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File metadata and controls

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Web interface and API for Raspberry Pi Omxplayer.


This is fork of omxremote project. Features:

  • New WebGUI developed with VueJS
    • update status every 5s;
    • progressbar for display watching status.
  • Bug Fix.


In order to use omxremote you must have omxplayer installed on your RPi. Most recent distributions on Rasbpian should already come with omxplayer preinstalled.

In case if you dont have it installed, use the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y omxplayer

No special permissions are required in order to play videos with omxplayer and omxremote.


Compiling this project on RPi is a bit of a difficult task and does not necessarily makes sense since Go provides ability to cross-compile source code for multiple platforms on your local development environment. You can do that by following the steps:

make setup
make release

That will produce a binary that's ready to be transferred and executed on your RPi. In cases if you dont have Make available on your system, you can execute the following commands:

go get
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build

For debugging proposes:

export DEBUG=1



Usage of omxweb:
      Enable frontend applicaiton (default true)
  -media string
      Path to media files (default "./")
  -v  Print version
      Enable service advertisement with Zeroconf (default true)

To start omxremote, run the following command:

omxweb -media /path/to/media

By default server will start on port 8080 and listen on all network interfaces. You can connect to it if you have any device (laptop, phone) on the same wifi network. If you dont know the IP address of your RPi, run ifconfig.

To enable service discovery using Zeroconf, use the flag:

omxweb -media ./ -zeroconf

Omxremote advertises itself as omxremote._tcp

To start the server on a specific interface or a given port, set the HOST and PORT variables.

HOST= PORT=8081 omxweb -media ./

Running as daemon

First, make sure you have copied the binary to /usr/bin/:

sudo cp omxweb /usr/bin/

To test if omxremote could be found in $PATH, run:

which omxweb
# => /usr/bin/omxweb

Next step is to create a media directory:

mkdir /home/pi/media

This directory will be used by omxremote to scan for all media files. The following section config files will also use that directory.


sudo nano /etc/init.d/omxweb
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/omxweb

And then you can start the remote:

sudo /etc/init.d/omxweb start


sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/omxweb.unit
sudo systemctl enable omxweb
sudo service omxweb start



  • /status - Returns current player status
  • /browse - Returns files in specified media directory
  • /play - Start media playback
  • /command/:name - Execute a command
  • /host - Get host stats (memory, storage)
  • /remove - Remove a media file or directory

Available commands:

  • pause
  • stop
  • volume_up
  • volume_down
  • subtitles
  • seek_back
  • seek_back_fast
  • seek_forward
  • seek_forward_fast


ERROR: COMXAudio::Decode timeout

If you see this error when playing video files, make sure to give more memory to raspberry pi GPU. On B+ model the default is 16mb. Try setting it to 64/128mb. To edit settings, run: sudo raspi-config.

Raspbian 8

Raspbian 8 does not carry omxplayer binary. You must install the player before using omxremote:

sudo apt-get install -y omxplayer