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File metadata and controls

49 lines (37 loc) · 1.67 KB


Starting from version 1.4, GlobalConfiguration class is the preferred way to configure Hangfire. This is an entry point for a couple of methods, including ones from third-party storage implementations or other extensions. The usage is simple, just include Hangfire namespace in your application initialization class and discover extension methods for the GlobalConfiguration.Configuration property.

For example, in ASP.NET applications, you can place initialization logic to the Global.asax.cs file:

For OWIN-based applications (ASP.NET MVC, Nancy, ServiceStack, FubuMVC, etc.), place the configuration lines to the OWIN Startup class.

For other applications, place it somewhere before calling other Hangfire methods.

using-sql-server using-sql-server-with-msmq using-redis using-dashboard configuring-logging