret-key": "long_random_string_here"

See Environment Settings for a complete list of configuration options.

5. Installing GovReady-Q

At this point, you have installed required OS packages; cloned the GovReady-Q repository; configured your preferred database option of SQLite3, MySQL, or PostgreSQL; and created the local/environment.json file with appropriate settings.

Make sure you are in the base directory of the GovReady-Q repository. (Execute the following commands as the dedicated Linux user if you set one up.)

Run the install script to install required Python libraries, initialize GovReady-Q's database and create a superuser. This is the same command for all database backends.

# If you created a dedicated Linux user, be sure to switch to that user to install GovReady-Q
# su govready-q
# cd /home/govready-q/govready-q

# Run the install script to install Python libraries,
# initialize database, and create Superuser


The command creates the Superuser interactively allowing you to specify username and password.

The command --non-interactive creates the Superuser automatically for installs where you do not have access to interactive access to the command line. The auto-generated username and password will be output (only once) to the stdout log.

6. Starting and stopping GovReady-Q

Starting GovReady-Q

You can now start GovReady-Q Server. GovReady-Q defaults to listening on localhost:8000, but can easily be run to listen on other host domains and ports.

# Run the server on the default localhost and port 8000
python3 runserver

Visit your GovReady-Q site in your web browser at: http://localhost:8000/

# Run the server to listen at a different specific host and port
# python runserver host:port
python3 runserver
python3 runserver
python3 runserver

Stopping GovReady-Q

Press Ctrl-C in the terminal window running GovReady-Q to stop the server.

7. Running GovReady-Q with Gunicorn HTTP WSGI

In this step, you will configure your deployment to use a higher performing, multi-threaded gunicorn (Green Unicorn) HTTP WSGI server instead of GovReady-Q using Django's built-in server. This will serve you pages faster, with greater scalability. You will start gunicorn server using a config file which has settings to start GovReady-Q.

8. Monitoring GovReady-Q with Supervisor

In this step, you will configure your deployment to use Supervisor to monitor and restart Gunicorn automatically if GovReady-Q should unexpectedly crash.

9. Using NGINX as a reverse proxy

In this step, you will configure your deployment to use NGINX as a reverse proxy in front of Gunicorn as an extra layer of performance and security.

10. Additional options

Installing GovReady-Q Server command-by-command

For situations in which more granular control over the install process is required, use the commands below for installing GovReady-Q.

# Clone GovReady-Q
git clone
cd govready-q

# Install Python 3 packages
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

# Install Bootstrap and other vendor resources locally

# Initialize the database by running database migrations (sqlite3 database used by default)
python3 migrate

# Load a few critical modules
python3 load_modules

# Create superuser with initial account interactively with prompts
python3 first_run
# Reply to prompts interactively

# Alternatively, create superuser with initial account non-interactively
# python3 first_run --non-interactive
# Find superuser name and password in output log


The command python3 first_run creates the Superuser interactively allowing you to specify username and password.

The command python3 first_run --non-interactive creates the Superuser automatically for installs where you do not have access to interactive access to the command line. The auto-generated username and password will be output (only once) to to the stdout log.

Enabling PDF export

To activate PDF and thumbnail generation, add gr-pdf-generator and gr-img-generator environment variables to your local/environment.json configuration file:

   "gr-pdf-generator": "wkhtmltopdf",
   "gr-img-generator": "wkhtmltopdf",

Deployment utilities

GovReady-Q can be optionally deployed with NGINX and Supervisor. There's also a script for updating GovReady-Q.

Sample nginx.conf, supervisor.conf, and files can be found in the source code directory deployment/ubuntu.


Instructions applicable for RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 tested on a CentOS 7.8.2003 Docker image.