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Title R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Score
Detecting when pre-trained nnU-Net models fail silently for Covid-19 lung lesion segmentation 8 9 9 8.67
Do we need complex image features to personalize treatment of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer? 8 9 9 8.67
Hierarchical graph pathomic network for progression free survival prediction 8 9 9 8.67
3D-UCaps: 3D Capsules Unet for Volumetric Image Segmentation 8 9 8.50
A Hierarchical Feature Constraint to CamouflageMedical Adversarial Attacks 8 9 8 8.33
Comprehensive Importance-based Selective Regularization for Continual Segmentation Across Multiple Sites 8 9 8 8.33
Continuous-Time Deep Glioma Growth Models 7 9 9 8.33
Cross-modal Attention for MRI and Ultrasound Volume Registration 7 9 9 8.33
Developmental Stage Classification of Embryos Using Two-Stream Neural Network with Linear-Chain Conditional Random Field 9 7 9 8.33
Learned super resolution ultrasound for improved breast lesion characterization 8 8 9 8.33
Personalized Retrogress-Resilient Framework for Real-World Medical Federated Learning 8 7 10 8.33
Quantitative Assessments for Ultrasound Probe Calibration 9 9 7 8.33
Selective Learning from External Data for CT Image Segmentation 8 9 8 8.33
Variational Topic Inference for Chest X-Ray Report Generation 9 9 7 8.33
Conditional Deformable Image Registration with Convolutional Neural Network 9 7 8 8.00
Contrastive Learning of Relative Position Regression for One-Shot Object Localization in 3D Medical Images 8 8 8 8.00
Controllable cardiac synthesis via disentangled anatomy arithmetic 8 8 8 8.00
Demystifying T1-MRI to FDG18-PET Image Translation via Representational Similarity 6 10 8 8.00
Efficient and Generic Interactive Segmentation Framework to Correct Mispredictions during Clinical Evaluation of Medical Images 6 9 9 8.00
Federated Contrastive Learning for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation 8 8 8 8.00
Hierarchical Self-Supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation Based on Multi-Domain Data Aggregation 7 8 9 8.00
Identifying Quantitative and Explanatory Tumor Indexes from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound 8 8 8 8.00
Nesterov Accelerated ADMM for Fast Diffeomorphic Image Registration 8 8 8 8.00
Quality-Aware Memory Network for Interactive Volumetric Image Segmentation 9 8 7 8.00
Training Automatic View Planner for Cardiac MR Imaging via Self-Supervision by Spatial Relationship between Views 6 9 9 8.00
TransPath: Transformer-based Self-supervised Learning for Histopathological Image Classification 7 8 9 8.00
Weakly supervised pan-cancer segmentation tool 7 9 8 8.00
C-arm positioning for spinal standard projections in different intra-operative settings 8 8 8 7 7.75
Distortion Energy for Deep Learning-based Volumetric Finite Element Mesh Generation for Aortic Valves 8 9 7 7 7.75
Joint Optimization of Hadamard Sensing and Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing Fluorescence Microscopy 8 8 6 9 7.75
Local Morphological Measures Confirm that Folding within Small Partitions of the Human Cortex Follows Universal Scaling Law 9 7 8 7 7.75
A Deep Reinforced Tree-traversal Agent for Coronary Artery Centerline Extraction 8 7 8 7.67
AMINN: Autoencoder-based Multiple Instance Neural Network Improves Outcome Prediction of Multifocal Liver Metastases 9 5 9 7.67
DT-MIL: Deformable Transformer for Multi-instance Learning on Histopathological Image 9 5 9 7.67
End-to-end Ultrasound Frame to Volume Registration 7 8 8 7.67
FoldIt: Haustral Folds Detection and Segmentation in Colonoscopy Videos 8 8 7 7.67
High-particle simulation of Monte-Carlo dose distribution with 3D ConvLSTMs 8 6 9 7.67
High-Resolution Hierarchical Adversarial Learning for OCT Speckle Noise Reduction 9 8 6 7.67
Learning Visual Features by Colorization for Slide-Consistent Survival Prediction from Whole Slide Images 6 8 9 7.67
Learning-based attenuation quantification in abdominal ultrasound 8 7 8 7.67
LG-Net: Lesion Gate Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Inpainting 9 8 6 7.67
Multi-Task, Multi-Domain Deep Segmentation with Shared Representations and Contrastive Regularization for Sparse Pediatric Datasets 9 8 6 7.67
nnDetection: A Self-configuring Method for Medical Object Detection 8 9 6 7.67
Nuclei Grading of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma in Histopathological Image by Composite High-Resolution Network 6 8 9 7.67
One-Shot Medical Landmark Detection 8 8 7 7.67
Personalized CT Organ Dose Estimation from Scout Images 8 8 7 7.67
Progressively Normalized Self-Attention Network for Video Polyp Segmentation 7 7 9 7.67
Real-Time Mapping of Tissue Properties for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting 7 8 8 7.67
Retina-Match: Ipsilateral Mammography Lesion Matching in a Single Shot Detection Pipeline 6 8 9 7.67
RLP-Net: Recursive Light Propagation Network for 3-D Virtual Refocusing 7 9 7 7.67
RV-GAN: Segmenting Retinal Vascular Structure in Fundus Photographs using a Novel Multi-scale Generative Adversarial Network 6 8 9 7.67
Self-supervised Lesion Change Detection and Localisation in Longitudinal Multiple Sclerosis Brain Imaging 7 8 8 7.67
Self-Supervised Longitudinal Neighbourhood Embedding 8 7 8 7.67
Self-supervised visual representation learning for histopathological images 7 9 7 7.67
Targeted Gradient Descent: A Novel Method for Convolutional Neural Networks Fine-tuning and Online-learning 6 8 9 7.67
Towards Efficient Human-Machine Collaboration: Real-Time Correction Effort Prediction for Ultrasound Data Acquisition 9 6 8 7.67
Weakly-Supervised Universal Lesion Segmentation with Regional Level Set Loss 9 7 7 7.67
FedPerl: Semi-Supervised Peer Learning for Skin Lesion Classification 9 6 7.50
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging data augmentation through conditional ICA 10 8 5 7 7.50
Orthogonal Ensemble Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation 7 8 7.50
Primary Tumor and Inter-Organ Augmentations for Supervised Lymph Node Colon Adenocarcinoma Metastasis Detection 6 9 7.50
Spectral Embedding Approximation and Descriptor Learning for Craniofacial Volumetric Image Correspondence 9 7 8 6 7.50
Bounding Box Tightness Prior for Weakly Supervised Image Segmentation 8 8 6 7.33
BSDA-Net: A Boundary Shape and Distance Aware Joint Learning Framework for Segmenting and Classifying OCTA Images 8 9 5 7.33
Cardiac Transmembrane Potential Imaging with GCN Based Iterative Soft Threshold Network 7 8 7 7.33
Chest Radiograph Disentanglement for COVID-19 Outcome Prediction 8 8 6 7.33
Co-Generation and Segmentation for Generalized Surgical Instrument Segmentation on Unlabelled Data 9 5 8 7.33
