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File metadata and controls

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Basic Training

We describe how to train a Bootleg model for named entity disambiguation (NED), starting from a new dataset. If you already have a dataset in the Bootleg format, you can skip to Preparing the Config. All commands should be run from the root directory of the repo.

Formatting the Data

We assume three components are available for input:

  1. Text datasets
  2. Entity and alias data
  3. Type and knowledge graph data

For each component, we first describe the data requirements and then discuss how to convert the data to the expected format. Finally, we discuss the expected directory structure to organize the data components. We provide a small dataset sampled from Wikipedia in the directory data that we will use throughout this tutorial as an example.

Text Datasets


  1. Text data for training and dev datasets, and if desired, a test dataset, is available. For simplicity, in this tutorial, we just assume there is a dev dataset available.
  2. Known aliases (also known as mentions) and linked entities are available. This information can be obtained for Wikipedia, for instance, by using anchor text on Wikipedia pages as aliases and the linked pages as the entity label.

Each dataset will need to follow the format described below.

We assume that the text dataset is formatted in a jsonlines file (each line is a dictionary) with the following keys:

  • sentence: the text of the sentence.
  • sent_idx_unq: a unique numeric identifier for each sentence in the dataset.
  • aliases: the aliases in the sentence to disambiguate. Aliases serve as lookup keys into an alias candidate map to generate candidates, and may not actually appear in the text. For example, the phrase "Victoria Beckham" in the sentence may be weakly labelled as the alias "Victoria" by a simple heuristic.
  • spans: the start and end word indices of the aliases in the text, where the end span is exclusive (like python slicing).
  • qids: the id of the true entity for each alias. We use canonical Wikidata QIDs in this training tutorial, but any string indentifier will work. See Input Data for more information.
  • gold: True if the entity label was an anchor link in the source dataset or otherwise known to be "ground truth"; False, if the entity label is from weak labeling techniques. While all provided alias-entity pairs can be used for training, only alias-entity pairs with a gold value of True are used for evaluation.
  • (Optional) slices: indicates which alias-entity pairs are part of certain data subsets for evaluating performance on important subsets of the data (see the Advanced Training Tutorial for more details).

Using this format, an example line is:

    "sentence": "Heidi and her husband Seal live in Vegas . ",
    "sent_idx_unq": 0,
    "aliases": ["heidi", "seal", "vegas"],
    "spans": [[0,1], [4,5], [7,8]],
    "qids": ["Q60036", "Q218091", "Q23768"],
    "gold": [true, true, true]

We also provide sample training and dev datasets as examples of text datasets in the proper format.

Entities and Aliases

You need an entity profile dump for training. Our Entity Profile page details how to create the correct metadata for the entities and aliases and the structural files. The path is added to the config in the entity_data_dir param (see below).

Directory Structure

We assume the data above is saved in the following directory structure, where the specific directory and filenames can be set in the config discussed in Preparing the Config. We will also discuss how to generate the prep directories in Preprocessing the Data. The emb_data directory can be shared across text datasets and entity sets, and the entity_data directory can be shared across text datasets (if they use the same set of entities).



Preparing the Config

Once the data has been converted to the correct format, we are ready to prepare the config. We provide a sample config in configs/tutorial/sample_config.yaml. The full parameter options and defaults for the config file are explain in Configuring Bootleg. If values are not provided in the YAML config, the default values are used. We provide a brief overview of the configuration settings here.

The config parameters are organized into five main groups:

  • emmental: Emmental parameters.
  • run_config: run time settings that aren't set in Emmental; e.g., eval batch size and number of dataloader threads.
  • train_config: training parameters of batch size.
  • model_config: model parameters of hidden dimension.
  • data_config: paths of text data, embedding data, and entity data to use for training and evaluation, as well as configuration details for the entity embeddings.

We highlight a few parameters in the emmental.

