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File metadata and controls

54 lines (34 loc) · 1.78 KB

Docker Usage


The stack uses Docker and Docker-compose to run 5 services:

API - Back-end container tp run the application endpoints and produce events and retrieve the read model.

Consumer app - Back-end container to run the consumer that will retrieve the produced event from the message broker (RabbitMQ)

Postgres - Relational Database system

ElasticSearch - Document oriented database system to store the events.

RabbitMQ - Message broker used to dispatch the different events for the dedicated consumers.

Adminer - Database management system with gui interface

Kibana - Visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch


  1. Move your terminal in the root directory of the project.
  2. Run docker-compose up --build -d The flag -d stands for detached if you don't want to have all the docker logs.
  3. Access to the api app through http://localhost:8000

Note: If you already build the project once you don't need to add the --build flag. You will only need it some build changes are made

Disclaimer: sometime the ElasticSearch and RabbitMQ services starts after the api or the consumer app and causes crash

In case of crash

  • For the api:

Change a file in the api app under /app directory and the hotreload will do the rest

  • For the consumer:
  1. log into your terminal at the root directory of the project
  2. Run docker-compose exec app-consumer /bin/sh, you should be in the container in the directory consumer then run air -c .consumer.toml


Container External Port Internal Port
API 8000 8000
Consumer 8082 8082
Postgres 5432 5432
ElasticSearch 9200 9200
RabbitMQ 5672 5672
RabbitMQ GUI 15672 15672
Kibana 5601 5601
Adminer 8080 8080

For rabbitMQ login, ID: user, Password: bitnami