Conditional Training with Bounding Map for Universal Lesion Detection 6 8 8 7.33
Consistent Segmentation of Longitudinal Brain MR Images with Spatio-Temporal Constrained Networks 8 6 8 7.33
Continual Learning with Bayesian Model based on a Fixed Pre-trained Feature Extractor 8 8 6 7.33
Culprit-Prune-Net: Efficient Continual Sequential Multi-Domain Learning with Application to Skin Lesion Classification 7 7 8 7.33
DAE-GCN: Identifying Disease-Related Features for Disease Prediction 8 6 8 7.33
Deep Open Snake Tracker for Vessel Tracing 9 8 5 7.33
Deep Reinforcement Exemplar Learning for Annotation Refinement 8 7 7 7.33
Estimation of High Frame Rate Digital Subtraction Angiography Sequences at Low Radiation Dose 9 6 7 7.33
Estimation of spontaneous neuronal activity using homomorphic filtering 8 8 6 7.33
Explainable Classification of Weakly Annotated Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images based on a Fuzzy Bag-of-Colour Features Model and Brain Storm Optimization 7 8 7 7.33
Federated Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification via Inter-client Relation Matching 8 5 9 7.33
Few-shot Transfer Learning for Hereditary Retinal Diseases Recognition 8 8 6 7.33
Focusing on Clinically Interpretable Features: Selective Attention Regularization for Liver Biopsy Image Classification 9 7 6 7.33
Generative Self-training for Cross-domain Unsupervised Tagged-to-Cine MRI Synthesis 8 6 8 7.33
Hybrid Aggregation Network for Survival Analysis from Whole Slide Histopathological Images 8 7 7 7.33
Inter Extreme Points Geodesics for End-to-End Weakly Supervised Image Segmentation 8 8 6 7.33
Label-Free Physics-Informed Image Sequence Reconstruction with Disentangled Spatial-Temporal Modeling 5 9 8 7.33
LambdaUNet: 2.5D Stroke Lesion Segmentation of Diffusion-weighted MR Images 7 6 9 7.33
Learning Unsupervised Parameter-specific Affine Transformation for Medical Images Registration 7 6 9 7.33
Linear Prediction Residual for Efficient Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from Gait 8 7 7 7.33
Local-global Dual Perception based Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Retinal Disease Classification 8 7 7 7.33
MIL-VT: Multiple Instance Learning Enhanced Vision Transformer for Fundus Image Classification 7 7 8 7.33
MouseGAN: GAN-Based Multiple MRI Modalities Synthesis and Segmentation for Mouse Brain Structures 8 8 6 7.33
Multi-phase Liver Tumor Segmentation with Spatial Aggregation and Uncertain Region Inpainting 8 7 7 7.33
Multiple Instance Learning with Auxiliary Task Weighting for Multiple Myeloma Classification 8 6 8 7.33
Positional Contrastive Learning for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation 7 8 7 7.33
Seg4Reg+: A Local and Global ConsistencyLearning between Spine Segmentation and CobbAngle Regression 7 7 8 7.33
SSLP: Spatial Guided Self-supervised Learning on Pathological Images 6 8 8 7.33
STRESS: Super-Resolution for Dynamic Fetal MRI using Self-Supervised Learning 8 7 7 7.33
Surgical Instruction Generation with Transformers 9 4 9 7.33
Text2Brain: Synthesis of Brain Activation Maps from Free-form Text Query 8 8 6 7.33
Using Multiple Images and Contours for Deformable 3D-2D Registration of a Preoperative CT in Laparoscopic Liver Surgery 7 6 9 7.33
3D Brain Midline Delineation for Hematoma Patients 8 8 5 7.00
4D-CBCT Registration with a FBCT-derived Plug-and-Play Feasibility Regularizer 8 7 6 7.00
A Data-driven Approach for High Frame Rate Synthetic Transmit Aperture Ultrasound Imaging 6 6 9 7.00
A Line to Align: Deep Dynamic Time Warping for Retinal OCT Segmentation 8 6 7.00
Accounting for Dependencies in Deep Learning based Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Imaging 5 8 8 7.00
Accurate parameter estimation in fetal diffusion-weighted MRI - learning from fetal and newborn data 8 5 8 7.00
Active Cortex Tractography 8 7 6 7.00
Anatomy of Domain Shift Impact on U-Net Layers in MRI Segmentation 8 4 9 7.00
Beyond COVID-19 Diagnosis: Prognosis with Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning 4 8 9 7.00
Cell Detection in Domain Shift Problem Using Pseudo-Cell-Position Heatmap 9 6 6 7.00
Cells are Actors: Social Network Analysis with Classical ML for SOTA Histology Image Classification 8 7 6 7.00
Coarse-to-fine Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Radiotherapy 8 7 6 7.00
Co-Graph Attention Reasoning based Imaging and Clinical Features Integration for Lymph Node Metastasis Prediction 8 7 6 7.00
Collaborative Image Synthesis and Disease Diagnosis for Classification of Neurodegenerative Disorders with Incomplete Multi-modal Neuroimages 9 3 9 7.00
CoTr: Efficiently Bridging CNN and Transformer for 3D Medical Image Segmentation 7 7 7 7.00
Data Augmentation in Logit Space for Medical Image Classification with Limited Training Data 8 8 5 7.00
Deep Fiber Clustering: Anatomically Informed Unsupervised Deep Learning for Fast and Effective White Matter Parcellation 9 8 4 7.00
Deep J-Sense: Accelerated MRI Reconstruction via Unrolled Alternating Optimization 4 9 8 7.00
Deep Simulation of Facial Appearance Changes Following Craniomaxillofacial Bony Movements in Orthognathic Surgical Planning 6 8 6 8 7.00
Disentangled and Proportional Representation Learning for Multi-View Brain Connectomes 6 9 6 7.00
Dual-Consistency Semi-Supervised Learning with Uncertainty Quantification for COVID-19 Lesion Segmentation from CT Images 7 6 8 7.00
EchoCP: An Echocardiography Dataset in Contrast Transthoracic Echocardiography for Patent Foramen Ovale Diagnosis 9 8 4 7.00
EMDQ-SLAM: Real-time High-resolution Reconstruction of Soft Tissue Surface from Stereo Laparoscopy Videos 9 4 8 7.00
Energy-Based Supervised Hashing for Multimorbidity Image Retrieval 7 7 7 7.00
Group Shift Pointwise Convolution for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation 7 8 6 7.00
Improved Brain Lesion Segmentation with Anatomical Priors from Healthy Subjects 7 7 7 7.00
Improving Generalizability in Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction with Sinogram Extrapolation 5 7 9 7.00
Improving hexahedral-FEM-based plasticity in surgery simulation 5 7 9 7.00
Improving Pneumonia Localization via Cross-Attention on Medical Images and Reports 6 8 7 7.00
InDuDoNet: An Interpretable Dual Domain Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction 5 8 7 8 7.00
Interpretable deep learning for multimodal super-resolution of medical images 6 9 6 7.00
Joint Motion Correction and Super Resolution for Cardiac Segmentation via Latent Optimisation 9 7 5 7.00
Joint Spinal Centerline Extraction and Curvature Estimation with Row-wise Classification and Curve Graph Network 8 4 9 7.00
Learning Consistency- and Discrepancy-Context for 2D Organ Segmentation 6 7 8 7.00
