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File metadata and controls

185 lines (137 loc) · 6.03 KB

Command Line Interface

ATM provides a simple command line client that will allow you to run ATM directly from your terminal by simply passing it the path to a CSV file.


In this example, we will use the default values that are provided in the code in order to generate classifiers.

1. Get the demo data

The first step in order to run ATM is to obtain the demo datasets that will be used in during the rest of the tutorial.

For this demo we will be using the pollution csv from the demos bucket, which you can download from here.

2. Create a dataset and generate it's dataruns

Once you have obtained your demo dataset, now it's time to create a dataset object inside the database. Our command line also triggers the generation of datarun objects for this dataset in order to automate this process as much as possible:

atm enter_data --train-path path/to/pollution_1.csv

Bear in mind that --train-path argument can be a local path, an URL link to the CSV file or an complete S3 Bucket path.

If you run this command, you will create a dataset with the default values, which is using the pollution_1.csv dataset from the demo datasets.

A print, with similar information to this, should be printed:

method logreg has 6 hyperpartitions
method dt has 2 hyperpartitions
method knn has 24 hyperpartitions
Dataruns created. Summary:
	Dataset ID: 1
	Training data: path/to/pollution_1.csv
	Test data: None
	Datarun ID: 1
	Hyperpartition selection strategy: uniform
	Parameter tuning strategy: uniform
	Budget: 100 (classifier)

For more information about the arguments that this command line accepts, please run:

atm enter_data --help

3. Start a worker

ATM requieres a worker to process the dataruns that are not completed and stored inside the database. This worker process will be runing until there are no dataruns pending.

In order to launch such a process, execute:

atm worker

This will start a process that builds classifiers, tests them, and saves them to the ./models/ directory. The output should show which hyperparameters are being tested and the performance of each classifier (the "judgment metric"), plus the best overall performance so far.

Prints similar to this one will apear repeatedly on your console while the worker is processing the datarun:

Classifier type: classify_logreg
Params chosen:
       C = 8904.06127554
       _scale = True
       fit_intercept = False
       penalty = l2
       tol = 4.60893080631
       dual = True
       class_weight = auto

Judgment metric (f1): 0.536 +- 0.067
Best so far (classifier 21): 0.716 +- 0.035

Occasionally, a worker will encounter an error in the process of building and testing a classifier. When this happens, the worker will print error data to the console, log the error in the database, and move on to the next classifier.

You can break out of the worker with Ctrl+c and restart it with the same command; it will pick up right where it left off. You can also run the command simultaneously in different terminals to parallelize the work -- all workers will refer to the same ModelHub database. When all 100 classifiers in your budget have been built, all workers will exit gracefully.

This command aswell offers more information about the arguments that this command line accepts:

atm worker --help

Command Line Arguments

You can specify each argument individually on the command line. The names of the variables are the same as those described here. SQL configuration variables must be prepended by sql-, and AWS config variables must be prepended by aws-.

Using command line arguments

Using command line arguments is convenient for quick experiments, or for cases where you need to change just a couple of values from the default configuration. For example:

atm enter_data --train-path ./data/my-custom-data.csv \
              --test-path ./data/my-custom-test-data.csv \
              --selector bestkvel

You can also use a mixture of config files and command line arguments; any command line arguments you specify will override the values found in config files.

Using YAML configuration files

You can also save the configuration as YAML files is an easy way to save complicated setups or share them with team members.

You should start with the templates provided by the atm make_config command:

atm make_config

This will generate a folder called config/templates in your current working directory which will contain 5 files, which you will need to copy over to the config folder and edit according to your needs:

cp config/templates/*.yaml config/
vim config/*.yaml

run.yaml contains all the settings for a single dataset and datarun. Specify the train_path to point to your own dataset.

sql.yaml contains the settings for the ModelHub SQL database. The default configuration will connect to (and create if necessary) a SQLite database at ./atm.db relative to the directory from which is run. If you are using a MySQL database, you will need to change the file to something like this:

dialect: mysql
database: atm
username: username
password: password
host: localhost
port: 3306

aws.yaml should contain the settings for running ATM in the cloud. This is not necessary for local operation.

Once your YAML files have been updated, run the datarun creation command and pass it the paths to your new config files:

atm enter_data --sql-config config/sql.yaml \
              --aws-config config/aws.yaml \
              --run-config config/run.yaml

It's important that the SQL configuration used by the worker matches the configuration you passed to enter_data -- otherwise, the worker will be looking in the wrong ModelHub database for its datarun!

atm worker --sql-config config/sql.yaml \
          --aws-config config/aws.yaml \