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Plex Observer

Code style: black Poetry Python 3.11

Plex Observer is a Discord bot that monitors a Plex server and updates the bot's status based on the number of available slots on the server.

🚀 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory
cd plex-observer
  1. Set the Python version for the environment
poetry env use 3.11
  1. Install dependencies
poetry install

Note: The project uses Python 3.11 due to an issue with the multidict dependency in Python 3.12.

⚙️ Configuration

Plex Observer requires minimal configuration to function. You need to provide a Discord bot token and Plex credentials (either a username and password or a baseurl and token).

An minimal example configuration file is provided as example.config.ini. Simply replace <discord-bot-token>, <plex-username> and <plex-username> with yours and rename the file to config.ini.

Here's an example of a fully specified config.ini file:

places = 10
interval = 10

token = NDY3NzE1NTAbUjYwMzg2ODI2.DiuplA.T336twFYOlzcHqcU1xV5skYyHX0
token_dev = BuZbzE1NTAyJIUhdvYwMzg2ODI2.JaopjB.T529twFYOlzcHqcU1uEK78jx

username = johndoe
password = kodi-stinks
baseurl =
token = XBHSMSJSDJ763JSm

🕹 Usage

To run Plex Observer, execute the following command:

poetry run python3 src/

You can specify the environment (prod or dev) with the -e or --env argument:

poetry run python3 src/ --env dev

🐳 Docker Deployment

You can also deploy Plex Observer using Docker:

docker build -t plex-observer .
docker run -d plex-observer
  • -t plex-observer: This flag is used in the docker build command. The -t stands for "tag". It tags the image with the name plex-observer so you can easily refer to the image later.
  • -d: This flag is used in the docker run command. The -d stands for "detached". It means that Docker will run your container in the background and print the container ID.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.