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358 lines (278 loc) · 9.81 KB

File metadata and controls

358 lines (278 loc) · 9.81 KB

Workflow 1


Demonstrate the use of DIRAC generate 10000 tau+tau- events @91.2 GeV with KKMC and process through Delphes/IDEA.

Output files

Local mode
The output file is located under a sub-directory name Local_<hash>_JobDir created under the current directory.

WMS mode
In WMS mode the file will be located under


e.g. at CERN (storage element CERN-DST-EOS):


DIRAC components involved

This exercise constist of two steps, the event generation with KKMCee and the Delphes simulation.

For the first step we need the KKMC DIRAC application which we configure with the process, the number of events, the energy and the name of the output file.

The second step consists in running the DelphesPythia8_EDM4HEP standalone application with arguments

  1. The Delphes card implementing the IDEA detector concept;
  2. The definition of the EDM4hep output;
  3. The pythia card reading LHE file formats;
  4. The output file.

For this we use the generic application DIRAC interface.

The script, dissected

The submission script for this workflow is called The script accepts one argument to control where the job is executed:

python -h

Usage: (<options>|<cfgFile>)*

General options:
  -o  --option <value>         : Option=value to add
  -s  --section <value>        : Set base section for relative parsed options
  -c  --cert <value>           : Use server certificate to connect to Core Services
  -d  --debug                  : Set debug mode (-ddd is extra debug)
  -   --cfg=                   : Load additional config file
  -   --autoreload             : Automatically restart if there's any change in the module
  -   --license                : Show DIRAC's LICENSE
  -h  --help                   : Shows this help

  -w  --wms                    : WMS where to run

The utility function

# Create sandbox files
import os
from shutil import copy2
import array

# Utility function
def copywithreplace(filein, fileout, repls):
    # If no replacements, just copy the file
    if len(repls) == 0:
        copy2(filein, fileout)
    # input file
    fin = open(filein, "rt")
    # output file to write the result to
    fout = open(fileout, "wt")
    # for each line in the input file
    for line in fin:
        # Apply each requested replacement
        ltmp = line
        for r in repls:
            lout = ltmp.replace(str(r[0]), str(r[1]))
            ltmp = lout
    # close input and output files

Adding the --wms switch

from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR
from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script

# Define a simple class to hold the script parameters
class Params(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.wms = 'wms'
  def setWMS(self, value):
    self.wms = value
    return S_OK()

# Instantiate the params class
cliParams = Params()
Script.registerSwitch('w', 'wms', "WMS where to run", cliParams.setWMS)
# Get the list of services (the switch above appearer as servicesList[0])
servicesList = Script.getPositionalArgs()
print servicesList

The DIRAC API instance

from ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracILC import DiracILC

dIlc = DiracILC()

The DIRAC Job manager

from ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.UserJob import UserJob

job = UserJob()
job.setOutputSandbox(['*.log', '*.sh', '*.py', '*.xml'])
job.setOutputData(outputdatafile, '','CERN-DST-EOS' )

job.setJobGroup( "KKMC_EDM4HEP_Run" )
job.setName( "KKMC_EDM4HEP" )

The KKMC application instance

from ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.Applications import KKMC

kkmc = KKMC()
nevts = 10000
outputfile = 'kktautau_delphes_' + str(nevts) + '.LHE'


The steering files for Delphes

# Delphes card
copy2(delphescardpath, delphescard)
# EDM4hep output definition
copy2(edm4hepoutdefpath, edm4hepoutdef)
# Pythia card
replacements = [['Main:numberOfEvents = 100','Main:numberOfEvents = ' + str(nevts)],
                ['Beams:LHEF = Generation/data/events.lhe','Beams:LHEF = ' + outputfile]]
copywithreplace(pythiacardpath, pythiacard, replacements)

Completing the sandbox for Delphes

# Set the sandbox content
job.setInputSandbox(['./' + delphescard, './' + edm4hepoutdef, './' + pythiacard])

Standalone Delphes using the DIRAC generic application

from ILCDIRAC.Interfaces.API.NewInterface.Applications import GenericApplication

ga = GenericApplication()
ga.setArguments(delphescard + ' ' + edm4hepoutdef + ' ' + pythiacard + ' ' + outputdatafile)


