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A X.509 Root CA and device certificate generator for use with AWS IoT Just-In-Time-Registration.


Current version: 1.0.0

馃搵 Table of content

馃帓 Pre-requisites

A few components are required as dependencies to this project before using the scripts it contains :

  • An environment supporting Bash.
  • The openssl command-line tool.
  • The AWS CLI must be installed and configured with at least one AWS account.
  • The mosquitto_pub command-line tool is required to test generated certificates and publish messages to an MQTT topic.

馃敯 Description

This repository contains tools aiming at helping understand the creation of a custom certificate authority (CA) and device certificates required as part of the AWS IoT Just In Time Registration (JITR) process and will help you perform the following tasks :

  • Creating your own custom Certificate of Authority (CA).
  • Registering your CA on AWS IoT.
  • Creating devices certificates offline and connecting using those certificates to AWS IoT.
  • Customizing the attributes of your device certificates.

馃摕 Command-line tools

This project features a few command-line tools in the bin directory that will help you create a new CA, device certificates, and connect to AWS IoT with the generated certificates :

  • starts the process of creating an X.509 Root Certificate of Authority and will register the newly created Root CA on AWS IoT, activate it, and enable its auto registration status.
  • uses a previously created Root Certificate of Authority to sign a new device certificate which is ready to be provisionned on a device.
  • uses the created device certificate to connect to AWS IoT and publish a message on a topic.

Creating a new CA

Head using your terminal to the bin directory which contains the bash scripts we will be using. Next, create a new CA by invoking the script.

# Make the script executable.
chmod +x
# Create a new Root CA.

You will be prompted to confirm whether you want to export the newly created CA on AWS Parameter Store for secure storage using the AWS CLI, you can choose to proceed or not.

Head to the AWS IoT CA console in your browser and confirm that the new CA has been registered and activated.

Connecting your first Thing

The next step is to create a new device certificate signed using the newly created CA. This certificate will be created totally offline without requiring Internet or AWS access. To do so, invoke the script.

# Make the script executable.
chmod +x
# Create a new device certificate.

If the script was successful, you should see the newly created device certificate files in the device-certs directory. Once you are all set up, you will need to try an MQTT connection to your AWS IoT Core endpoint using the new device certificate. This is where the mosquitto_pub command-line tool will be necessary.

The below command will pick-up the generated device certificate and connect to AWS IoT.

# Make the script executable.
chmod +x
# Create a new device certificate.

After having executed this command, it will fail with an error indicating that the Connection was lost. This is because the certificate associated with the device is not yet activated on the AWS IoT platform. If you go to the certificate console, you will see a new certificate entry that was automatically added by AWS IoT upon the connection of the device.

The AWS IoT platform automatically adds a device certificate signed by a registered custom CA in the pendingActivation state when the device connects for the first time. You will have to activate the certificate in the console or via the API and attach to it an AWS IoT Policy allowing the MQTT client to publish a message on the ${thing-name}/telemetry topic.

Modifying certificate attributes

One of the advantages of generating certificates using a custom CA is the ability to customize the attributes of the certificate. For example, you can set the certificate to expire at a specific date, or add custom attributes to the certificate. To do so, you can modify the openssl-device.conf file to modify the default attributes or add new ones.

These new attributes will be encoded in the certificate and protected against tampering by the certificate signature which makes them an ideal place to store static information about your device.

organizationName       = Acme
organizationalUnitName = Acme
emailAddress           =
localityName           = Washington
stateOrProvinceName    = Seattle
countryName            = US
# The `commonName` field must be set to the value of your thing name (e.g thing-1234).
# This is REQUIRED in order to use certificate variables in IoT device policies.
commonName             = thing-1234
serialNumber           = 1234
generationQualifier    = light-bulb

馃憖 See Also