Learning Dual Transformer Network for Diffeomorphic Registration 8 8 5 7.00
Learning from Subjective Ratings Using Auto-Decoded Deep Latent Embeddings 6 7 8 7.00
Lesion-based Contrastive Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading from Fundus Images 8 6 7 7.00
Leveraging Auxiliary Information from EMR for Weakly Supervised Pulmonary Nodule Detection 8 7 6 7.00
Longitudinal Correlation Analysis for Decoding Multi-Modal Brain Development 6 8 7 7.00
Lung Cancer Risk Estimation with Incomplete Data: A Joint Missing Imputation Perspective 5 8 8 7.00
mfTrans-Net: Quantitative Measurement of Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Multi-Function Transformer Regression Network 7 10 4 7.00
MorphSet: Improving Renal Histopathology Case Assessment Through Learned Prognostic Vectors 7 8 6 7.00
Multi-Compound Transformer for Accurate Biomedical Image Segmentation 6 7 8 7.00
Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution via a Multi-Stage Integration Network 7 6 8 7.00
Multi-modal Multi-instance Learning using Weakly Correlated Histopathological Images and Tabular Clinical Information 9 5 7 7.00
Multi-view analysis of unregistered medical images using cross-view transformers 8 7 6 7.00
Multi-View Surgical Video Action Detection via Mixed Global View Attention 8 7 6 7.00
Noise Mapping and Removal in Complex-Valued Multi-Channel MRI via Optimal Shrinkage of Singular Values 7 5 9 7.00
Non-parametric vignetting correction for sparse spatial transcriptomics images 7 9 5 7.00
NucMM Dataset: 3D Neuronal Nuclei Instance Segmentation at Sub-Cubic Millimeter Scale 7 8 6 7.00
On the relationship between calibrated predictors and unbiased volume estimation 8 8 5 7.00
Parallel Capsule Networks for Classification of White Blood Cells 6 6 9 7.00
Predicting Symptoms from Multiphasic MRI via Multi-Instance Attention Learning for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Grading 5 8 8 7.00
Pristine annotations-based multi-modal trained artificial intelligence solution to triage chest X-Ray for COVID19 5 9 7 7.00
Recurrent Multigraph Integrator Network for Predicting the Evolution of Population-Driven Brain Connectivity Templates 7 5 9 7.00
SA-GAN: Structure-Aware GAN for Organ-Preserving Synthetic CT Generation 7 8 6 7.00
Scalable, Axiomatic Explanations of Deep Alzheimer's Diagnosis from Heterogeneous Data 6 6 9 7.00
SegRecon: Learning Joint Brain Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation from Images 6 8 7 7.00
Self Context and Shape Prior for Sensorless Freehand 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction 8 6 7 7.00
Self-Supervised Vessel Enhancement Using Flow-Based Consistencies 7 6 8 7.00
Semantic Consistent Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Cross-modality Medical Image Segmentation 8 8 5 7.00
Semi-Supervised Learning for Bone Mineral Density Estimation in Hip X-ray Images 8 7 6 7.00
Semi-supervised Meta-learning with Disentanglement for Domain-generalised Medical Image Segmentation 7 7 7 7.00
SGNet: Structure-aware Graph-based Network for Airway Semantic Segmentation 8 6 7 7.00
SpineGEM: A Hybrid-Supervised Model Generation Strategy Enabling Accurate Spine Disease Classification with a Small Training Dataset 8 6 7 7.00
Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training for Mammographic Triage Screening Models 6 7 8 7.00
TarGAN: Target-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-modality Medical Image Translation 7 6 8 7.00
Task Fingerprinting for Meta Learning in Biomedical Image Analysis 8 8 5 7.00
Temporal Feature Fusion with Sampling Pattern Optimization for Multi-echo Gradient Echo Acquisition and Image Reconstruction 7 7 7 7.00
Topological Receptive Field Model for Human Retinotopic Mapping 7 8 6 7 7.00
Transfer Learning of Deep Spatiotemporal Networks to Model Arbitrarily Long Videos of Seizures 5 9 7 7.00
Trans-SVNet: Accurate Phase Recognition from Surgical Videos via Hybrid Embedding Aggregation Transformer 9 7 5 7.00
Universal Undersampled MRI Reconstruction 8 5 8 7.00
USCL: Pretraining Deep Ultrasound Image Diagnosis Model through Video Contrastive Representation Learning 8 6 7 7.00
VertNet: Accurate Vertebra Localization and Identification Network from CT Images 9 6 6 7.00
SPARTA: An Integrated Stability, Discriminability, and Sparsity based Radiomic Feature Selection Approach 8 7 7 6 6 6.80
3D Semantic Mapping from Arthroscopy using Out-of-distribution Pose and Depth and In-distribution Segmentation Training 8 7 7 5 6.75
CA-Net: Leveraging Contextual Features for Lung Cancer Prediction 8 7 6 6 6.75
Efficient Global-Local Memory for Real-time Instrument Segmentation of Robotic Surgical Video 6 7 8 6 6.75
Equivariant Filters for Efficient Tracking in 3D Imaging 4 8 9 6 6.75
Interhemispheric functional connectivity in the primary motor cortex distinguishes between training on a physical and a virtual surgical simulator 7 5 9 6 6.75
Observational Supervision for Medical Image Classification using Gaze Data 8 3 7 9 6.75
Quantifying structural connectivity in brain tumor patients 7 8 8 4 6.75
3D Graph-S2Net: Shape-Aware Self-Ensembling Network for Semi-Supervised Segmentation with Bilateral Graph Convolution 4 8 8 6.67
A Deep Network for Joint Registration and Parcellation of Cortical Surfaces 5 9 6 6.67
A Location Constrained Dual-branch Network for Reliable Diagnosis of Jaw Tumors and Cysts 8 7 5 6.67
A Multi-attribute Controllable Generative Model for Histopathology Image Synthesis 7 6 7 6.67
A Multi-Branch Hybrid Transformer Network for Corneal Endothelial Cell Segmentation 6 5 9 6.67
Adapting Off-the-Shelf Source Segmenter for Target Medical Image Segmentation 5 7 8 6.67
Adaptive Squeeze-and-Shrink Image Denoising for Improving Deep Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds 5 9 6 6.67
Airway Anomaly Detection by Graph Neural Network 7 6 7 6.67
An Interpretable Approach to Automated Severity Scoring in Pelvic Trauma 5 9 6 6.67
AnaXNet: Anatomy Aware Multi-label Finding Classification in Chest X-ray 8 7 5 6.67
Automatic Polyp Segmentation via Multi-scale Subtraction Network 4 8 8 6.67
Bayesian Atlas Building with Hierarchical Priors for Subject-specific Regularization 8 9 3 6.67
Boundary-aware Transformers for Skin Lesion Segmentation 4 8 8 6.67
Building Dynamic Hierarchical Brain Networks and Capturing Transient Meta-states for Early Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis 6 6 8 6.67
CarveMix: A Simple Data Augmentation Method for Brain Lesion Segmentation 7 4 9 6.67
CCBANet: Cascading Context and Balancing Attention for Polyp Segmentation 8 7 5 6.67
Combining 3D Image and Tabular Data via the Dynamic Affine Feature Map Transform 9 5 6 6.67
