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Danil Kovalev edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the SwiftInjector wiki!

First of all, it's not a common library for dependency injection. When i was creating it, i was thinking about negative sides in other libraries, like in Swinject or DIP.

We lose a lot of our time to inject all properties manually, we have to build a relationship-container-model to bind very simple classes, which do same stuff.

Another big problem in other libaries, that we can't inject any property if this property is private. I think, that this is a language problem, but we can hack Swift with Swizzling, don't we? 😉 Most of you can say, that swizzling is bad, but if we have to resolve a language problem, why we shouldn't do that?

This framework has been tested on perfomance, and its performance are equal to other DI frameworks.

So, if i assured your to use my library, welcome to wiki. Click on get started and good luck!

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