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对于0 0 010 10 10这11组数,请填入运算符凑出6。允许使用的二元运算符包括** * / % + - << >> & | ^,允许使用的一元运算符包括!, sqrt, fac(根号、阶乘),允许使用括号。每一次的二元运算结果都可以使用至多一次一元运算符,比如((0! + 0!)! + 0!)! = 6是合法的。其中除法需要除得尽才合法。




 / \
1   +
   / \
  2   3

它表示表达式1 * (2 + 3)。表达式树的叶子节点为数字,非叶子节点为二元运算符。我们dfs遍历这棵树,走到非叶子节点,需要先获取左右子树的运算结果,再根据该点的符号获取当前子树的运算结果。


 / \
1   +
   / \
  2  fac

表示表达式1 * (2 + 3!)。实际上,表达式树是抽象语法树(Abstract Syntax Tree,AST)的特殊情况,如果你有前端基础,可以进astexplorer快速学习。


然后我们就可以理解24点的dfs了。最初有n个数,相当于有n个单节点的树。我们每次选择两棵子树进行合并,合并n - 1次后就得到最终的表达式树。使用dfs枚举所有可能的合并方案即可。


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

typedef long long LL;

const int SZ = 4;

char s[SZ][3];
bool vis[SZ];
int a[SZ];

template<typename Type>inline void read (Type &xx) {
    Type f = 1;
    char ch;
    xx = 0;
    for (ch = getchar(); ch < '0' || ch > '9'; ch = getchar() ) if (ch == '-') f = -1;
    for (; ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'; ch = getchar() ) xx = xx * 10 + ch - '0';
    xx *= f;

int getn (char s[]) {
    if (strlen (s) == 2) return 10;
    else if (s[0] == 'A') return 1;
    else if (s[0] == 'J') return 11;
    else if (s[0] == 'Q') return 12;
    else if (s[0] == 'K') return 13;
    return s[0] - '0';

bool dfs (int dep) {
    if (dep == SZ - 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) {
            if (!vis[i]) {
                if (a[i] == 24) return true;
        return false;
    bool fl = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) {
        if (vis[i]) continue;
        for (int j = i + 1; j < SZ; ++j) {
            if (vis[j]) continue;
            vis[j] = true;
            int x = a[i], y = a[j];
            if (y && x % y == 0) {
                a[i] = x / y;
                if (dfs (dep + 1) ) fl = true;
            if (x && y % x == 0) {
                a[i] = y / x;
                if (dfs (dep + 1) ) fl = true;
            a[i] = x + y;
            if (dfs (dep + 1) ) fl = true;
            a[i] = x - y;
            if (dfs (dep + 1) ) fl = true;
            a[i] = y - x;
            if (dfs (dep + 1) ) fl = true;
            a[i] = x * y;
            if (dfs (dep + 1) ) fl = true;
            a[i] = x;
            vis[j] = false;
    return fl;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    while (~scanf ("%s%s%s%s", s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]) ) {
        for (int i = 0; i < SZ; ++i)
            a[i] = getn (s[i]);
        memset (vis, 0, sizeof vis);
        puts (dfs (0) ? "Yes" : "No");
    return 0;
  1. vis[i] = true表示i号子树属于其他的树,vis[i] = false表示i号树未被合并过。
  2. a[i]i号子树的求值结果。
  3. 这里是用i号来存合并后的树,你想改成j号也行。如果你想early return,需要记得恢复现场a[i] = x; vis[j] = false; return true;
  4. 如果你想获取生成的表达式,那么你必须引入一个string ans[N]


  1. 对于叶子,我们在dfs外部枚举4进制位,约定0表示不变,1表示变为阶乘,2表示变为根号,3表示取反。如果要支持其他一元运算符,比如- ~,就相应改成枚举5、6进制位即可。
  2. 对于非叶子,在dfs内部进行变换即可。


  1. 每个运算符都需要考虑准入条件。比如**, fac需要防止结果过大(引入powTooLarge函数)、/ %需要保证除数不为0、sqrt需要保证原数是完全平方数(引入isPerfectSquare函数)。
  2. 输出量较大,所以我们把输出重定向到文件了。
  3. 为了方便地验证输出结果的正确性,我们拼接了一段js代码,结构:let fac = (v) => v > 0 ? v * fac(v - 1) : 1, { sqrt } = Math;\n[].every((v) => v === 6);。把代码直接复制到浏览器控制台,执行结果为true即符合预期。



