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Ember Observer Score

ember-sliding-tab-bar shows the active tab by using a sliding bottom border which reacts to clicks and route changes.

It uses the MutationObserver DOM API to watch for the active class on it's child tabs and moves a sliding 'highlight tab' to that location. When MutationObservers are not available (mainly IE10 and below) it falls back to plain CSS.

sliding tab-bar example


$ npm install --save-dev ember-sliding-tab-bar


  <li>{{#link-to '1'}}Route 1{{/link-to}}</li>
  <li>{{#link-to '2'}}Route 2{{/link-to}}</li>
  {{!-- ... --}}

Configuration Styles

The tab highlight size/color is the thing you'll most likely want to change. To do so, add the following to your CSS:

.sliding-tab-bar {
  border-bottom: solid ${height of highlight}px ${highlight color};

If you need to overwrite anything else just checkout vendor/sliding-tab-bar.css as the styles are fairly basic.