Confidence-aware Cascaded Network for Fetal Brain Segmentation on MR Images 6 8 6 6.67
Construction of Longitudinally Consistent 4D Infant Cerebellum Atlases based on Deep Learning 5 7 8 6.67
Cooperative Training and Latent Space Data Augmentation for Robust Medical Image Segmentation 5 7 8 6.67
Cost-Sensitive Meta-Learning for Progress Prediction of Subjective Cognitive Decline with Brain Structural MRI 4 8 8 6.67
CPNet: Cycle Prototype Network for Weakly-supervised 3D Renal Chamber Segmentation 5 6 9 6.67
Deformed2Self: Self-Supervised Denoising for Dynamic Medical Imaging 7 5 8 6.67
Detecting Brain State Changes by Geometric Deep Learning of Functional Dynamics on Riemannian Manifold 6 8 6 6.67
Detecting Outliers with Poisson Image Interpolation 6 7 7 6.67
Efficient Semi-Supervised Gross Target Volume of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Segmentation via Uncertainty Rectified Pyramid Consistency 5 7 8 6.67
Facial and cochlear nerves characterization using deep reinforcement learning for landmark detection 8 6 6 6.67
Few Trust Data Guided Annotation Refinement for Upper Gastrointestinal Anatomy Recognition 7 6 7 6.67
Hierarchical Attention Guided Framework for Multi-resolution Collaborative Whole Slide Image Segmentation 5 7 8 6.67
Hierarchical Phenotyping and Graph Modeling of Spatial Architecture in Lymphoid Neoplasms 5 7 8 6.67
Hybrid graph convolutional neural networks for anatomical segmentation 7 8 5 6.67
Imbalance-Aware Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Radiomic Representations 6 8 6 6.67
Interactive segmentation via deep learning and B-spline explicit active surfaces 7 8 5 6.67
Intra-operative Update of Boundary Conditions for Patient-specific Surgical Simulation 8 8 4 6.67
IREM: High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction via Implicit Neural Representation 8 5 7 6.67
Joint PVL Detection and Manual Ability Classification using Semi-Supervised Multi-task Learning 8 3 9 6.67
Labels-set Loss Functions for Partial Supervision: Application to Fetal Brain 3D MRI Parcellation 7 8 5 6.67
Learnable Oriented-Derivative Network for Polyp Segmentation 7 8 5 6.67
Learning 4D Infant Cortical Surface Atlas with Unsupervised Spherical Networks 7 8 5 6.67
Learning Spatiotemporal Probabilistic Atlas of Fetal Brains with Anatomically Constrained Registration Network 4 8 8 6.67
Learning with Noise: Mask-guided Attention Model for Weakly Supervised Nuclei Segmentation 5 7 8 6.67
MBFF-Net: Multi-Branch Feature Fusion Network for Carotid Plaque Segmentation in Ultrasound 6 7 7 6.67
Modality-aware Mutual Learning for Multi-modal Medical Image Segmentation 7 5 8 6.67
Multi-level Relationship Capture Network for Automated Skin Lesion Recognition 7 4 9 6.67
Multi-scale Neural ODEs for 3D Medical Image Registration 9 5 6 6.67
Multi-site Incremental Image Quality Assessment of Structural MRI via Consensus Adversarial Representation Adaptation 10 6 4 6.67
Neighbor Matching for Semi-supervised Learning 8 7 5 6.67
Noisy Labels are Treasure: Mean-Teacher-Assisted Confident Learning for Hepatic Vessel Segmentation 6 7 7 6.67
Non-invasive Assessment of Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient (HVPG) Based on MR Flow Imaging and Computational Fluid Dynamics 8 4 8 6.67
Personalized Matching and Analysis of Cortical Folding Patterns via Patch-Based Intrinsic Brain Mapping 5 6 9 6.67
Rapid treatment planning for low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy with TP-GAN 6 7 7 6.67
Real-Time Rotated Convolutional Descriptor for Surgical Environments 9 3 8 6.67
Revisiting contour-driven and knowledge-based deformable models: application to 2D-3D proximal femur reconstruction from X-ray images 5 8 7 6.67
Self-Supervised Learning for MRI Reconstruction with a Parallel Network Training Framework 4 9 7 6.67
Sequential Learning on Liver Tumor Boundary Semantics and Prognostic Biomarker Mining 9 6 5 6.67
Sharpening Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations for Histopathology: Improved Understandability and Reliability 6 8 6 6.67
Simultaneous Alignment and Surface Regression Using Hybrid 2D-3D Networks for 3D Coherent Layer Segmentation of Retina OCT Images 8 4 8 6.67
Source-Free Domain Adaptive Fundus Image Segmentation with Denoised Pseudo-Labeling 7 6 7 6.67
Stain Mix-up: Unsupervised Domain Generalization for Histopathology Images 6 6 8 6.67
Superpixel-guided Iterative Learning from Noisy Labels for Medical Image Segmentation 8 5 7 6.67
SyNCCT: Synthetic Non-Contrast Images of the Brain from Single-Energy Computed Tomography Angiography 5 6 9 6.67
TEDS-Net: Enforcing Diffeomorphisms in Spatial Transformers to Guarantee Topology Preservation in Segmentations 7 6 7 6.67
Tensor-based Multi-index Representation Learning for Major Depression Disorder Detection with Resting-state fMRI 6 8 6 6.67
Towards Ultrafast MRI via Extreme k-Space Undersampling and Superresolution 8 4 8 6.67
Triplet-Branch Network with Prior-Knowledge Embedding for Fatigue Fracture Grading 7 6 7 6.67
TVnet: Automated Time-Resolved Tracking of the Tricuspid Valve Plane in MRI Long-Axis Cine Images with a Dual-Stage Deep Learning Pipeline 7 7 6 6.67
Uncertainty-Guided Progressive GANs for Medical Image Translation 7 6 7 6.67
Unsupervised Contrastive Learning of Radiomics and Deep Features for Label-Efficient Tumor Classification 5 6 9 6.67
Weakly-Supervised Ultrasound Video Segmentation with Minimal Annotations 7 6 7 6.67
Cell Detection from Imperfect Annotation by Pseudo Label Selection Using P-classification 4 6 9 8 6 6.60
2D Histology Meets 3D Topology: Cytoarchitectonic Brain Mapping with Graph Neural Networks 7 4 8 7 6.50
Dual-Domain Adaptive-Scaling Non-Local Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction 9 7 3 7 6.50
EndoUDA: A modality independent segmentation approach for endoscopy imaging 9 6 4 7 6.50
LuMiRa: An Integrated Lung Deformation Atlas and 3D-CNN model of Infiltrates for COVID-19 Prognosis 9 5 6 6 6.50
Residual Feedback Network for Breast Lesion Segmentation in Ultrasound Image 8 5 7 6 6.50
Surface-Guided Image Fusion for Preserving Cortical Details in Human Brain Templates 6 6 8 6 6.50
Unsupervised Representation Learning Meets Pseudo-Label Supervised Self-Distillation: A New Approach to Rare Disease Classification 6 8 4 8 6.50
2.5D Thermometry Maps for MRI-guided Tumor Ablation 7 5 7 6.33
4D-Foot: A fully automated pipeline of four-dimensional analysis of the foot bones using bi-plane X-ray video and CT 7 7 5 6.33
A new Approach to Orthopedic Surgery Planning using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Simulation 8 7 4 6.33
A Segmentation-Assisted Model for Universal Lesion Detection with Partial Labels 6 6 7 6.33
A Spatial Guided Self-supervised Clustering Network for Medical Image Segmentation 9 3 7 6.33
