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How to Use

Haven King edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 5 revisions

Getting Started

Requires Java 16

Download the jar file from the releases page and put it somewhere on your computer. In the same folder, create a folder named templates. Any templates you want to use should go in this folder.

java -jar proximity.jar --cards=YOUR_DECK_LIST

Note: the name of the default template may vary depending on your version of Proximity

The deck list should be a file in the same folder as proximity.jar. Each line of the card list should be in the format {COUNT}x {CARD_NAME} ({SET_CODE}) [OPTIONS], e.g.

1 Birds of Paradise (CN2)
1x Birds of Paradise (SLD)
1 Champion's Helm
1 Hammer of Nazahn
1 Kaldra Compleat
1 Mask of Avacyn
1 Spirit Link
1 Sword of Feast and Famine
1 Whispersilk Cloak
1 Worldslayer

Note: the set code and x after the card count are optional


There are also a large number of options that you can use to customize your proxies.


Proximity allows you to override any properties of a card you'd like! You need to know the name of the fields you're overriding. Then, it's as easy as a flag on your card:

1x Avacyn, Angel of Hope (2xm) --use_official_art=false --border=false --artist_outline=true --override=artist:SomeCustomArtist
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