  • log_dir should be set to specify where log output and model checkpoints should be saved. When a new model is trained, Emmental automatically generates a timestamp and saves output to a folder with the timestamp inside the log_dir.
  • evaluation_freq indicates how frequently the evaluation on the dev set should be run. Steps corresponds to epochs by default (but can be configured to batches), such that 0.2 means 0.2 of an epoch has been processed.
  • checkpoint_freq indicates when to save a model checkpoint after performing evaluation. If set to 1, then a model checkpoint will be saved every time dev evaluation is run.

See Emmental Config for more information.

We now focus on the data_config parameters as these are the most unique to Bootleg. We walk through the key parameters in the data_config to pay attention to.


We define the paths to the directories through the data_dir, entity_dir, and entity_map_dir config keys. The first three correspond to the top-level directories introduced in Directory Structure. The entity_map_dir includes the entity JSON mappings produced in Entities and Aliases and should be inside the entity_dir. For example, to follow the directory structure set up in the data directory, we would have:

"data_dir": "data/sample_text_data",
"entity_dir": "data/sample_entity_data",
"entity_map_dir": "entity_mappings"

Entity Encoder

As described in the _Bootleg Model, Bootleg generates an embedding entity from an Transformer encoder. The resources which go in to the encoder input are defined in the config as shown below.

    use_entity_desc: true
      use_entity_types: true
      type_symbols_dir: type_mappings/wiki
      max_ent_type_len: 20
      use_entity_kg: true
      kg_symbols_dir: kg_mappings
      max_ent_kg_len: 60
    max_seq_len: 128
    max_seq_window_len: 64
    max_ent_len: 128

In this example, the entity input will have descriptions, types, and relations. You can control the total length of each resource by a max_ent_type_len and max_ent_kg_len param and the maximum entity length by max_ent_len.

Entity Masking

A secret sauce to getting our Bootleg encoder to pay attention to the types and relationships is to apply masking of the mention and entity title. Without masking, the model will rely heavily on mention-title memorization and ignore more subtle structural cues required for the tail. To overcome this, we mask entity titles in the entity encoder and mentions in the context encoder. By default, we mask titles and mentions 50% of the time, with more popular entities being masked up to 95% of the time. To turn this off, in data_config, set popularity_mask to be false.

If desired, we also support MLM style masking of the context input. By default, we do not use this masking, but you can turn it on by setting context_mask_perc to be between 0.0 and 1.0 in data_config.

Candidates and Aliases

Candidate Not in List

Bootleg supports two types of candidate lists: (1) assume that the true entity must be in the candidate list, (2) use a NIL or "No Candidate" (NC) as another candidate, and does not require that the true candidate is the candidate list. Not that if using (1), during training, the gold candidate must be in the list or preprocessing with fail. The gold candidate does not have to be in the candidate set for evaluation. To switch between these two modes, we provide the train_in_candidates parameter (where True indicates (1)).

Multiple Candidate Maps

Within the entity_map_dir there may be multiple candidate maps for the same set of entities. For instance, a benchmark dataset may use a specific candidate mapping. To specify which candidate map to use, we set the alias_cand_map value in the config.


We define the train, dev, and test datasets in train_dataset, dev_dataset, and test_dataset respectively. For each dataset, we need to specify the name of the file with the file key. We can also specify whether to use weakly labeled alias-entity pairs (pairs that are labeled heurisitcally during preprocessing). For training, if use_weak_label is True, these alias-entity pairs will contribute to the loss. For evaluation, the weakly labelled alias-entity pairs will only be used as more signal for other alias-entity pairs (e.g. for collective disambiguation), but will not be scored. As an example of a dataset entry, we may have:

   file: train.jsonl
   use_weak_label: true

Word Embeddings

Bootleg leverages BERT Transformers to encode the entities and mention context. This type of BERT model and its size is configured in the word_embedding section of the config. You can change which HuggingFace BERT model by the bert_model param, change its cached direction by cache_dir, and the number of layers by context_layers and entity_layers.