A spherical convolutional neural network for white matter structure imaging via diffusion MRI 5 6 8 6.33
A Structural Causal Model MR Images of Multiple Sclerosis 8 3 8 6.33
Acoustic-based Spatio-temporal Learning for Press-fit Evaluation of Femoral Stem Implants 4 8 7 6.33
Adversarial Domain Feature Adaptation for Bronchoscopic Depth Estimation 8 6 5 6.33
AlignTransformer: Hierarchical Alignment of Visual Regions and Disease Tags for Medical Report Generation 6 5 8 6.33
Alleviating Data Imbalance Issue with Perturbed Input during Inference 8 4 7 6.33
ASC-Net: Adversarial-based Selective Network for Unsupervised Anomaly Segmentation 4 7 8 6.33
Asymmetric 3D Context Fusion for Universal Lesion Detection 6 7 6 6.33
Attention based CNN-LSTM Network for Pulmonary Embolism Prediction on Chest Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiograms 5 8 6 6.33
Attention-based Multi-scale Gated Recurrent Encoder with Novel Correlation Loss for COVID-19 Progression Prediction 7 5 7 6.33
AxonEM Dataset: 3D Axon Instance Segmentation of Brain Cortical Regions 5 7 7 6.33
BiX-NAS: Searching Efficient Bi-directional Architecture for Medical Image Segmentation 7 9 3 6.33
Categorical Relation-Preserving Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Medical Image Classification 8 4 7 6.33
DA-VSR: Domain Adaptable Volumetric Super-Resolution For Medical Images 4 8 7 6.33
Deep Orthogonal Fusion: Multimodal Prognostic Biomarker Discovery Integrating Radiology, Pathology, Genomic, and Clinical Data 5 7 7 6.33
Deep-Cleansing: Deep-learning based Electronic Cleansing in Dual-energy CT Colonography 6 6 7 6.33
DeepStationing: Thoracic Lymph Node Station Parsing in CT Scans using Anatomical Context Encoding and Key Organ Auto-Search 5 7 7 6.33
Determination of error in 3D CT to 2D fluoroscopy image registration for endobronchial guidance 4 6 9 6.33
Distinguishing Differences Matters: Focal Contrastive Network for Peripheral Anterior Synechiae Recognition 7 6 6 6.33
Domain Composition and Attention for Unseen-Domain Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation 8 6 5 6.33
Domain Generalization for Mammography Detection via Multi-style and Multi-view Contrastive Learning 5 6 8 6.33
Duo-SegNet: Adversarial Dual-Views for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation 5 6 8 6.33
Early Detection of Liver Fibrosis Using Graph Convolutional Networks 6 7 6 6.33
E-DSSR: Efficient Dynamic Surgical Scene Reconstruction with Transformer-based Stereoscopic Depth Perception 6 6 7 6.33
Efficient neural network approximation of robust PCA for automated analysis of calcium imaging data 9 6 4 6.33
End-to-end Ugly Duckling Sign Detection for Melanoma Identification with Transformers 5 8 6 6.33
Enhanced Breast Lesion Classification via Knowledge Guided Cross-Modal and Semantic Data Augmentation 8 4 7 6.33
Explaining COVID-19 and Thoracic Pathology Model Predictions by Identifying Informative Input Features 7 4 8 6.33
Exploring the Functional Difference of Gyri/Sulci via Hierarchical Interpretable Autoencoder 7 6 6 6.33
Fairness in Cardiac MR Image Analysis: An Investigation of Bias Due to Data Imbalance in Deep Learning Based Segmentation 6 4 9 6.33
Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Regions of Interest: From Sensing to Reconstruction 6 5 8 6.33
Federated Whole Prostate Segmentation in MRI with Personalized Neural Architectures 7 5 7 6.33
Few-Shot Domain Adaptation with Polymorphic Transformers 5 6 8 6.33
Fighting Class Imbalance with Contrastive Learning 6 9 4 6.33
Flip Learning: Erase to Segment 5 6 8 6.33
GKD: Semi-supervised Graph Knowledge Distillation for Graph-Independent Inference 7 5 7 6.33
Graph Transformers for Characterization and Interpretation of Surgical Margins 8 5 6 6.33
Highly Reproducible Whole Brain Parcellation in Individuals via Voxel Annotation with Fiber Clusters 5 6 8 6.33
HRENet: A Hard Region Enhancement Network for Polyp Segmentation 6 7 6 6.33
Hybrid Supervision Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification 8 4 7 6.33
Image-based Incision Detection for Topological Intraoperative 3D Model Update in Augmented Reality Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery 6 4 9 6.33
Implicit field learning for unsupervised anomaly detection in medical images 6 7 6 6.33
Improving the Explainability of Skin Cancer Diagnosis Using CBIR 6 9 4 6.33
Instance-based Vision Transformer for Subtyping of Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma in Histopathological Image 6 5 8 6.33
Interactive smoothing parameter optimization in DBT Reconstruction using Deep learning 5 6 8 6.33
Intracerebral Haemorrhage Growth Prediction Based on Displacement Vector Field and Clinical Metadata 8 7 4 6.33
I-SECRET: Importance-guided fundus image enhancement via semi-supervised contrastive constraining 7 5 7 6.33
Learning More for Free - A Multi Task Learning Approach for Improved Pathology Classification in Capsule Endoscopy 8 5 6 6.33
Learning Neuron Stitching for Connectomics 7 9 3 6.33
Longitudinal Quantitative Assessment of COVID-19 Infection Progression from Chest CTs 7 8 4 6.33
Longitudinal self-supervision to disentangle inter-patient variability from disease progression 6 6 7 6.33
MASC-Units: Training Oriented Filters for Segmenting Curvilinear Structures 5 6 8 6.33
Medical Matting: A New Perspective on Medical Segmentation with Uncertainty 9 3 7 6.33
MetaCon: Meta Contrastive Learning for Microsatellite Instability Detection 6 5 8 6.33
Meta-Modulation Network for Domain Generalization in Multi-site fMRI Classification 6 7 6 6.33
Motion Correction for Liver DCE-MRI with Time-Intensity Curve Constraint 6 7 6 6.33
M-SEAM-NAM: Multi-instance Self-supervised Equivalent Attention Mechanism with Neighborhood Affinity Module for Double Weakly Supervised Segmentation of COVID-19 3 8 8 6.33
MT-UDA: Towards Unsupervised Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation with Limited Source Labels 8 5 6 6.33
Multi-frame Collaboration for Effective Endoscopic Video Polyp Detection via Spatial-Temporal Feature Transformation 7 6 6 6.33
Multi-Head GAGNN: A Multi-Head Guided Attention Graph Neural Network for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Holistic Brain Functional Networks 7 7 5 6.33
Multimodal MRI Acceleration via Deep Cascading Networks with Peer-layer-wise Dense Connections 3 9 7 6.33
Multimodal Multitask Deep Learning for X-Ray Image Retrieval 4 7 8 6.33
Multimodal Representation Learning via Maximization of Local Mutual Information 7 6 6 6.33
OperA: Attention-Regularized Transformers for Surgical Phase Recognition 7 8 4 6.33
Order-Guided Disentangled Representation Learning for Ulcerative Colitis Classification with Limited Labels 7 5 7 6.33
