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Entra ID Provider

Authenticate your users using Azure Active Directory. This ID Provider uses the OAuth2 v2 endpoint of your Azure AD to authenticate users.


Version XP Version Download
0.1.0 >= 7.0.0 Download
1.0.0 >= 7.0.0 Download
1.1.0 >= 7.0.0 Download
1.2.0 >= 7.0.0 Download
1.2.1 >= 7.7.4 Download
1.2.2 >= 7.7.4 Download
1.2.3 >= 7.7.4 Download
1.2.4 >= 7.7.4 Download
2.0.0 >= 7.7.4 Download
2.0.1 >= 7.7.4 Download
2.0.2 >= 7.7.4 Download
2.0.3 >= 7.7.4 Download


Azure Application

Go to Portal Azure, and either create an app or use an existing one. Can be found in Azure Active Directory -> App registrations -> New registration

You'll then need to add the redirect URI for your enonic XP instance to your Azure application. This can be found in the Authentication section of your app. Add a new Web platform and then add your url there. The redirect URI is dependent on the login domain: E.g. If your login domain is then the redirect URI looks like:${nameOfIdProvider}. and if your login domain is then the redirect URI looks like:${nameOfIdProvider}.

If you want to auto import the users AD groups in Enonic you have to add some API permissions as well:

  • Directory.Read.All
  • Directory.ReadWrite.All
  • Directory.AccessAsUser.All

Graph API Docs

App installation in Enonic XP

Install the Entra ID Provider app if you haven't already. Note that these docs don't apply to older versions of the app. Versions 1.x are deprecated, and are named Azure AD ID provider. Most likely you'll want the more recent version, without "AD" in the name, and this updated logo:

Open up the User manage interface, add a new ID provider and give it a name. Verify that the path name of the Id Provider is the same as the last part of the redirect URI added to your application in Azure.

Connect the ID provider to this app, by choosing Entra ID provider in the Application. Also remember to configure the app.


As of v2.0.0, the config form in the users app (idprovider.xml) has been removed. The settings to configure the id provider must instead be entered in a .CFG file:

In this .cfg file, all ID providers that use this app are configured. Each ID provider gets a idprovider.<idprovidername> namespace, which prefixes the config fields. The ID provider name is set in the Users app in XP. For example, setting the pageSize config field with a value of 10 for an ID provider named azure, will look like this:


The following settings are available for using in More details follow below.

autoinit=  (true or false, optional)

idprovider.<idprovidername>.tenantId=  (string, required)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.clientId=  (string, required)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.logoutUrl=  (string, optional)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.clientSecret=  (string, required)

idprovider.<idprovidername>.createAndUpdateGroupsOnLoginFromGraphApi=  (true or false, optional)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.forceHttpsOnRedirectUri=  (true or false, optional)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.pageSize=  (number, optional)

# Optional deeper namespaces: 'user', 'proxy' and 'groupFilter'.
# If used, they have more fields/array items below them, which be required or optional.
# The array under `groupFilter` may of course have more items (`1`, `2`, etc).

idprovider.<idprovidername>  (string, optional)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.user.displayName=  (string, optional)
idprovider.<idprovidername>  (string, optional)

idprovider.<idprovidername>  (string, required)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.proxy.port=  (number between 0 and 65535, optional)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.proxy.user=  (string, optional)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.proxy.password=  (string, optional)

idprovider.<idprovidername>.groupFilter.0.groupProperty=  (string, required)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.groupFilter.0.regexp=  (string, required)
idprovider.<idprovidername>.groupFilter.0.and=  (true or false, optional)

Fields in the config

  • autoinit: Automatic initialization. If contains autoinit=true, then during startup this app will look all idprovider names declared in the file and create them (if the app names don't already exist) with those settings. For example, idprovider.myfirstidp.someKey=someValue and idprovider.anotheridp.anotherKey=anotherValue will declare two idproviders named myfirstidp and anotheridp.

  • ...tenantId: Tenant ID, the directory (tenant) ID found in Portal Azure - in the overview page on your app in Azure as Directory (tenant) ID.
  • ...clientId: Client ID, the application (client) ID for your application in Portal Azure - in the overview page on your app in Azure as Application (client) ID.
  • ...logoutUrl: Logout URL. This is where you want to send the user if they press the logout button in XP - default is the azure AD logout url: Remember to url encode the redirect url. See also the oauth2 docs or the OIDC protocol docs for more info. You can also omit the post_logout_redirect_uri, and the app will try to make an educated guess - but this is not recommended.
  • ...clientSecret: Client Secret found/made in Portal Azure - in the Certificates & secrets section under your application in Azure.