Finally, in the data_config, we define a maximum word token length through max_seq_len and that max window length around a mention by max_seq_window_len.

Preprocessing the Data

Prior to training, if the data is not already prepared, we will preprocess or prep the data. This is where we convert the context and entity token data to a memory-mapped format for the dataloader to quickly load during training. If the data does not change, this preprocessing only needs to happen once.

Warning: errors may occur if the file contents change but the file names stay the same, since the preprocessed data uses the file name as a key and will be loaded based on the stale data. In these cases, we recommend removing the ``prep`` directories or assigning a new prep directory (by setting ``data_prep_dir`` or ``entity_prep_dir`` in the config) and repeating preprocessing.

Prep Directories

As the preprocessed knowledge graph and type embedding data only depends on the entities, we store it in a prep directory in the entity directory to be shared across all datasets that use the same entities and knowledge graph/type data. We store all other preprocessed data in a prep directory inside the data directory.

Training the Model

After the data is prepped, we are ready to train the model! As this is just a tiny random sample of Wikipedia sentences with sampled KG information, we do not expect the results to be good (for instance, we haven't seen most aliases in dev in training and we do not have an adequate number of examples to learn reasoning patterns). We recommend training on GPUs. To train the model on a single GPU, we run:

python3 bootleg/ --config_script configs/tutorial/sample_config.yaml

If a GPU is not available, we can also get away with training this tiny dataset on the CPU by adding the flag below to the command. Flags follow the same hierarchy and naming as the config, and the cpu parameter could also have been set directly in the config file in the run_config section:

python3 bootleg/ --config_script configs/tutorial/sample_config.json --emmental.device -1

At each eval step, we see a json save of eval metrics. At the beginning end end of the model training, you should see a print out of the log direction. E.g.,

Saving metrics to logs/turtorial/2021_03_11/20_31_11/02b0bb73

Inside the log directory, you'll find all checkpoints, the emmental.log file, train_metrics.txt, and train_disambig_metrics.csv. The latter two files give final eval scores of the model. For example, after 10 epochs, train_disambig_metrics.csv shows


The fields are

  • task: the task name (will be NED for disambiguation metrics).
  • dataset: dataset (if case of multi-modal training)
  • slice: the subset of the dataset evaluated. final_loss is the slice which includes all mentions in the dataset. If you set emmental.online_eval to be True in the config, training metrics will also be reported and collected.
  • mentions: the number of mentions (aliases) under evaluation.
  • mentions_notNC: the number of mentions (aliases) under evaluation where the gold QID is in the candidate list.
  • acc_boot: the accuracy of Bootleg.
  • acc_boot_notNC: the accuracy of Bootleg for notNC mentions.
  • acc_boot: the accuracy of a baseline where the first candidate is always selected as the answer.
  • acc_boot_notNC: the accuracy of the baseline for notNC mentions.

As our data was very tiny, our model is not doing great, but the train loss is going down!

Evaluating the Model

After the model is trained, we can also run eval to get test scores or to save predictions. To eval the model on a single GPU, we run:

python3 bootleg/ --config_script configs/tutorial/sample_config.yaml --mode dump_preds --emmental.model_path logs/turtorial/2021_03_11/20_31_11/02b0bb73/last_model.pth

This will generate a label file at logs/turtorial/2021_03_11/20_38_09/c5e204dc/dev/last_model/bootleg_labels.jsonl (path is printed). This can be read it for evaluation and error analysis. Check out the End-to-End Tutorial on our Tutorials Page for seeing how to do this and for evaluating pretrained Bootleg models.

Advanced Training

Bootleg supports distributed training using PyTorch's Distributed Data Parallel framework. This is useful for training large datasets as it parallelizes the computation by distributing the batches across multiple GPUs. We explain how to use distributed training in Bootleg to train a model on a large dataset (all of Wikipedia with 50 million sentences) in the Advanced Training Tutorial.