Over-and-Under Complete Convolutional RNN for MRI Reconstruction 4 7 8 6.33
Perceptual Quality Assessment of Chest Radiograph 6 8 5 6.33
POPCORN: Progressive Pseudo-labeling with Consistency Regularization and Neighboring 3 8 8 6.33
Predicting Esophageal Fistula Risks Using a Multimodal Self-Attention Network 6 5 8 6.33
Prototypical Interaction Graph for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Surgical Instrument Segmentation 6 7 6 6.33
Radiomics-informed Deep Curriculum Learning for Breast Cancer Diagnosis 9 7 3 6.33
Ranking loss: A ranking-based deep neural network for colorectal cancer grading in pathology images 8 4 7 6.33
RATCHET: Medical Transformer for Chest X-ray Diagnosis and Reporting 7 4 8 6.33
Region Ensemble Network for MCI Conversion Prediction With a Relation Regularized Loss 5 7 7 6.33
ReSGAN: Intracranial Hemorrhage Segmentation with Residuals of Synthetic Brain CT Scans 6 6 7 6.33
SAME: Deformable Image Registration based on Self-supervised Anatomical Embeddings 7 4 8 6.33
SAR: Scale-Aware Restoration Learning for 3D Tumor Segmentation 5 7 7 6.33
Self-adversarial Learning for Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications in Mammograms 6 6 7 6.33
Self-Supervised Correction Learning for Semi-Supervised Biomedical Image Segmentation 5 7 7 6.33
Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning for Label-efficient Medical Image Segmentation 6 6 7 6.33
Semi-Supervised Unpaired Multi-Modal Learning for Label-Efficient Medical Image Segmentation 5 7 7 6.33
Sequential Gaussian Process Regression for Simultaneous Pathology Detection and Shape Reconstruction 4 7 8 6.33
Sequential Lung Nodule Synthesis using Attribute-guided Generative Adversarial Networks 5 6 8 6.33
Shallow Attention Network for Polyp Segmentation 7 8 4 6.33
Spine-Transformers: Vertebra Detection and Localization in Arbitrary Field-of-View Spine CT with Transformers 6 4 9 6.33
Stochastic 4D Flow Vector-Field Signatures: A new approach for comprehensive 4D Flow MRI quantification 4 7 8 6.33
Structure-Preserving Multi-Domain Stain Color Augmentation using Style-Transfer with Disentangled Representations 4 8 7 6.33
Style Curriculum Learning for Robust Medical Image Segmentation 9 6 4 6.33
Style Transfer Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Site MRI Harmonization 6 9 4 6.33
Surgical Workflow Anticipation using Instrument Interaction 2 9 8 6.33
Task-Oriented Low-Dose CT Image Denoising 6 8 5 6.33
Towards Semantic Interpretation of Thoracic Disease and COVID-19 Diagnosis Models 6 7 6 6.33
Tripled-uncertainty Guided Mean Teacher model for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation 4 7 8 6.33
Uncertainty-Aware Label Rectification for Domain Adaptive Mitochondria Segmentation 5 8 6 6.33
Using Causal Analysis for Conceptual Deep Learning Explanation 5 8 6 6.33
Weakly Supervised Registration of Prostate MRI and Histopathology Images 7 6 6 6.33
Whole Slide Images are 2D Point Clouds: Context-Aware Survival Prediction using Patch-based Graph Convolutional Networks 6 6 7 6.33
A Neural Framework for Multi-Variable Lesion Quantification Through B-mode Style Transfer 4 9 7 5 6.25
Automating Embryo Development Stage Detection in Time-Lapse Imaging with Synergic Loss and Temporal Learning 9 7 4 5 6.25
Semi-supervised Cell Detection in Time-lapse Images Using Temporal Consistency 3 6 8 8 6.25
SurgeonAssist-Net: Towards Context-Aware Head-Mounted Display-Based Augmented Reality for Surgical Guidance 5 7 8 5 6.25
3D Transformer-GAN for High-quality PET Reconstruction 3 8 7 6.00
A Coherent Cooperative Learning Framework Based on Transfer Learning for Unsupervised Cross-domain Classification 7 5 6 6.00
A Deep Learning Bidirectional Temporal Tracking Algorithm for Automated Blood Cell Counting from Non-invasive Capillaroscopy Videos 6 6 6 6.00
A hybrid attention ensemble framework for zonal prostate segmentation 5 6 7 6.00
A Novel Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network for Accurate Organ Segmentation in 3D Head and Neck CT Images 8 7 3 6.00
A Topological-Attention ConvLSTM Network and Its Application to EM Images 7 6 5 6.00
Acceleration by deep-learnt sharing of superfluous information in multi-contrast MRI 2 9 7 6.00
ACN: Adversarial Co-training Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation with Missing Modalities 4 7 7 6.00
Adversarial learning of cancer tissue representations 6 4 8 6.00
Anatomy-Constrained Contrastive Learning for Synthetic Segmentation without Ground-truth 5 7 6 6.00
Annotation-efficient Cell Counting 6 5 7 6.00
AutoFB: Automating Fetal Biometry Estimation from Standard Ultrasound Planes 8 5 5 6.00
Automatic Path Planning for Safe Guide Pin Insertion in PCL Reconstruction Surgery 6 5 7 6.00
Balanced-MixUp for highly imbalanced medical image classification 6 5 7 6.00
Beyond Non-Maximum Suppression - Detecting Lesions in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Volumes 8 4 6 6.00
Class-Incremental Domain Adaptation with Smoothing and Calibration for Surgical Report Generation 9 4 5 6.00
Combining Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning and Gaussian Processes for CT Hemorrhage Detection 8 6 4 6.00
Contrastive Learning Based Stain Normalization Across Multiple Tumor Histopathology 7 4 7 6.00
Contrastive Learning with Continuous Proxy Meta-Data For 3D MRI Classification 6 6 6 6.00
Covariate Correcting Networks for Identifying Associations between Socioeconomic Factors and Brain Outcomes in Children 7 9 2 6.00
Cross-domain Depth Estimation Network for 3D Vessel Reconstruction in OCT Angiography 7 3 8 6.00
Deep Neural Dynamic Bayesian Networks applied to EEG sleep spindles modeling 8 4 7 5 6.00
DeepMitral: Fully Automatic 3D Echocardiography Segmentation for Patient Specific Mitral Valve Modelling 7 6 5 6.00
Depth Estimation for Colonoscopy Images with Self-supervised Learning from Videos 6 5 7 6.00
Detection of critical structures in laparoscopic cholecystectomy using label relaxation and self-supervision 6 6 6 6.00
DLLNet: An Attention-based Deep Learning Method for Dental Landmark Localization on High-Resolution 3D Digital Dental Models 4 7 7 6.00
Effective Pancreatic Cancer Screening on Non-contrast CT Scans via Anatomy-Aware Transformers 6 7 4 7 6.00
EllipseNet: Anchor-Free Ellipse Detection for Automatic Cardiac Biometrics in Fetal Echocardiography 8 4 7 5 6.00
EMA: Auditing Data Removal from Trained Models 6 7 5 6.00
From Pixel to Whole Slide: Automatic Detection of Microvascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma on Histopathological Image via Cascaded Networks 4 6 8 6.00
Fully Test-time Adaptation for Image Segmentation 8 4 6 6.00
Generator Versus Segmentor: Pseudo-healthy Synthesis 9 6 3 6.00
