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Releases: HamaIndustries/FEMultiPlayer-V2

Release 1.2 - Music, Intro and Dark Weapons (AKA welp didn't hit ctrl S)

26 Feb 01:21
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Note for those who crash immediately: set volume in settings for 0.0. this is a known bug, and there should hopefully be a solution in the near future. unfortunately, this more of a java issue than an actual code one.

Wow, this is probably the most work I've put into anything and actually enjoyed it. We've got a ton of new content to play with, and despite how little it seems in game, trust me when I say there are almost books worth of new code. So, here's what we got:

Dark Weapons:

  • Eclipse tome
    • Type Dark, Range 3-10, Mt 0, Hit 10, Crit -900, Uses 2, Worth 4000
    • On hit, reduces enemy hp to 1, kills if hp = 1.
    • may need uses/hit buff because I have never seen this hit, with the very highest rate of ~30 on armored units.
  • Luna
    • Type Dark, Range 1-2, Mt 0, Hit 50, Crit 0, Uses 17, Worth 4200,
    • Ignores enemy Res.
  • Rise
    • Utility tome
    • Uses 4, cost 8000
    • Summons a phantom at the point of your choosing at level equal to the caster, 1 health
    • Phantom stats:
    • Base: Max HP: 1 STR: 5 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 LUK: 0 DEF: 0 RES: 0 MOV: 5
    • Caps: Max HP: 1 STR: 20 SKL: 20 SPD: 20 LUK: 30 DEF: 0 RES: 0 MOV: 15


  • New logo
  • New opening animation, with possibility of making a full opening sequence (?)
    • (If this happens, I'll be sure to add falseproof's face)


  • New music from games across the series
  • Titles:
    • Receive the Blessings of Water
    • Anguish
    • Winning Road
    • Beware the Black Fang
    • Don't speak her name
    • 「Id」 Purpose
    • Lost in Thoughts All Alone
    • Decisive Talk
    • Going My Way
    • (Some song whose name I accidently deleted)
  • Ability to add your own music
    • Just set your song name to (categoryname)_(songname)
    • Make sure it's a .ogg
  • Optional parameter to not judge me for my music selection skills

I'm ready for another patch or two of this version for balancing, then we'll see what's in store for the next release.

EDIT: can confirm, sound randomization actually works now. expect new ike sprites shortly.

EDIT2: Canas is no longer god.

Also lol look what I found

Dark-Weapons prerelease [Non Tournament]

09 Feb 20:38
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Bug testing, etc. Please submit an issue if you experience any via the issues tracker. This release implements some of the dark weapons for druids that were proposed. They include:

-Luna (No animation)



I'll include a better description during the release. Please expect at least a week until it comes.

Release 1.1 - Ike

26 Jan 06:50
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Paladin movement bug fixed

New 1-way sieze map: alpea

Debuffed Franz (HP 35->33, Def 13->10, Res 7->5)

Ike no longer crashes the game, and Ragnell has a range of 1-2

Preparations have been made for summoning

Paladin movement fix

21 Jan 00:44
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patch of 1.0 with fix for broken paladin movement

Release 1.0.0 - Catalepsy: The saga of the end of Nostat's reign of terror

20 Jan 01:01
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Buffed all Paladins (+3 all base stats, not hp)
Debuffed Franz(after buff, HP 35->33, Def 13->10, Res 7->5) {yes it seems like a lot, but he has some sexy growths}
Buffed Eliwood (mov 5->8)


Glaring broken things hotfix

18 Jan 18:36
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debuffed erk (spd@20 30 -> 24)
buffed assassins (base str marisa 9->11, Matthew 11->13)

druid tomes
specific druid buffs

Canas - specializes in HP, Magic, and Resistance
Ewan - specializes in Skill, Speed, and Luck
Knoll - specializes in HP, Defense, and Constitution (if we get that weapon weight system)

Give Paladins Console Canto
Giving them all a +3 buff to all of their stats and giving them full weapon triangle access (axes, lances, and swords).

Much like Druids, we should aim to make Assassins support units rather than combat units. Here are some ways we can do that:

  1. Give them the ability to steal weaponry. Just this alone gives Assassins a major niche. We haven't yet thought of a way someone could abuse this... but there's probably a way to abuse this.
  2. Make maps with Doors and Chests that have valuable items that only Assassins can open.
  3. Generally buff their stats. In particular, giving them more strength than Swordmasters would give them a slight combat niche over them.

Lol delphino, cool stuff test. try it out

18 Jan 17:10
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delphino code