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Using HYPERNETS data

This section provides info on how to use the HYPERNETS data produced by the hypernets_processor module. The HYPERNETS products include products from L0A (raw data) to L2B (quality checked reflectance data), which each have different variables, uncertainties, quality flags and metadata. In this section we will briefly describe what data is available in each of the files and how to access it. We will also briefly discuss the plots made by the processor and how to access these. The hypernets_processor also produces some SQL databases. These are desribed in :ref:`SQL`. We do not provide further details on how to access these databases, since they are only meant for internal use.

Reading HYPERNETS products

The HYPERNETS L0A-L2B data are stored as netCDF files. These can be opened using software such as panoply). Within python, the xarray package is commonly used to open NetCDF files:

import xarray as xr
ds_HYP = xr.open_dataset("comet_training/")  # read digital effects table

It is often useful to select a specific series in the sequence (especially for land sequences which have many different viewing geometries):

vzadiff=(ds_HYP["viewing_zenith_angle"].values - vza)
vaadiff=(np.abs(ds_HYP["viewing_azimuth_angle"].values - vaa%360))
angledif_series = vzadiff** 2 + vaadiff ** 2
id_series = np.where(angledif_series == np.min(angledif_series))[0]
ds_HYP = ds_HYP.isel(series=id_series)

The obsarray package (which is an extension to xarray) can also be used to more conveniently access flags and uncertainties (see below). A Jupyter notebook showing how to do this is avaiable here.

Handling HYPERNETS flags

The flags detailed in :ref:`flags`, are stored in the netCDF files as a binary number, where each bit encodes for one flag. There is a flag for each series in the HYPERNETS sequence (see :ref:`data_structure`). The binary numbers as well as a list with the meanings of each flag can be accessed as follows using xarray:

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

ds_HYP = xr.open_dataset("")  # read hypernets file

Obsarray has useful functionalily to handle these flags. There is a DataSetUtil module in obsarray, which can be used as follows to show the meanings of the flags that are set for each series in the sequence:

from obsarray.templater.dataset_util import DatasetUtil
print([DatasetUtil.get_set_flags(flag) for flag in ds_HYP["quality_flag"]])

As well as functions to check if certain flags are set for each series:

print(DatasetUtil.get_flags_mask_or(ds_HYP["quality_flag"], ["outliers", "series_missing"]))
print(DatasetUtil.get_flags_mask_and(ds_HYP["quality_flag"], ["outliers", "series_missing"]))

This can also be used to remove data with certain flags from the HYPERNETS products:

bad_flags=["pt_ref_invalid", "half_of_scans_masked", "not_enough_dark_scans", "not_enough_rad_scans",
           "not_enough_irr_scans", "no_clear_sky_irradiance", "variable_irradiance",
           "half_of_uncertainties_too_big", "discontinuity_VNIR_SWIR", "single_irradiance_used"]
flagged = DatasetUtil.get_flags_mask_or(ds_HYP["quality_flag"], bad_flags) # bools for each series if any bad flag is set
id_series_valid = np.where(~flagged)[0] # select indexes for which no bad flags are set
ds_HYP = ds_HYP.isel(series=id_series_valid) # for all variables in ds_hyp, keep only the series with no bad flags set

For further details we refer to the Jupyter notebook.

band integrating HYPERNETS data with satellite SRF

The main goal of HYPERNETS is the validation of a wide range of satellite products. Before the HYPERNETS data can be compared to the satellite data, an important step is that the HYPERNETS data will have to be spectrally integrated over the satellite spectral response functions (SRF). This can conveniently be done using the matheo tool ( We again provide an example on how to do this for HYPERNETS data in this Jupyter notebook.

In short, for any sensor included in pyspectral (see for supported platforms), the band integration can be performed as follows:

from matheo.band_integration import band_integration
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

ds_HYP = xr.open_dataset("comet_training/")  # read digital effects table

refl_S2, band_centres_S2 = band_integration.spectral_band_int_sensor(

print(refl_S2, band_centres_S2)

For any other sensors, the SRF can be provided by setting the shape and providing sensor wavelengths and widths:

wav_sat = np.arange(400,1600,10)
width_sat = 10*np.ones_like(wav_sat)

refl_band = band_integration.pixel_int(


Or by providing an array r_SRF with the SRF for each band:

wav_SRF = np.arange(390,1610,0.1)
r_SRF = np.array([fd.f_triangle(wav_SRF, sat_wav_i, 10) for sat_wav_i in wav_sat])
refl_band2 = band_integration.band_int(reflectance_HYP, wavelength_HYP, r_SRF, wav_SRF)

Accessing and propagating HYPERNETS uncertainties

The examples shown below are also available in this Jupyter notebook.

xarray: The uncertainty variables in the netCDF files can be accessed simply using xarray, and include error correlation information in the attributes::

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

ds_HYP = xr.open_dataset("")  # read hypernets file
print(ds_HYP["u_rel_systematic_reflectance"])  # print xarray variable (includes dimensions and attributes)
print(ds_HYP["u_rel_systematic_reflectance"].values)  # print uncertainty values only

In the output, we see that the err_corr_1_params attribute refers to the error correlation matrix variable. This one is also available in the dataset:


obsarray: obsarray can be used to conveniently handle uncertainties in the HYPERNETS products. It can e.g. be used to inspect uncertainty variables for a particular variable, and calculate the total uncertainties:

import obsarray

For further functionality we refer to the using obsarray jupiter notebook.

punpy: punpy can be used to conveniently propagate uncertainties in the HYPERNETS products. In the Jupyter notebook, we show an example of how to propagate HYPERNETS uncertainties through integration over the Sentinel-2A SRF. In summary, a subclass of the punpy MeasurementFunction Class needs to be made with implementations for the meas_function(), get_argument_names() and get_measurand_name_and_unit(). Once this is done, the uncertainties can simply be propagated as follows:

from punpy import MCPropagation
prop = MCPropagation(100,parallel_cores=1)
band_int_S2 = BandIntegrateS2A(prop, use_err_corr_dict=True)
ds_HYP_full_S2 = band_int_S2.propagate_ds(ds_HYP_full)

For site owners

Accessing data directories on HYPERNETS servers

The following lines are also useful terminal commands to access the data. For instance to get the number of directories:

$ ls | wc -l
$ ls -dq *SEQ* | wc -l

To list all directories:

$ ls /waterhypernet/HYPSTAR/Raw/MAFR/DATA > MAFR_seqlist.csv

To investigate the directory size:

$ du -sh (readable direcotry size)