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Squeak History is a tool for Squeak programmers; It is a platform to parse and analyze all past versions of Squeak.

The "versions" button is replaced and shows all changes loaded from the Archive for the specified method. Furthermore it's possible to analyse the complete Archive. ##Warnings!!

  • Once you loaded the project, the code of the versions button is overwritten.
  • If a full archive is loaded the image can't be saved and opened again. Use clearInstancebefore closing the image.

Installation and Initialization

Just Drag and Drop the .sar file and click "install sar file" ###Submodule After cloning the Project the Archive-Submodule has to be Initialized and updated:

git submodule init
git submodule update

###UpdateInstance On workspace execute:

History updateInstance.

##Documentation ###Usage ####Versions Button The versions button is replaced. Once you use the versions button, all versions from the loaded History are displayed.

Tools > Browser > versions

####Top-Contributers You can display the people with the most changes on the Transcript. With the full History loaded is can last about one hour:

History instance writeContributorsToTranscript

###Clean-Up Execute on Workspace:

History clearInstance

###Interface For an example implementation consult the tests in the project. Changes can be accessed via the method:

History instance changesForClass: <className> forMethod:#<methodName>

Changes can be shown manually in the changes browser via:

HistoryChangesBrowser showChanges: <changes>

###Presentation More information (e. g. about the changes file format) can be found in our presentation. Explanations are in the comments below the slides.



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