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File metadata and controls

executable file
105 lines (77 loc) · 6.78 KB

HYPERNETS Product files

File Name conventions

The naming convention is intended to allow the unique identification of all product files and summarise the contents. It is composed of a defined sequence of data fields, separated by an underscore. For the HYPERNETS measurement data, the file name is composed as in the following way:

For the HYPSTAR calibration data, the file name is similar except that it includes the system_id and the date and time of the calibration.

For the RGB images taken during the measurements, the file name is similar except that it also includes the series ID, viewing and azimuth angle.

The files are stored in the NetCDF data format and so have the extension “.nc” (except for the RGB images taken during the measurements by the instrument). The definition of the data fields and their allowed contents is described as follows:

Table 1: File name conventions

Example: For version 1 of water network L1B product, acquired at Blankaart South at 11:30 on 4/2/2020 and processed at 11:30 on 5/2/2020, the filename should be:


Table 2 defines the abbreviated name convention applicable to the individual Hypernets sites. Site name convention is a 4 letter abbreviation [LLCC] with LL standing for the location abbreviation and CC for the country abbreviation.

Table 2: Examples of site name conventions for water sites

Site ID Site Name
BSBE Blankaart South, Belgium
TCBE Thornton-C, Belgium
ZBBE Zeebrugge MOW-1, Belgium
MAFR MAGEST station, Gironde estuary, France
LPAR LA PLATA, La Plata River, Argentina
BEFR Lac de BERRE, France
VEIT Aqua Alta Oceanographic Tower, Venice, Italy

Data level

The end-to-end prototype processor takes the data from acquisition (raw data) to application of calibration and quality controls, computation of correction factors (e.g. Fresnel correction for water processing), temporal interpolation to coincident timestamps, processing to surface reflectance and averaging per series. To account for all these steps different data levels have been defined (see Table 3). See :ref:`data_structure` for a detailed explanantion of the terminology used.

Table 3: HYPERNETS processing levels

Product format

The main output files produced by the HYPERNETS_PROCESSOR are in NetCDF CF-convention version 1.8 format. There are also plots, typically produced in png format, and SQL databases (see :ref:`sql`).