GQ-GCN: Group Quadratic Graph Convolutional Network for Classification of Histopathological Images 6 5 7 6.00
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Segmentation from Digital Subtraction Angiography Videos using Learnable Temporal Difference 7 7 4 6.00
High-resolution segmentation of lumbar vertebrae from conventional thick slice MRI 7 3 8 6.00
Implicit Neural Distance Representation for Unsupervised and Supervised Classification of Complex Anatomies 5 6 7 6.00
Instance-aware Feature Alignment for Cross-domain Cell Nuclei Detection in Histopathology Images 4 6 8 6.00
Learnable Multi-scale Fourier Interpolation for Sparse View CT Image Reconstruction 6 6 6 6.00
Learning to Address Intra-segment Misclassification in Retinal Imaging 6 6 6 6.00
Medical Image Registration Based on Uncoupled Learning and Accumulative Enhancement 6 5 7 6.00
Medical Transformer: Gated Axial-Attention for Medical Image Segmentation 7 4 7 6.00
Memory-efficient Learning for High-dimensional MRI Reconstruction 5 7 6 6.00
MG-NET: Leveraging Pseudo-Imaging for Multi-Modal Metagenome Analysis 6 8 4 6.00
Modality Completion via Gaussian Process Prior Variational Autoencoders for Multi-Modal Glioma Segmentation 6 5 7 6.00
Multiple Meta-model Quantifying for Medical Visual Question Answering 6 7 5 6.00
OLVA: Optimal Latent Vector Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Medical Image Segmentation 9 6 3 6.00
OXnet: Deep Omni-supervised Thoracic Disease Detection from Chest X-rays 4 6 8 6.00
Partial-supervised Learning for Vessel Segmentation in Ocular Images 5 4 9 6.00
Patient-specific virtual spine straightening and vertebra inpainting: An automatic framework for osteoplasty planning 3 9 6 6.00
Personalized Respiratory Motion Model Using Conditional Generative Networks for MR-Guided Radiotherapy 4 8 6 6.00
Phase-independent Latent Representation for Cardiac Shape Analysis 4 6 8 6.00
Positive-unlabeled Learning for Cell Detection in Histopathology Images with Incomplete Annotations 8 6 4 6.00
Projection-wise Disentangling for Fair and Interpretable Representation Learning: Application to 3D Facial Shape Analysis 5 7 6 6.00
Prototypical models for classifying high-risk atypical breast lesions 9 5 4 6.00
Q-space Conditioned Translation Networks for Directional Synthesis of Diffusion Weighted Images from Multi-modal Structural MRI 8 8 2 6.00
Reference-Relation Guided Autoencoder with Deep CCA Restriction for Awake-to-Sleep Brain Functional Connectome Prediction 7 5 6 6.00
RibSeg Dataset and Strong Point Cloud Baselines for Rib Segmentation from CT Scans 5 7 6 6.00
Scalable joint detection and segmentation of surgical instruments with weak supervision 4 7 7 6.00
Self-Supervised Generative Adversarial Network for Depth Estimation in Laparoscopic Images 7 6 5 6.00
Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning for Stain Normalisation in Histopathology Images 7 5 6 6.00
Semi-supervised Left Atrium Segmentation with Mutual Consistency Training 5 8 5 6.00
SimTriplet: Simple Triplet Representation Learning with a Single GPU 6 6 6.00
Sli2Vol: Annotate a 3D Volume from a Single Slice with Self-Supervised Learning 4 8 6.00
Spatial Attention-based Deep Learning System for Breast Cancer Pathological Complete Response Prediction with Serial Histopathology Images in Multiple Stains 5 5 8 6.00
Survival Prediction Based on Histopathology Imaging and Clinical Data: A Novel, Whole Slide CNN Approach 6 6 6 6.00
Synthesis of Contrast-enhanced Spectral Mammograms from Low-energy Mammograms Using cGAN-Based Synthesis Network 3 8 7 6.00
Synthesizing Multi-Tracer PET Images for Alzheimer's Disease Patients using a 3D Unified Anatomy-aware Cyclic Adversarial Network 5 6 7 6.00
Task Transformer Network for Joint MRI Reconstruction and Super-Resolution 6 8 4 6.00
Topological Learning and Its Application to Multimodal Brain Network Integration 5 5 6 8 6.00
Towards a non-invasive diagnosis of portal hypertension based on an Eulerian CFD model with diffuse boundary conditions 3 7 8 6.00
Towards Robust Dual-view Transformation via Densifying Sparse Supervision for Mammography Lesion Matching 7 6 5 6.00
Towards Robust General Medical Image Segmentation 8 3 7 6.00
Training Deep Networks for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Using Coarse Histopathological Labels 5 6 7 6.00
TransCT: Dual-path Transformer for Low Dose Computed Tomography 6 4 8 6.00
TransFuse: Fusing Transformers and CNNs for Medical Image Segmentation 6 6 6 6.00
TUN-Det: A Novel Network for Thyroid Ultrasound Nodule Detection 7 4 7 6.00
Two-Stage Self-Supervised Cycle-Consistency Network for Reconstruction of Thin-Slice MR Images 3 7 8 6.00
U-DuDoNet: Unpaired dual-domain network for CT metal artifact reduction 4 7 7 6 6.00
Uncertainty Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning for Anatomical Landmark Detection in Medical Images 6 4 8 6.00
Unsupervised Network Learning for Cell Segmentation 7 5 6 6.00
VinDr-SpineXR: A deep learning framework for spinal lesions detection and classification from radiographs 6 6 6 6.00
Whole Heart Mesh Generation For Image-Based Computational Simulations By Learning Free-From Deformations 5 5 8 6.00
You Only Learn Once: Universal Anatomical Landmark Detection 8 5 5 6.00
Automated Malaria Cells Detection from Blood Smears under Severe Class Imbalance via Importance-aware Balanced Group Softmax 6 7 7 3 5.75
Generalizing Nucleus Recognition Model in Multi-source Ki67 Immunohistochemistry Stained Images via Domain-specific Pruning 7 7 5 4 5.75
GloFlow: Whole Slide Image Stitching from Video using Optical Flow and Global Image Alignment 2 7 7 7 5.75
Renal Cell Carcinoma Classification from Vascular Morphology 6 8 3 6 5.75
A computational geometry approach for modeling neuronal fiber pathways 7 8 2 5.67
A Deep Discontinuity-Preserving Image Registration Network 6 6 5 5.67
A Matrix Auto-encoder Framework to Align the Functional and Structural Connectivity Manifolds as Guided by Behavioral Phenotypes 4 5 8 5.67
A Novel Bayesian Semi-parametric Model for Learning Heritable Imaging Traits 3 6 8 5.67
A Principled Approach to Failure Analysis and Model Repairment: Demonstration in Medical Imaging 7 4 6 5.67
A self-supervised deep framework for reference bony shape estimation in orthognathic surgical planning 6 3 8 5.67
A Unified Hyper-GAN Model for Unpaired Multi-contrast MR Image Translation 7 6 4 5.67
Automatic Severity Rating for Improved Psoriasis Treatment 6 7 4 5.67
CA^{2.5}-Net Nuclei Segmentation Framework with a Microscopy Cell Benchmark Collection 6 3 8 5.67
CataNet: Predicting remaining cataract surgery duration 7 6 4 5.67
Colorectal Polyp Classification from White-light Colonoscopy Images via Domain Alignment 5 6 6 5.67
