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205 lines (182 loc) · 5.25 KB

File metadata and controls

205 lines (182 loc) · 5.25 KB

The specs are currently written in a typed subset of python. There's a library that provides common functionality that can be used in any specification written in hacspec.

Types t ::= int | bool | str
          | bit_t | uint8_t | uint16_t | uint32_t | uint64_t | uint128_t
          | tuple2_t(t1,t2) | tuple3_t(t1,t2,t3) | ...
          | vlarray_t(t)
          | refine(t,pred)
          | bitvector_t(len)

Derived Types:
      nat                  := refine(int,lambda x: x >= 0)
      array_t(t,len)       := refine(vlarray_t(t),lambda x: length(x) == len)
      vlbytes_t            := vlarray_t(uint8_t)
      bytes_t(len)         := array_t(uint8_t,len)
      pfelem_t(prime)      := refine(nat,lambda x: x < prime)
      gfelem_t(len,irred)  := bitvector_t(len)

Expressions e ::=
      | x                   (variables)
      | n                   (integer constants in hex or decimal)
      | f(e1,...en)         (call builtin or user-defined function)
      | e1 binop e2   	    (operators on int and uintN, overloaded)
                            (binop includes arithmetic: +, -, *, //, %, **
                             bit manipulations: <<, >>, &, |
                             comparison: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= )
      | uintN(e)            (convert int to uintN)
      | (e1,...,en)   	    (make tuple)
      | array([e1,...,en])  (make array)
      | e[e0]         	    (array access)
      | e[e0:e1]      	    (array slice)
      | fail("...")         (stop execution with error)
Statements s ::=
      | x : t = e           (variable declaration)
      | def f(x1:t1,...,xn:tn) -> t :
              s             (function declaration)
      | x = e 		    (assignment)
      | (x1,..,xn) = e      (tuple assignment)
      | x[i] = e      	    (array update)
      | x[i:j] = e    	    (array slice update)
      | return e      	    (return)
      | if e:
           s		    (conditional)
      | for i in range(e):
            s		    (for loop)
      | s
        s		    (sequential composition)
      | from x import x1,x2,...,xn (import from external module)

Library functions

Builtin functions (hacspec library in

uint8, uint32, uint63, uint128:
  to_int(u:uintN) -> int		(convert uintN to int)

  copy(e:array[T]) -> array[T]          (copy array)
  create(len:int,d:T) -> array[T]     	(make array with len elements, each equal to d)
  len(a)	      	                (get length of array)
  concat_blocks(array[array[T]]) -> array[T]
					(flatten array of arrays by concatenation)
  split_blocks(a:array[T],blocksize:int) -> array[array[T]]
  					(split array into blocks of size blocksize;
					 last element may have size < blocksize)
  zip(a:array[T],b:array[U]) -> array[Tuple[T,U]]
					(zip two arrays into an array of tuples;
					 if the two arrays have different lengths,
					 truncate to shorter length)
  enumerate(a:array[T]) -> array[Tuple[int,U]]
					(convert each element x at index i into a pair (i,x))

  to_uintNs_le(b:bytes_t(4*len)) -> array_t(uintN,len)
  				        (create array of uintNs from bytes)
  from_uintNs_le(us:array_t(uintN,len)) -> bytes_t(4 * len)
  					(create bytes from array of uintNs)

Test Vectors

Test vectors are define in JSON following some schema. Every schema can be checked either with mypy or with jsonschema. Note that jsonschema is stricter as it checks the JSON key names while mypy only checks types.

Test vector schemata MUST NOT use types other than "string" and "int"/"number". Integers MUST be base 10.


Mypy TypedDict

Usage example: mypy specs/test_vectors/

mac_test = TypedDict('mac_test', {
    'input_len': str,
    'input': str,
    'key' :  str,
    'tag' :  str}

JSON Schema

Usage example: python spec-checker/ mac specs/test_vectors/poly1305_test_vectors.json

  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "input_len": {
        "type": "string"
      "input": {
        "type": "string"
      "key": {
        "type": "string"
      "tag": {
        "type": "string"
    "required": [
  "maxProperties": 4

Symmetric Encryption

Mypy TypedDict

Usage example: mypy specs/test_vectors/

enc_test = TypedDict('enc_test', {
    'input_len': int,
    'input': str,
    'key' :  str,
    'nonce' :  str,
    'counter' : int,
    'output' :  str})

JSON Schema

Usage example: python spec-checker/ enc specs/test_vectors/chacha20_test_vectors.json

enc_schema = {
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "input_len": {
        "type": "number"
      "input": {
        "type": "string"
      "key": {
        "type": "string"
      "nonce": {
        "type": "string"
      "counter": {
        "type": "number"
      "output": {
        "type": "string"
    "required": [
  "maxProperties": 6