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Give Attestations

⚡ Attestations

If Contributions are the feature item of a dish, then Attestations are the spices!!

Contributions create the base layer of everything we do, but we need to validate those contributions to ensure legitimacy and accuracy. This is where Attestations come into play!

In the world of DAOs and Decentralized Governance, we don't have traditional "managers" and we own our own work. We aren't beholden to our organizations because we track our own contributions.

So similarly, we don't use "managers" or the "organization" to validate that we did the work, rather it's our gift to be able to do it for each other! Giving an Attestation allows you to validate your friends, peers, team mate, fellow contributors, or anyone's work!!

This might feel like a new concept, but it's key for us to become autonomous individuals. Building bottom-up self empowering organizations, means that WE have to empower ourselves rather than any "managers".

How to give an Attestation?

1. Navigate to the Attestations Tab

Navigate to the Attestations Tab on the sidebar. This should bring up your attestation feed.

There are two tabs on your Attestation Page:

DAO Contributions: This shows a feed of all the contributions that have been minted by other contributors in your DAO(s) that you haven't yet attested to.

My Attestations: This shows a feed of all the contributions you have already attested to.

2. Find a Contribution you know happened

While we do provide a search bar to search find a specific contribution, what we recommend is looking through the feed until you find a Contribution you know happened.

3. Select the Contribution

Once you find a contribution you want to validate, click the checkbox to the left of the contribution. Did you find multiple? No worries! You're able to bulk select.

4. Click the "Attest" Button

Once you've selected all the contributions you wanted to attest to, go click the Attest button in the upper right hand corner!

This will bring up a screen asking for you to confirm your attestations. If they all look good, go ahead and click confirm.

And boom 💥!!! You've attested to your fellow contributor's contribution.

You are officially enabling each other to own their own contributions. You are empowering each other to actually work together.

This type of cooperation is how we move mountains. Because, as we know, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."