  • ...createAndUpdateGroupsOnLoginFromGraphApi: Create and update groups from graph api. Create and update groups when a user is logged in based on groups returned from Azure's graph api. Remember to add the API permissions if you want to create and update groups in Enonic XP based on the groups in Azure AD.
  • ...forceHttpsOnRedirectUri: Force the redirect uri to use https. If your enonic instance is running behind a SSL reverse proxy / hosted on https, this might be necessary if you're not forwarding all http requests to https, since XP itself doesn't know that it is using https if it's behind a reverse proxy of some sort.
  • ...pageSize: The page return size from graph api. If the result contains more than the page size, graph api will return an @odata.nextLink property similar to the following along with the first page of users.

  • ...user (idprovider.<idprovidername>.user... namespace): User mappings, Azure AD -> Enonic XP. These fields provide placeholders and patterns for how Azure's user objects will be used to populate user data in XP. Note: The placeholders use a @@ syntax in the .cfg file: in the config form in previous versions of the app, placeholders looked like ${placeholder}. But the syntax${} can cause unwanted behavior in .cfg files, so the $ is changed to @@.
    • Unique user name. Default: @@{oid}
    • ...displayName: Display name. Default: @@{given_name} @@{family_name} <@@{upn}>
    • Email. Default: @@{upn}

  • ...proxy (idprovider.<idprovidername>.proxy... namespace): Proxy. Used to configure a proxy to use when talking to Azure AD:
    • Host. Proxy host name to use.
    • ...port: Port Number. Proxy port to use.
    • ...user: Username for proxy authentication.
    • ...password: Password for proxy authentication.

  • ...groupFilter (idprovider.<idprovidername>.groupFilter... namespace): Group Filter. If you don't want to import all the users groups from Azure AD, it's possible to use group filters to accomplish this. This groupFilter namespace requires an array immediately below it, with two required fields and one optional (and) below each item in the array. Each item in the array adds a rule for filtering groups. Array starts counting on 0, so for example, idprovider.<idprovidername>.groupFilter.0.groupProperty sets the groupProperty for the first item, while idprovider.<idprovidername>.groupFilter.1.regexp sets regexp for the second one, etc.
    • ...groupProperty: Property on the group returned from the graph API you want to test against; a property that comes from the MemberOf graphApi for each group. List of properties, eg. description, displayName, id, visibility etc.
    • ...regexp: Regexp: Regular Expression to run on the property.
    • ...and: AND combination rule with the previous filter in the array.
Group filter example

The following filtering will include groups with descriptions marked with $XP$, or groups with a display name starting with XP, or the group with id 12345-12345-12345-12345 where visibility is Public - in sum divided into 3 checks: items 0 OR 1 OR (2 AND 3):





Upgrading from version 1.x

Version 2.x of this app introduces two breaking changes:

  • As detailed above, all configuration now happens in instead of editing a form in the Users app. So no configuration will be stored in / read from the data layer anymore.
  • The app name and key has changed. After Enonic formally took over this project, the app key is now (previously, and for clarity, the displayName of the app has shortened to Azure ID provider (removing "AD" from the previous Azure AD ID provider).

The following upgrade descriptions use information you can find by editing your 1.x ID provider app in XP:

When editing an ID provider in the Users app, the ID provider name is found (or edited) directly below the displayName field, and in previous versions of this app the configuration form was opened by clicking the pencil icon on the ID provider application.

1. Migrate the configuration

Create in your /config folder. Then in XP, enter the Users app and edit the ID provider. Note the ID provider name (without the leading slash), and click the edit-form icon to view the configuration entered in the old app. Transfer the values into the .cfg file, the way it's specified above (the order may vary).

For user mapping config (idprovider.<idprovidername>.user.*), remember the @@ syntax for the placeholders. Replace any ${ in the values with @@{!

2. Change the app

After migrating the configuration as above, a few more steps are needed:

  • Open the Application manager in XP. The app cannot simply be version-upgraded here (because of the app key change). First, install the new version of the app: Entra ID provider. Don't uninstall the old one yet.
  • Existing ID provider(s) must be re-pointed to the new app instead of the old. Edit it (/them) in the Users app: under Applications, select the new Azure IP provider and remove the old Azure AD ID provider. Save and close.
  • If there are any added customizations (hardcoded references etc) in your apps/environments that refer to the old app key, they must be updated to
  • Finally, back in the Application manager in XP, the old app Azure AD ID provider can be uninstalled.


The following events can be listed after using event library:

Event type Description User logs in Local user is modified Local user is created


The ...login event passes an object as parameter describing the user with these fields:

  • type
  • key
  • displayName
  • disabled
  • email
  • login
  • idProvider


const eventLib = require("/lib/xp/event")

  type: "",
  callback: function(event) {;


The ...create event passes an object as parameter with the following fields:

  • idProvider
  • name
  • displayName
  • email



To build this project, execute the following:

./gradlew clean build