  1. v1执行时间可以接受,v2执行时间以分钟计。
  2. 8 8 8没有找到答案,其他的都找到了不少答案。不过如果允许构造一个集合的话,就有一个比较离谱的答案:|{ 8, 8, 8 }|! = 6


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using LL = int64_t;
// Copyright 2023 hans7

const int N = 3, M = 11;
bool vis[N];
int p4[N + 1];
LL fac[M], a[N];
string ans[N];
set<string> ansSet;

void dbg() { puts(""); }
template <typename T, typename... R>
void dbg(const T &f, const R &...r) {
  cout << f << " ";

bool powTooLarge(LL x, LL y) {
  if (y >= 63) return x >= 2;
  return y * log(x) >= 43.66827237527655;

bool isPerfectSquare(LL v) {
  LL root = sqrt(v);
  return root * root == v;

bool dfs(int dep) {
  if (dep + 1 == N) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      if (!vis[i]) {
        if (a[i] == 6) {
        return a[i] == 6;
    return false;
  bool fl = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    if (vis[i]) continue;
    for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {
      if (vis[j]) continue;
      vis[j] = true;
      LL x = a[i], y = a[j];
      string tmpAnsI = ans[i], tmpAnsJ = ans[j];

      if (!powTooLarge(x, y)) {
        a[i] = round(pow(x, y));
        ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") ** (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
        if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;
      if (!powTooLarge(y, x)) {
        a[i] = round(pow(y, x));
        ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsJ + ") ** (" + tmpAnsI + ")";
        if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      if (y && x % y == 0) {
        a[i] = x / y;
        ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") / (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
        if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;
      if (x && y % x == 0) {
        a[i] = y / x;
        ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsJ + ") / (" + tmpAnsI + ")";
        if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x * y;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") * (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      if (y) {
        a[i] = x % y;
        ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") % (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
        if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;
      if (x) {
        a[i] = y % x;
        ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsJ + ") % (" + tmpAnsI + ")";
        if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x + y;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") + (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x - y;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") - (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;
      a[i] = y - x;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsJ + ") - (" + tmpAnsI + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x << y;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") << (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;
      a[i] = y << x;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsJ + ") << (" + tmpAnsI + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x >> y;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") >> (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;
      a[i] = y >> x;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsJ + ") >> (" + tmpAnsI + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x & y;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") & (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x | y;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") | (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x ^ y;
      ans[i] = "(" + tmpAnsI + ") ^ (" + tmpAnsJ + ")";
      if (dfs(dep + 1)) fl = true;

      a[i] = x;
      ans[i] = tmpAnsI;
      vis[j] = false;
  return fl;

int main(int, char **) {
  fstream file;"apple_interview_24point_similar-v1.txt", ios::out);
  streambuf *stream_buffer_out = cout.rdbuf();
  for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++) p4[i] = i ? p4[i - 1] * 4 : 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) fac[i] = i ? fac[i - 1] * i : 1;
  vector<size_t> ansSetSizes;
  for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
    bool hasAns = false;
    for (int S = 0; S < p4[N]; S++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
        int v = 0;
        string strV;
        int sVal = S / p4[j] % 4;
        if (sVal == 1 && isPerfectSquare(i)) {
          v = sqrt(i);
          strV = "sqrt(" + to_string(i) + ")";
        } else if (sVal == 2) {
          v = fac[i];
          strV = "fac(" + to_string(i) + ")";
        } else if (sVal == 3) {
          v = !i;
          strV = "!" + to_string(i);
        } else {
          v = i;
          strV = to_string(i);
        a[j] = v;
        ans[j] = strV;
      hasAns |= dfs(0);
    cout << i << " " << hasAns << endl;
    cout << "ansSet.size() = " << ansSet.size() << endl;
    string jsCode =
        "let fac = (v) => v > 0 ? v * fac(v - 1) : 1, { sqrt } = Math;\n[";
    for (auto v : ansSet) {
      jsCode += v + ", ";
    jsCode += "].every((v) => v === 6);";
    cout << jsCode << endl;
  cout << "ansSetSizes = [";
  ostream_iterator<size_t> out_iter(cout, ", ");
  copy(ansSetSizes.cbegin(), ansSetSizes.cend(), out_iter);
  cout << "]" << endl;
  return 0;