Conditional GAN with an Attention-based Generator and a 3D Discriminator for 3D Medical Image Generation 8 4 5 5.67
Constrained Contrastive Distribution Learning for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localisation in Medical Images 6 6 5 5.67
Contrastive Pre-training and Representation Distillation for Medical Visual Question Answering Based on Radiology Images 7 5 5 5.67
Deep Iterative 2D/3D Registration 4 5 8 5.67
DeepOPG: Improving Orthopantomogram Finding Summarization with Weak Supervision 3 7 7 5.67
Detecting Hypo-plastic Left Heart Syndrome in Fetal Ultrasound via Disease-specific Atlas Maps 6 6 5 5.67
Disentangled Sequential Graph Autoencoder for Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease Characterizations from ADNI Study 6 5 6 5.67
Distilling effective supervision for robust medical image segmentation with noisy labels 7 3 7 5.67
Effective semantic segmentation in Cataract surgery: What matters most? 9 2 6 5.67
hSDB-instrument: Instrument Localization Database for Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeries 7 6 4 5.67
Image-to-Graph Convolutional Network for Deformable Shape Reconstruction from a Single Projection Image 3 5 9 5.67
Incorporating Isodose Lines and Gradient Information via Multi-task Learning for Dose Prediction in Radiotherapy 4 7 6 5.67
Integration of Patch Features through Self-Supervised Learning and Transformer for Survival Analysis on Whole Slide Images 6 7 4 5.67
Interpretable gender classification from retinal fundus images using BagNets 6 5 6 5.67
Inter-Regional High-level Relation Learning from Functional Connectivity via Self-Supervision 4 6 7 5.67
kCBAC-Net: Deeply Supervised Complete Bipartite Networks with Asymmetric Convolutions for Medical Image Segmentation 6 4 7 5.67
LDPolypVideo Benchmark: A Large-scale Colonoscopy Video Dataset of Diverse Polyps 3 8 6 5.67
Lesion Segmentation and RECIST Diameter Prediction via Click-driven Attention and Dual-path Connection 7 6 4 5.67
LIFE: A Generalizable Autodidactic Pipeline for 3D OCT-A Vessel Segmentation 7 5 5 5.67
Multi-StyleGAN: Towards Image-Based Simulation of Time-Lapse Live-Cell Microscopy 3 7 7 5.67
Patch-Free 3D Medical Image Segmentation Driven by Super-Resolution Technique and Self-Supervised Guidance 4 6 7 5.67
Point-Unet: A Context-aware Point-based Neural Network for Volumetric Segmentation 8 4 5 5.67
Reciprocal Learning for Semi-supervised Segmentation 3 7 7 5.67
Refined Local-imbalance-based Weight for Airway Segmentation in CT 4 4 9 5.67
Revisiting iterative highly efficient optimisation schemes in medical image registration 5 6 6 5.67
Study Group Learning: Improving Retinal Vessel Segmentation Trained with Noisy Labels 6 4 7 5.67
Symmetry-Enhanced Attention Network for Acute Ischemic Infarct Segmentation with Non–Contrast CT Images 5 6 6 5.67
Trainable summarization to improve breast tomosynthesis classification 6 4 7 5.67
UTNet: A Hybrid Transformer Architecture for Medical Image Segmentation 6 7 4 5.67
Vessel Width Estimation via Convolutional Regression 5 5 7 5.67
Harmonization with Flow-based Causal Inference 4 8 7 3 5.50
LensID: A CNN-RNN-Based Framework Towards Lens Irregularity Detection in Cataract Surgery Videos 6 7 4 5 5.50
PAC Bayesian Performance Guarantees for (Stochastic) Deep Networks in Medical Imaging 4 5 6 7 5.50
Self-Supervised Multi-Modal Alignment For Whole Body Medical Imaging 6 5 5.50
Atlas-Based Segmentation of Intracochlear Anatomy in Metal Artifact Affected CT Images of the Ear with Co-trained Deep Neural Networks 4 8 4 5.33
AtrialGeneral: Domain Generalization for Left Atrial Segmentation of Multi-Center LGE MRIs 4 6 6 5.33
BI-RADS Classification of Calcification on Mammograms 6 3 7 5.33
Content-Preserving Unpaired Translation from Simulated to Realistic Ultrasound Images 3 7 6 5.33
Convolution-Free Medical Image Segmentation using Transformer Networks 4 6 6 5.33
Data-driven mapping between functional connectomes using optimal transport 6 4 6 5.33
DC-Net: Dual Context Network for 2D Medical Image Segmentation 5 4 7 5.33
Federated Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Unlabeled Medical Images 6 6 4 5.33
From Brain to Body: Learning Low-Frequency Respiration and Cardiac Signals from fMRI Dynamics 7 3 6 5.33
Generalised Super Resolution for Quantitative MRI Using Self-Supervised Mixture of Experts 7 4 5 5.33
Image-derived phenotype extraction for genetic discovery via unsupervised deep learning in CMR images 2 9 5 5.33
Joint Segmentation and Quantification of Main Coronary Vessels Using Dual-branch Multi-scale Attention Network 3 6 7 5.33
Learning to Predict Error for MRI Reconstruction 2 6 8 5.33
Learning Whole-Slide Segmentation from Inexact and Incomplete Labels using Tissue Graphs 5 6 5 5.33
Multi-frame Attention Network for Left Ventricle Segmentation in 3D Echocardiography 5 6 5 5.33
Multimodal Sensing Guidewire for C-arm Navigation with Random UV Enhanced Optical Sensors using Spatio-temporal Networks 9 6 1 5.33
Pancreas CT Segmentation by Predictive Phenotyping 4 7 5 5.33
Pay Attention with Focus: A Novel Learning Scheme for Classification of Whole Slide Images 6 6 4 5.33
Projective Skip-Connections for Segmentation Along a Subset of Dimensions in Retinal OCT 7 6 3 5.33
Rician noise estimation for 3D Magnetic Resonance Images based on Benford's Law 3 4 9 5.33
Segmentation of Left Atrial MR Images via Self-supervised Semi-supervised Meta-learning 8 4 4 5.33
TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Transformer 5 4 7 5.33
Transformer Network for Significant Stenosis Detection in CCTA of Coronary Arteries 3 6 7 5.33
Ultrasound Video Transformers for Cardiac Ejection Fraction Estimation 9 4 3 5.33
Unsupervised Diffeomorphic Surface Registration and Non-Linear Modelling 5 4 7 5.33
Visual-Assisted Probe Movement Guidance for Obstetric Ultrasound Scanning using Landmark Retrieval 6 4 6 5.33
MRI Super-Resolution Through Generative Degradation Learning 6 4 5 5.00
The Power of Proxy Data and Proxy Networks for Hyper-Parameter Optimization for Medical Image Segmentation 6 4 5.00
Increasing Consistency of Evoked Response in Thalamic Nuclei During Repetitive Burst Stimulation of Peripheral Nerve in Humans 7 1 4 7 4.75
Context-aware virtual adversarial training for anatomically-plausible segmenation 7 3 4 4.67
Relational Subsets Knowledge Distillation for Long-tailed Retinal Diseases Recognition 4 6 4 4.67
Rethinking Ultrasound Augmentation: A Physics-Inspired Approach 3 8 3 4.67
TumorCP: A Simple but Effective Object-Level Data Augmentation for Tumor Segmentation 6 3 5 4.67
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Small Bowel Segmentation using Disentangled Representation 8 2 3 4.33