Submitting the job to the chosen WMS

if len(servicesList) > 0:
    submitmode= servicesList[0]
print job.submit(dIlc, mode=submitmode)

Running the script on lxplus

Suggestion is, after having cloned the repository and initialized the environment, to go to the workflow sub-directory, created a 'run' sub-directory and run from there:

$ cd workflow/1
$ mkdir run; cd run

Local submission

$ python ../ --wms local
kkmc Key4hep-2021-04-30
Attribute list :
  forgetAboutInput: Not defined
  randomSeed: -1
  outputSE: Not defined
  seedFile: Not defined
  energy: 91.2
  logFile: kkmc_Key4hep-2021-04-30_Step_1.log

Attribute list :
  forgetAboutInput: Not defined
  outputSE: Not defined
  energy: 91.2
  logFile: ApplicationScript_Step_2.log

Proceed and submit job(s)? y/[n] : y

[long output]

2021-07-28 16:27:53 UTC dirac-jobexec/ILCDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.UserJobFinalization INFO: GUID = CCADDA80-3B2E-7E9C-3C14-5A493AB48BD4
2021-07-28 16:27:53 UTC dirac-jobexec DEBUG: Workflow execution successful, exiting
{'OK': True, 'Value': 'Execution completed successfully'}

The local sandbox should contain the following:

$ ls -lt
total 32
drwx------. 2 ganis sf  2048 Jul 28 18:27 Local_pQl06k_JobDir
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf  1483 Jul 28 18:25 Pythia_LHEinput.cmd
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf   587 May 10 15:31 edm4hep_output_config.tcl
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf 27219 Apr 30 14:50 delphes_card_IDEA.tcl

and the output directory:

$ ls -lt Local_pQl06k_JobDir/kktautau*
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf  9642099 Jul 28 18:27 Local_pQl06k_JobDir/kktautau_delphes_edm4hep_output.root
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf 32586567 Jul 28 18:27 Local_pQl06k_JobDir/kktautau_delphes_10000.LHE
$ ls -lt Local_pQl06k_JobDir/*.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf 257109 Jul 28 18:27 Local_pQl06k_JobDir/ApplicationScript_Step_2.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf  44250 Jul 28 18:27 Local_pQl06k_JobDir/kkmc_Key4hep-2021-04-30_Step_1.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf 900532 Jul 28 18:27 Local_pQl06k_JobDir/localEnv.log

WMS submission

python ../
Proceed and submit job(s)? y/[n] :
'Value': 59838136, 'JobID': 59838136}

The JobID defines uniquely the job and can be used for any operation, for example to check the status:

dirac-wms-job-status 59838136
JobID=59838136 Status=Waiting; MinorStatus=Pilot Agent Submission; Site=ANY;

or, when the job is finished, get the job files:

$ dirac-wms-job-get-output 59838136
Job output sandbox retrieved in /afs/
$ ls -lt 59838136/
total 1295
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf 273338 Jul 28 19:13 std.out
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf  38583 Jul 28 19:13 std.err
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf 256445 Jul 28 19:13 ApplicationScript_Step_2.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf 464310 Jul 28 19:12 localEnv.log
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf  43690 Jul 28 19:12 kkmc_Key4hep-2021-04-30_Step_1.log
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 ganis sf    559 Jul 28 19:12
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf 227185 Apr 30 15:47
-rw-r--r--. 1 ganis sf  19080 Jan  1  1970 jobDescription.xml

or get the output data:

$ dirac-wms-job-get-output-data 59838136
Job 59838136 output data retrieved
$ ls -lt kktautau_delphes_edm4hep_output.root
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 ganis sf 9652641 Jul 29 11:30 kktautau_delphes_edm4hep_output.root

The output data are also available on storage element:

$ ls -lt /eos/experiment/fcc/prod/fcc/user/g/ganis/2021_07/59838/59838136/
total 9427
-rw-r--r--. 1 fcc001 fcc-cg 9652641 Jul 28 19:13 kktautau_delphes_edm4hep_output.root

The job id of the user jobs get also be retrieved with the dirac-wms-select-jobs command, e.g.

$ dirac-wms-select-jobs --Date=2021-07-28 --Owner="ganis"
==> Selected 1 jobs with conditions: Date = 2021-07-28, Owner = ganis

or from the web portal.